Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's funny regarding Wildstar is the whole telegraph system : some time ago there was aWoW player made addon, AVR,which did the same job, aka drawing huge ass circles on the ground, showing where the boss will hit. They banned this addon because they felt it made the game too easy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What's funny regarding Wildstar is the whole telegraph system : some time ago there was aWoW player made addon, AVR,which did the same job, aka drawing huge ass circles on the ground, showing where the boss will hit. They banned this addon because they felt it made the game too easy.
Well the problem was at the time wow raids had nothing like that built in so basically you had the mod and the raid was easy mode or you didn't and there was a lot of death to non existent telegraphs. If you design your game to have them then you can make them more complex and the fights more complex because you give the players what they need information wise to react.

Adding those telegraphs into a game that is not designed for them takes an easy technical fight and makes it easier. It also should be noted a lot of the stuff AVR did eventually got incorporated into the default GUI and fights got more and more complex once everybody had access to that level of information.


Log Wizard
Some one want to link the 30 times the dev's said raiding is for the 1%? The hardest of the hardcore. Basically they said raids aren't for you. Why? Because you're already bitching and the game hasn't launched.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's funny regarding Wildstar is the whole telegraph system : some time ago there was aWoW player made addon, AVR,which did the same job, aka drawing huge ass circles on the ground, showing where the boss will hit. They banned this addon because they felt it made the game too easy.
It's important to remember that AVR (and the AVR support addons) were able to read the beginnings of telegraphs and know where things would land before the game used its own telegraphs, like in the case of Professor Putricide. In the case of BQL, it actually was able to designate spots based on distance to other players, thus making the chaining of the blood effect less probable.

It provided additional telegraphs which made the fights easier than intended. Wildstar could provide levels of telegraphs similar to WoW and remain near the same difficulty.

AVR did however provide fantastic low system requirements telegraphs for players who had lower end machines, though, so props for that.


FPS noob
i loved AVR because you could draw giant dicks all over the platform and then your dicks would show up on everyone elses screen that also had AVR. Thats really what MMOs need to do, let you graffiti up the environment and let you flex your creativity in the middle of a raid.

every MMO company claims their endgame content is for the hardcore, that there is separate content for casuals, and everything is going exactly as planned. Every single MMO company rapidly caves when 75% of the players don't sub past the first month, and it turns out its a lot harder creating new content in a live game than they thought especially when costs skyrocket and sales drop. So yeah, forgive us if most of us do a massive eye roll when Carbine says NO GUIS THIS SHIT IS FO REALZ WE ARE GONNA BE HARDCORE MOTHERFUCKERS. Especially when their parent company is NCSoft. We've seen this same thing now a dozen times and it always goes the exact same way.



Log Wizard
You must be under the impression that dodging circles is the only thing you are doing. You are incorrect.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This also helped me.

Approach 1: DirectX9
The first suggestion that was proposed by many users was to force Wildstar to run in DirectX9, as it appears that DirectX10 and 11 have had some serious issues with optimization. The process in order to do this is quite simple.
Right-click the shortcut icon on your Desktop
Select Properties
You'll notice under the Shortcut tab, that there is a box called Target
In this box it should list the location of your Wildstar installation. We need to slightly modify this line in order to force DirectX9 mode.
At the very end of your target, enter a space, followed by the text -dx9
For example, my target box is as follows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\WildStar\Wildstar.exe" -dx9


Blackwing Lair Raider
You must be under the impression that dodging circles is the only thing you are doing. You are incorrect.
Oh you're right, you have to avoid lasers as well. After playing Rift & FFXIV I'm just so sick and tired of this kind of raid design, zoom all the way + stare at the ground + avoid the circles/lasers/lines while doing your class rotation. It's like you're playing a badly designed action game instead of an RPG.

What other raid design is there? Zerg something till it drops and tank and spank?
Yea because those are the only 2 options right? I won't run through the list but you can find a lot of encounters that don't rely on this shit from FFXI, WoW, and even VG.


He specifically called out red spots on the ground and I'm pretty sure you can work out how the word is being accepted and used regarding MMOs.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He specifically called out red spots on the ground and I'm pretty sure you can work out how the word is being accepted and used regarding MMOs.
Words have meaning. You don't get to just make up your own criteria. A visual que is a telegraph no matter if it's a glowie red spot or defile or an animation.


Oh fuck off with that, you know exactly what he's referring to and only the dippest of shits would argue words can't take on new meanings.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I didn't say it should be super fun. It's not going to be super fun regardless, so whatever. It could be more fun though, a lot more. Bear ass quests are fine. Assuming you have to kill the bears. Quests that involve combat, which is generally the prime component of your mmorpg, are fine. Sure they're very boring but they give you directed grinding goals, you grind bears for 12 kills, then move on to grizzlies for 12kills, then to pandas for 12 kills etc. It's disguised grinding but that's fine, you have small easy to digest goals you can set for yourself and reach, instead of a seemingly endless grind. Then you have the bear ass collecting that doesn't involve combat, like there's some space plant that grows into bear asses, go pick up the flowers. Those are a lot shittier. They offer a break from the killing, however they also ruin the pace of leveling. They're nice fillers designed to extend the duration of the leveling while padding the xp amounts when "grinding" in an area due to the more limited amount of kills acceptable for a given quest(no one wants to do a quest that says kill 30bears). Have too many of these though and it becomes really fucking shitty.

Then you have overload which I mentionned. When you have an area that due to its size, variety and population can support say X amount of quests exploiting its content, but instead you're sent to perform X*2 quests there, a lot of which feel out of place or redundant. For example, kill the warrior aliens, kill the shaman aliens, pick up broken shields, pick up magic dust, kill shaman lord, free the prisonner(key is on shaman lord). All these quests are the same fucking quest. Clear the shit out of the alien camp. At most it's 2 fucking quests. Yet there's a bunch of quests and all of them have their own set of objectives. Finished killing your warriors but not your shamans? Well fuck you, kill some more warriors cause you can't find shamans or they're next to warriors. And then you ride back to town, turn in, and pick your next set of 6quests in one small area. Or well 3 quests, since 3 of the quests could be turned in and picked up with your space phone. But not all of them, because... eh, who knows?

See that's why I liked GW2 leveling, kinda. Still got boring after a few chars due to everything being the same one and a half path and shit but at least each "quest" which was a heart area, was just one big quest. You could pick up shit, kill shit, destroy things, whatever and everything would advance the progress. Then when you were done, no going back to town to turn in, just go to the next. Sometimes there were "random" events and going there you'd do the event and it'd start another event and you'd do that and so on, then when events were done you'd go back to hearts.

Also in case of, worth noting, while I did say grinding should be viable and dungeon xp should be better, I don't do that shit. I hate that shit, I hate grinding with a passion. I grind for 30mins and I want to kill myself. That's why I don't play Diablo and other games of that genre at max level for very long. I do like questing, and I do like the old questing system. However it's been done and redone and everytime it's the same fucking thing, or worse. Often worse in fact. Can't even say it's because wow does it, wow hasn't done that shit in many years. Wow expansions have short leveling with a lot of fuck around quests with vehicles, transformations, underwater shenanigans and what not. If the next expansion had BC leveling, the forums would go up in flames. And yet when a new mmo releases, it fucking copies that shit from 6+years ago that even Blizzard doesn't do anymore.

Anyway, I just don't like it. I've played a lot of the other mmos with similar questing, most recently FFXIV and Archeage, and I didn't have a problem with them. Part of it is because they felt fast to level in, or because I liked the quests, setting, characters and so on. Wildstar does nothing of that, it throws you generic NPCs who say 1line of text to you like "Go get me some things!" so obviously they didn't fucking care about the quests when they made them, and yet they make sure you spend a large amount of time getting the things, or killing the mobs on the way. Everytime I leveled and did a bunch of quests, I felt they were purposefully making me waste time for no reason other than increasing the longevity of the game.
Agree with this, especially the bolded part. Wildstar doesn't have the advantage of having pre-existing lore or characters that it can fall back on and mask the generic leveling (FFXIV). Give alternate ways to level, like grinding or even public quests. If you're going to have PvP make that even a viable leveling route. If you are not immersed in the world/story because the quests are bland and generic as fuck, the average player isn't going to have motivation to grind it out to get to end game.