Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Potato del Grande
Logged in to beta for the first time in like 3 months and wow what an improvement. New UI and waaaay better FPS and everything just seems more crisp graphically. It also helps that they got rid of that annoying watermark all over the screen, now I can enjoy the finer details. Still can't get the urge to keep playing beta though, but mainly because I don't want to do everything over again at launch. I've made that mistake too many times in other MMO's.


I just logged into tonight after having not played since the watermark, and the game is pretty damn polished.

I'm not sure how many bugs are still in it, but got to give them respect for making it look, and play well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
WHat kind of FPS are people getting? With max detail i'm only getting 30 fps on a i7-4770k and gtx 760.
hmm, asus hd6970drect cuII and i72600k i have around 50-80 dps with ppl around (depending on the zone), 30-40 in ilum. over 100ish when im out on the open without ppl. That is at max detail.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"Additionally, as I've mentioned elsewhere, this is a SMALL patch for the week. We have over 750 changes/bug fixes queued up for Beta, but we can't get those all integrated and tested and stabilized in a week time frame. Stability is important right now"

That was posted by Cougar (Director of Operations, Carbide Studios) on their forums, so there will be a lot more fixes until the game goes live in June...


Played the game for about 6 hours today, and i'm already bored of it.

Can't take another quest grinder.


Avatar of War Slayer
I like it quite a bit. Way way more then starwars or Teso anyway. (not GW2)

But yeah, standard themepark mmo. just one with alot of style.

Only played a bit. have too much work dumped on me.

Did a spellslinger to 7, then esper to 6, then back to spellslinger to 9 on Friday. (was a 1-3 dominion Medic for a couple minutes too)

I didn't find that esper as bad as suggested. The auto attack is stationary yeah. but large range, solid damage, and decent aoe size.
By, 6 though, had the pet tank, the drop and move blade attack. And even the silly twirling aoe. Not nearly as stationary as you guys suggest.

Spellsinger is really reliant on their class skill. Constantly turning that back on. Presumably at higher levels, there is actual strategy of turning it on and off, to make sure certain skills get it, and not just on all the time, until you run out.


Potato del Grande
Downloaded the game, logged in, chick asked me to interrogate some people for copper, uninstalled


Musty Nester
I don't understand how people can still be so bad at Esper. It's not like there's some kind of confusing depth to the class.

The class gradually becomes more mobile. By 15 you're 75% mobile. By 25 you're 100% mobile. And they moved the pets way down in levels... so I mean, I dunno.

People saying that Esper is a stationary class haven't played them past the tutorial. Literally.


I don't understand how people can still be so bad at Esper. It's not like there's some kind of confusing depth to the class.

The class gradually becomes more mobile. By 15 you're 75% mobile. By 25 you're 100% mobile. And they moved the pets way down in levels... so I mean, I dunno.

People saying that Esper is a stationary class haven't played them past the tutorial. Literally.
Considering how fast a lot of the mobs in the early levels (past tutorial) can respawn and get on you again, I think a lot of people decided at Level 10 the class sucked after they got out of the tutorial. If it opens up at 15, they probably were watching other classes rip things up without dying so much and decided the class was too static.

In their defense, they may have not read the skill trees to see at what level all that 'mobility' comes into play.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
hmm, asus hd6970drect cuII and i72600k i have around 50-80 dps with ppl around (depending on the zone), 30-40 in ilum. over 100ish when im out on the open without ppl. That is at max detail.
It's weird. Iv'e tried it on 4 different machines now with the same bad framerate problems. Was posted earlier that they are aware of the problem and hopefully they fix it in time. Dunno how many times I'm gonna give this another chance to see if it improves.


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't understand how people can still be so bad at Esper. It's not like there's some kind of confusing depth to the class.

The class gradually becomes more mobile. By 15 you're 75% mobile. By 25 you're 100% mobile. And they moved the pets way down in levels... so I mean, I dunno.

People saying that Esper is a stationary class haven't played them past the tutorial. Literally.

Although, I won't sit here and say, if you don't like the gameplay of the class, you are wrong! if they don't like it, they don't like it. its ok to play something else.

Overall, its not like I would even say the gameplay is great. Its not BAD. But, it doesn't really stand out to me either. Like I had a ball playing a d/d elem in GW2 beta. I loved playing a riftstalker in Rift. or a cholormancer. etc.
I wouldn't say anything I played, flows nearly as well as those.

even my rogue in Teso, blinking to targets and oneshotting them over and over. Pretty quick to get a solid rotation.


On Framerate, the game is definitely not as well optimized as FF14, and TESO.
Those games used better looking tech( not to be confused with better art), and were much smoother.

This game even on the best rigs fluctuates greatly in FPS on max settings. Maybe it will change for live, but I can't see that happening.


FFXIV looked amazing and ran really well. Wildstar looks 10 years old and runs like shit and between the two you really need better fps in Wildstar than FFXIV


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hyperbolic much?
It isn't hyperbolic. The entire point of using the type of graphics and style that they do is to get superior performance and an ability for it to run on lower end machines. While some aren't having problems, many are suffering huge performance issues that they have admitted to and say they are working on. The clock is ticking and they need to fix it fast or many wont purchase it just for that issue alone.


Vyemm Raider
It isn't hyperbolic. The entire point of using the type of graphics and style that they do is to get superior performance and an ability for it to run on lower end machines. While some aren't having problems, many are suffering huge performance issues that they have admitted to and say they are working on. The clock is ticking and they need to fix it fast or many wont purchase it just for that issue alone.
Yes it is. The games tech is almost a generation ahead of WoW's. It may look cartoony, but the tech there is much more impressive than WoW's was. It also doesn't run like shit. When I first joined the beta about 5 months ago I would have said it ran like shit, but since then, the performance has improved dramatically, and it's still an ongoing process that will continue to improve.