Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Exactly. Games like TERA try to make combat twitchy, but it's never quite satisfying. This is my point - I don't feel it belongs in MMORPGs. One could argue quite convincingly that the draw of an MMO is social interaction. Why then, would you make an MMO in which during the largest portion of the gameplay (combat) you are unable to socialize (type)? Makes zero sense to me.
Wakandan what the fuck are you even going on about?

You wanna type while playing a game, go fucking play eve or a click and point adventure.


<Silver Donator>
Meh, I had plenty of time to type during EQ and WoW
You had time to type during wow when exactly? The only way that happened is if you were semi afking during the MC days and getting carried, wow initiated the fast paced fights trend with the 1.5s GCD and shit you have to press on cooldown, procs and what not. I think in Vanilla some specs might have been one button entirely(thinking Destrolock and Frostmage) but even that it was one keypress every 2secs at least.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would say even in EQ. I was a wizard so maybe it was different from others, but during combat i was always pressing something, I might be able to type something quick during a cast time but otherwise if there was fighting I was busy. It was the downtime between mobs(medding) or camps and on raids during pulls/loots/rez/setup/med etc where I was able to socialize. The actual combat itself? No, unless I was being lazy and not doing my part.


<Silver Donator>
I would say even in EQ. I was a wizard so maybe it was different from others, but during combat i was always pressing something, I might be able to type something quick during a cast time but otherwise if there was fighting I was busy. It was the downtime between mobs(medding) or camps and on raids during pulls/loots/rez/setup/med etc where I was able to socialize. The actual combat itself? No, unless I was being lazy and not doing my part.
Yeah I guess the downtime is a good point. Rezing retards who died to charging golems in MC after every pull, marking the 12 mobs of the next pull, doing a ready check to make sure not more than half the healers were afk, plenty of time to chat then. During combat though really not. I doubt it'll be very different in that regard though, when lvling in dungeons in wow you didn't stop between each pull, you just went and pulled next shit, there was very little downtime until you had to raid with half the guild being afk/retards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Exactly, which in quids statement, he said why make combat so you cant socialize, which makes no sense, I never really socialized while fighting(until VOIP came). It was the downtime that allowed socialization. Funny thing is, you don't have to just pull pull through a dungeon or what not, you can slow it down and take your time(socialize) but the market has pretty much moved past that, and almost all socialization is done through VOIP or /gu chat.


Trump's Staff
You guys are right... I think I may be referring to socializing during downtime rather than combat... But I guess in old MMOs there was more of that. Still, I can't stand active combat in MMOs... Maybe it's because I play them to chill out rather than be excited.


You guys are right... I think I may be referring to socializing during downtime rather than combat... But I guess in old MMOs there was more of that. Still, I can't stand active combat in MMOs... Maybe it's because I play them to chill out rather than be excited.
You could
still hold a
while in combat
depending what
class you



Mr. Poopybutthole
Sks had plenty of time to chat while fd'd and waiting for shit to pat away. Or in the middle of casting a lifetap. Improved my typing speed 300% in those days.


Trakanon Raider
I like to be completely engaged in combat, it's one of the main fun factors of any game for me if combat is a part of the game in any reasonably large fashion. I learned how to type fast as fuck when I was leading a guild and raids back in the day, that's for fuckin' sure.

edit: I just realized that I think that's actually where the majority of my typing skills initially came from and still carry on into this day. I know very few people who can type as fast as I can, lol.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
During WoW vanilla raids, you'd have plenty of time chatting with anyone when waiting for raiders to log in (depending of people's playtime). I kind of loved these times, when you were just AFk'ing in capitals, doing your stuff while socializing with people. You could also chat during graveyard runs, and if you were a rogue / hunter you could even chat during some encounters.


Molten Core Raider
I think it doesn't matter if it is action RPG or more traditional RPG for conversation/community. If group mechanics were returned to games ( roles, CC that matters again, classes that have clearly defined roles and support for grps ) things like that really up the community because you depend on others and there is coordination and strategy involved. Personally i dont want to hear about folks lives but i do like to connect over the gaming channel in tackling a challenge..

Unfortunately, its a SOLO MMORPG world now other than warp to a linear 20 minute loot grab... bring some things back that really require grp coordination ( action based or not ) and you get some community back.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unfortunately, its a SOLO MMORPG world now other than warp to a linear 20 minute loot grab... bring some things back that really require grp coordination ( action based or not ) and you get some community back.
I agree, nowadays a large bunch of people don't care nor give a fuck about community, they want to be able to log on ingame, do stuff worth their money and disconnect as they please, they don't want to "be community slaves". From what I've seen, back in the day people would defy their parents / girlfriend / husband to get involved in during The Guild's business, because it matters, because you matter, because everyone matter at some point. The good side is that it built communities, the bad side is some people (customers) were forced to play even if they didn't feel to (hey Toplel, we lack healers tonight, we don't care about your family's dinner, go hop in and heal some shit). I don't know, I had / have lots of free time therefore my opinion is biased, but people shouldn't commit when they can meet expectations.

About expectations, these days everything is more flexible (solo content, solo storyline, solo events, 5/10/20/25 man content, even flexible raids in the works regarding WoW), most sub-based MMOs have adopted paid content business model, where you basically don't have to "pay" for everyone, you just pay your gaming share (SWTOR, Rift, etc). You can literally hop in, play content for maybe 4 hours / week and it won't cost you the extra buck. That's how people don't commit nowadays, community wise. They don't want to be forced to do anything, they don't want to have forced interactions (you must be 5 people to kill this), they don't want to play with people who don't meet their standards (Jorge is AFK feeding his 2yo when you're alone hitting this boss), in a nutshell they don't want to be bothered at all. That's the problem when you're developing a MMO in 2013 : you have to meet every players' expectations : the WoW nerds, the old MMO fucks, the casuals, the hardcore, the kids, the adults, everyone. Everyone. Also reviews are biased because +/- 10% of actual players interact with community forums. There are people out there who will never tell you how they don't like your game, they'll just quit and be done with it. Deal with that.

I think building communities is quite hard nowadays, because people will try your MMO though they have their old WoW / Rift / EvE / whatever account laying around, and if your game doesn't retain them on day 1 they'll just go back to their old communities, because when you're out seeking new friends and they suck, it's always good going back home.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I agree, nowadays a large bunch of people don't care nor give a fuck about community, they want to be able to log on ingame, do stuff worth their money and disconnect as they please, they don't want to "be community slaves". From what I've seen, back in the day people would defy their parents / girlfriend / husband to get involved in during The Guild's business, because it matters, because you matter, because everyone matter at some point. The good side is that it built communities, the bad side is some people (customers) were forced to play even if they didn't feel to (hey Toplel, we lack healers tonight, we don't care about your family's dinner, go hop in and heal some shit). I don't know, I had / have lots of free time therefore my opinion is biased, but people shouldn't commit when they can meet expectations.

About expectations, these days everything is more flexible (solo content, solo storyline, solo events, 5/10/20/25 man content, even flexible raids in the works regarding WoW), most sub-based MMOs have adopted paid content business model, where you basically don't have to "pay" for everyone, you just pay your gaming share (SWTOR, Rift, etc). You can literally hop in, play content for maybe 4 hours / week and it won't cost you the extra buck. That's how people don't commit nowadays, community wise. They don't want to be forced to do anything, they don't want to have forced interactions (you must be 5 people to kill this), they don't want to play with people who don't meet their standards (Jorge is AFK feeding his 2yo when you're alone hitting this boss), in a nutshell they don't want to be bothered at all. That's the problem when you're developing a MMO in 2013 : you have to meet every players' expectations : the WoW nerds, the old MMO fucks, the casuals, the hardcore, the kids, the adults, everyone. Everyone. Also reviews are biased because +/- 10% of actual players interact with community forums. There are people out there who will never tell you how they don't like your game, they'll just quit and be done with it. Deal with that.

I think building communities is quite hard nowadays, because people will try your MMO though they have their old WoW / Rift / EvE / whatever account laying around, and if your game doesn't retain them on day 1 they'll just go back to their old communities, because when you're out seeking new friends and they suck, it's always good going back home.
Plus times have changed, and the MMO finds itself in strange territory. I remember 10 years ago or whatever, my main reason for playing an MMO was to see this huge populated world full of people. Was amazing to me that so many people could interact, have houses and craft for each other, group up and voyage out into unchartered territory. I certainly didn't think they were better than single player games, they couldn't be, and the gameplay was pretty shitty. In fact its still kind of shitty in most cases, the draw was the social aspect. Nowadays everyone is in constant communication 24/7 on facebook and everything else, and the social aspects are almost irrelevant. Added to this is is the fact that as you said most people expect a solo experience, which is totally bizarre to me in a game that can never be as good as a single player game, designed especially for a huge online community that soloing is almost mandatory. Its an online game, that can't stack up as well against single player games, designed specifically to be played online with other people but its possible and expected to do everything solo.

This along with things like LFR, teleporting to instances, instanced battlegrounds you queue for and warping to waypoints has affected the game negatively. Of course, an MMO now would be crazy to release without these features, they are expected and even though I'm trying to make a point here I too would not want to trek all the way to a dungeon entrance, find it tedious to make my own groups etc. But its one of those things that whilst they have changed I don't think it's for the better. Once you put systems in place where everyone can queue for LFR, battlegrounds and the rest and warp there and back the vast world that you've created is essentially a lobby with people sitting in capital cities chain queuing to get to the part of the game which can't hold a candle to todays modern single player experience. What's the point in having a huge game with all these little intricacies when people are just going to sit in the capital and never see them.

I'm not sure how to fix something like that, I think MMOs should be centered on grouping, your name should mean something on a server and the social aspect should be emphasised. But people would not want to go back to the mechanisms that facilitated this, and I totally understand why not. It leaves the MMO in really patchy territory.


Guilds are the way to go if you want to socialize. Even the worst MMO out there will let you form a guild and invite people. All of my socializing in MMOs occurred in guilds. Socializing is not always good. I've belonged to guild were we'd call each other faggot and if you didn't like something you'd call it gay. And I've belonged to guilds were wives and girlfriends were welcomed. The former was a lot better at raiding, btw.

Nobody is going to socialize you. You have to get into a social situation on your own. Finding a social experience is not hard. You either are a social person or you're a loner, it's on you, the mechanics to socialize are there.

In EQ when you camped and were forced into a social situation? Many of those people didn't want to socialize, they were forced to.


After dicking around in Rift, I will not last long playing a game derivative of WoW.
I play a few weeks, tell myself that, take a break for a month or two, then rinse and repeat.

My problem is, to quote Styx, I have too much time on my hands.

The only really different animal out there is EVE, and every time I get myself psyched to play I just go spend two days reading about it and I'm good. As much as I gripe about wanting something new, I still keep playing the older model stuff. The only nice thing is I haven't paid a sub in a while.