Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


what Suineg set it to
Having not followed this thread in months (THANKS OBAMA) I can safely assume this game has turned for the worse and start heckling everyone who posts anything not rabidly negative, right?
What the fuck does NCsoft have to do with anything? People not liking GW2 has nothing to do with NCsoft and everything to do with the design decisions they made. Is there any MMO publisher that people here don't have a hard on for?
Apparently you have a rager for NCSoft. Even after they shutdown Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes (when CoH was still profitable and had a large playerbase). NCSoft fucks their customers and kills their own games - how is this not a red flag??


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Having not followed this thread in months (THANKS OBAMA) I can safely assume this game has turned for the worse and start heckling everyone who posts anything not rabidly negative, right?
Correct. But make sure to get in touch with the "network" so you don't all do it at once, just once or twice a week with different people each time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Apparently you have a rager for NCSoft. Even after they shutdown Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes (when CoH was still profitable and had a large playerbase). NCSoft fucks their customers and kills their own games - how is this not a red flag??
AHhhhhh!! They killed your shemale superhero didn't they? Now I understand, carry on.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Apparently you have a rager for NCSoft. Even after they shutdown Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes (when CoH was still profitable and had a large playerbase). NCSoft fucks their customers and kills their own games - how is this not a red flag??
This is an interesting logic there, NCSoft shutdown two terrible games crippled with awful business models and major design flaws and they become the worst publisher ever. I wonder how EA would stand in your logic with Simcity, that would probably be like dividing by zero or creating blackhole supernovas.

On a more serious note I really don't have any problem with harsh criticism, for example I think these features deserve some :

- Hard factions, it just divides communities. Make the game guild-based / alliance-based, think meta, it's 2013 for the love of Sauron.
- Flying mounts, it kills any incentive going out of sanctuaries on PvP servers.
- Enforcing theme-park gameplay and cross-server instances at the cost of building server-based communities.

But when someone randomly lands here, stuttering silly things about how their first last century MMO was so awesome and now all games are shit without any facts backing his claims, I would take them as seriously and as relevant as people using lasagnas as frisbees : it doesn't get the job done and it makes a fucking mess.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hard factions piss me off. Still can't believe they think people not being able to talk to each other builds tension. Want to know what builds tension? People talking shit after they kill you


To my mind as someone who predominantly PvEs, hard faction locks are one of the worst things attempted PvE/PvP hybridization has done to the genre. It adds nothing to the PvE experience, splits your usable community by server in half, significantly increases the work of quest designers (flat out doubling the writing work), and blocks off chunks of content that it takes effort to create that I'd rather see used to create more endgame areas. And it's absolutely asinine from a lore perspective.

On top of that, even the PvP community seems split on whether it's a good feature for them or not.

I'd really, really like to see it go the way of the dodo.

And while I'm griping about a game I'm genuinely looking forward to playing anyway, once again I have to wonder who really missed 40 man raiding enough to bring it back. The only people in my vanilla WoW progression guild who didn't breathe a sigh of relief when they heard about the reduced raid sizes in BC were the nigh-incompetent seat warmers who got carried through content. Seeing all of the telegraphs going off in even a mid level 5 man dungeon and thinking back to the incredible fail we all got to witness on something like Heigan sends a chill up my spine. I've got some concerns about the netcode being able to handle it also, but I guess we'll see.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
See I would love to hear someone ask at one of these conventions that sort of question.


<Silver Donator>
I guess the main reason is to create a "community" sense of some sort that disapeared with the server transfers and the massive amount of people playing and shit. So instead of being from a specific server, you're from the Horde or the Alliance, and even if you server transfer you're still part of that community(well I believe they added faction changes in wow but until that). Then that probably has some advantage from an addiction point of view for casuals or what not, so it's good practice.

For everyone else it's fucking retarded. And I like that they always take the easy way out when they have hard factions and slap a "no communication between factions feature" on top of it.


EQOA Refugee
The more I play online games the more I feel community as we knew it is dead. Your average online gamer is selfish, self centered, impatient with ADHD and acts like a shithead. It's not just wow anymore. It's a phenomenon I've witnessed in several games since my time in EQOA. It's only gotten worse and I don't think it'll go back at this point.

On topic, large raids are pretty cool and hard factions suck. Idk why devs don't get this by now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The more I play online games the more I feel community as we knew it is dead. Your average online gamer is selfish, self centered, impatient with ADHD and acts like a shithead. It's not just wow anymore. It's a phenomenon I've witnessed in several games since my time in EQOA. It's only gotten worse and I don't think it'll go back at this point.
I think a lot of that is the world we live in. When the most of us started playing games like EQ the internet was fairly new. The idea at least to me of playing a game with someone from Sweden was amazing. People for the most part didn't have PC's so you didn't have the huge influx of people that you do now.

The newness of it all has worn off and this place is a perfect example. We have a lot of people that just can't seem to be able to get a single point across without sounding bitter and angry. I don't know about you but when I read posts that come off that way, I usually dismiss any valid point they might have.


Molten Core Raider
The more I play online games the more I feel community as we knew it is dead. Your average online gamer is selfish, self centered, impatient with ADHD and acts like a shithead. It's not just wow anymore. It's a phenomenon I've witnessed in several games since my time in EQOA. It's only gotten worse and I don't think it'll go back at this point.

On topic, large raids are pretty cool and hard factions suck. Idk why devs don't get this by now.
Games have changed.. With solo to end game, lack of predefined roles in groups, 20 minute McDungeons there is really no need for community and social interaction anymore....

Game designers in the MMO space have failed because they removed much of what built relationships in the past to make games "more accessible"... They are making games not worlds anymore.

Take combat for example the trinity + cc classes, debuffers, buffers, etc gave interdependence between classes and thus the encounters required thought and participation... Now if you remove or limit or streamline this stuff, it takes away something. This is not to say there are not better possible ways to do combat but in these newer MMOs there is rarely ever a reason for any grp coordination at all.

So right away u lose something which required interaction...what is worse is these designs failed to add more interaction points elsewhere. You could say simplify combat in a GW2 type of thing but you need to have other parts of the game pick up the slack as far as interaction goes...no game has done that to my knowledge.

Less interaction means less community.


Elisha Dushku
Wildstar currently does not have flying mounts. The rest are valid discussion points.
First gameplay video of an MMO that made me feel like Granpa Simpson. God bless all of you who are excited by this game but for me it just looks exhausting.



Trump's Staff
First gameplay video of an MMO that made me feel like Granpa Simpson. God bless all of you who are excited by this game but for me it just looks exhausting.

I am totally on board with you. That combat looks super intense... Not sure if I care to work that hard while playing an MMO. Unless their raids are under 2ish hours. That's about my max for video games of that level of twitch gameplay.
Having not followed this thread in months (THANKS OBAMA)
Just curious, what does Obama have to do with this. I hate politics FYI. I've followed this thread for quite some time without Obama interferring, so please, shed some light on this. I'm sure we're all waiting to hear your explanation.


Trump's Staff
Just curious, what does Obama have to do with this. I hate politics FYI. I've followed this thread for quite some time without Obama interferring, so please, shed some light on this. I'm sure we're all waiting to hear your explanation.
I'm sure we're fucking not. Just have the decency to ignore it like everyone else did. There's no need to shit up a good thread with political crap. Besides, If I wanted to discuss people's opinions on politics, it certainly wouldn't be with anyone here.