Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Blackwing Lair Raider
Gonna hit up the beta after work. I forget how the servers work for Beta, is it possible we could get some groups or even a beta guild on here? be nice to have some dudes to play with.

Currently leaning towards not purchasing retail myself. But gonna give the open beta a good shot and see if it persuades me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Most of us who have been playing WoW since launch are burned out on it. If you aren't burned out on WoW it's probably the best MMO out there still.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I do like Wildstar. but if you are still playing WoW...
Its not a WoW killer. its good. its wow 2.0 maybe.

But the real question is, do you have people to play with switching to Wildstar too?

This board is mostly EQ fanboys, and anything without the EQ will get panned. They will jump into Landmark, just because of the EQ name, despite being a totally different genre really.
or, the pvpers. Who are still in TESO atm. And as bad as that game is at everything else, the RvR is pretty ok.
Wildstar is pure battlegrounds, even with the warplots. RvR pvpers are not going to bite.


As "stylish" as it is, I still think the whole game looks tacky and ugly as shit. That, coupled with the sub fee, make this game sit-out-worthy. At least for me. I might have even enjoyed a Vanilla WoW 2.0, but for the sake of jeebus, it's like a more jagged FreeRealms with a futuristic theme. I'm not saying Vanilla WoW looked amazing, but it's fucking 2014. Hell, I'm honestly surprised that this game has as much fanfare as it does.


Probly because people are sick of WOW, and anything that looks even remotely close is something they are interested in.

I don't care how good the art is the graphics suck ass for a 2014 game. Can you imagine this game in 5 years? it will look like pong.


So after playing it awhile......was the goal to make this game a updated graphics/combat system of wow? if so, then job well done.

Uhg. What a waste.


Woah this game runs like dogshit for a WoW clone with cartoon graphics. FPS nightmare.
I guess since you are comparing it to wow you must be trying to run it on a 5+ year old computer?

Game runs smoother than any mmo released in the last few years. Granted, I have a computer that is not a piece of shit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I guess since you are comparing it to wow you must be trying to run it on a 5+ year old computer?

Game runs smoother than any mmo released in the last few years. Granted, I have a computer that is not a piece of shit.
Many people with high end computers are having issues. There is an actual thread on it. I hardly call a i7 4770k with 8 gigs of ram and a gtx 760 a POS.


Trakanon Raider
It will probably fall into the category with Guild Wars 2 and Rift, it'll be fairly popular but not amazing. There will be plenty of players for a few years. No idea about the high end computers having issues, I have a mid range computer and don't, so its probably more of a specific issue than just "Wildstar runs bad".

People still talk about graphics?? You don't need to play the game to see what the graphics are like. Welcome to a conversation that was had last year.


I guess since you are comparing it to wow you must be trying to run it on a 5+ year old computer?

Game runs smoother than any mmo released in the last few years. Granted, I have a computer that is not a piece of shit.
I'm actually running a new and faily decent rig, thats why I was surprised at the bad FPS. I didnt bother to try and optimize it because I could tell its not the game for me after playing 10 minutes or so.


I'm fairly sure it's going to flop a lot harder than Rift. Firing off a generic wow clone in 2011 is a lot different than doing it in 2014.

That's just my opinion and from gauging general reactions/interest. There doesn't seem to be that much interest lately, whether it's because it's now a game you can play instead of just listening to the hype, and people don't like what they've played, or ESO hangover or what.

Even this thread is pretty fucking quiet. I can hear the echos from the last time I posted that the game sucked


I'm actually running a new and faily decent rig, thats why I was surprised at the bad FPS. I didnt bother to try and optimize it because I could tell its not the game for me after playing 10 minutes or so.
I also am throwing out an i7 with a GTX670, which isn't top of the line anymore but it's certainly no POS. Game looks good but the FPS is terrible.

My first impressions of the game are mixed. If the performance was 2-3x better I'd seriously consider it, but as it is, I don't want to play something they can't seem to optimize well and pay a sub fee.


I'm fairly sure it's going to flop a lot harder than Rift. Firing off a generic wow clone in 2011 is a lot different than doing it in 2014.

That's just my opinion and from gauging general reactions/interest. There doesn't seem to be that much interest lately, whether it's because it's now a game you can play instead of just listening to the hype, and people don't like what they've played, or ESO hangover or what.

Even this thread is pretty fucking quiet. I can hear the echos from the last time I posted that the game sucked
The thing is, these forums are never a good indication on how good a game will be.

This game will do very well. Much better than Rift, and leaps and bounds better than ESO (not that hard to do).

Game has better animations & combat than Rift, SWTOR, ESO, and GW2 had. The UI is exceptional, the game runs well (some people have issues, but from what I've seen they have shitty graphics cards and/or bad drivers).

The game is just extremely polished. It's quite impressive tbh. Obviously a game in the same vein as WoW isn't going to be popular on a board like this. The funny thing is, it doesn't matter. Game will be huge.

WoW-like amazing animations & combat smoothness (that no game has been able to do since WoW) + releasing with raids + interesting PVP = success.


Id tend to agree with toxx. I haven't played this yet but this board is definitely not the place to gauge interest. From the ground up it isn't a game that most people on this forum are looking for.

Look at Archage people here are loving that and I'm pretty sure that didn't do to well in Asia as well is completely opposite to Wildstar.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The thing is, these forums are never a good indication on how good a game will be.

This game will do very well. Much better than Rift, and leaps and bounds better than ESO (not that hard to do).

Game has better animations & combat than Rift, SWTOR, ESO, and GW2 had. The UI is exceptional, the game runs well (some people have issues, but from what I've seen they have shitty graphics cards and/or bad drivers).

The game is just extremely polished. It's quite impressive tbh. Obviously a game in the same vein as WoW isn't going to be popular on a board like this. The funny thing is, it doesn't matter. Game will be huge.

WoW-like amazing animations & combat smoothness (that no game has been able to do since WoW) + releasing with raids + interesting PVP = success.
i7 4960x with 32 gigs of 1866 memory and a Geforce 770. Nothing to cough at. - This game just isnt optimized for high end PC's in my opinion. I shouldnt EVER run into frame rate issues with a game of this nature. Hell, I can run Arma 3 and get around 55-65 fps on maximum settings. Just dont automatically assume we have shitty PC's. Ill come back and try this game after its been out for a couple months.


Log Wizard
This game could burn out in a month or it could draw people out to the coveted 3month+ category. No one has a clue which it's going to be. I'm generally really excited to play the new MMO's that aren't hot Korean garbage, but I feel neither way about this one.

Think if they keep their shit tight with balance/fixes/content generation this could be worth the subscription... for a little while at least.