

Musty Nester
I love season 1. Every episode and the entire season as a whole.

They kinda lost me halfway through season 2. It was still funny enough, but season 1 was lightning in a bottle. It was exactly the right ratio of sentimental, dark, optimistic, crass, and surreal. S2 kinda jerked around with it. And I don't even blame them. How do you continue the story past S1 besides for either putting ryan in a mental ward (but for real) or showing him dead his couch holding his suicide note.

There wasn't really a third option. But Wilfred (the guy in the dog suit) is still funny as shit.


Life's a Dream
I'll admit that season 2 was a little strange, but I stuck it out. I enjoyed it as a whole. Looking forward to 3. Also, I want more House of Lies, even though that just recently ended. I dig that silly show.


FPS noob
shows back, airing 2 episodes a week it seems. final season I believe. premiere was good, I don't like the show that much honestly (way too dark/cynical for me) but something keeps me watching. mostly wilfred, fuck frodo


<Gold Donor>
Fuck this show. I'm completely invested in this shit and I kind of wish that I hadn't picked up on it at first so that I could marathon it over a week or two and see everything unfold without having to wait. You watch it because it's incredibly good writing and they teeter the dark comedy on the edge of completely going over into the Australian version by anchoring reality around Frodo's interactions. The show is just really masterfully crafted. No A, B, or C side stories just balls out main story line the entire time and for a show that opened with the protagonist trying to kill himself they're keeping up the theme that this is all possibly disappearing at any moment within their pacing. They've probably been grasping onto the hope that they could get to the point where a good resolution can come out of the arc but they could have successfully tied things up well in the previous few seasons. The show runners having no idea how long they could keep this up but still trying to set up each season for reasonable closure has been refreshing and also allowed them to amp things up season by season for whatever the hell direction they are taking this. Dwight Yoakam needs to be a crazy asshole on every show on tv right now.


that was the series finale. sad. great show. was hoping they went another angle with it but i guess saying you can be crazy and happy is alright i guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So was that the last episode or are we getting one more?
Did you watch both episodes?

Anyways, I really liked it. At first when he willed Wilfred back I was a little disappointed since they just spent time having him fully realize it was all imaginary and finally willing him away. Then they tied it together really nicely and I was happy. First episode was crazy good. Actual finale was not quite as interesting to me but still really good.

The full storyline with his sister was really well done as well. With Ryan kind of being her Wilfred in the end.

I'd like someone way more detail oriented to go through the series and make a list of all the things that were either impossible without a real Wilfred or just the things that would have required Ryan to be the most flat out insane and public to do.

One little detail, the opening always starts with a quote that then fades away to a single word(episode title). Final episode started with the word and faded in the quote. Symbolic of the ending I guess. Instead of going through all the shit to get to the resolution Ryan is finally there and going forward.

Room got dusty at this scene...



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
they pretty much did that. him giving himself a swirly, the electric collar etc...
All in house minor shit.

Most of even the egregious stuff can be explained away by Ryan hallucinating though I guess. Earlier this season one really stuck out to me, the selfie Wilfred sent to Ryan's dad was taken from an impossible angle for Ryan to do. But we only saw it from Ryans viewpoint, the actual picture could have been different and Ryan was just seeing it how he needed to for the story.


Was just googling, the first episode opening quote...

"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination." - Mark Twain



Musty Nester
So Wilfred was "actually" his dog.

They alluded to that in season 1 with his mother and her cat. There's worse ways they could have taken the ending.

Think I'm gonna shotgun 2 seasons of Wilfred sometime this month.


FPS noob
Elijah Wood on the Wilfred Finale and Selfies -- Vulture

I liked the first season, never really liked the show past that (way too sad/fuck-Frodo) but I have an old dog so watching the show with him laying on my legs is emotional for me. My favorite parts of the show where when Wilfred would do something very dog like and give a perfectly rational dog explanation for it, loved that shit.

I'm not sure I would ever really recommend this show to anyone unless they were pretty much depressed all the time or borderline crazy/suicidal, not sure it would help either type of person though.

interesting and different show but I just didn't like a lot of the plot lines, Elijah's character, or Jenna and the actor switches for the mom and Bruce really bugged me - I know its out of their control, but still really bugged me for some reason.

i like the little basement door shot at the end, I assume the beach couch represents his "new" basement with a fully imaginary Wilfred


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In that interview he mentions

"We would joke on the set that if he's in the basement in his mind, and if maybe that place doesn't exist, maybe he's in a closet sitting with his dog, smoking a bong."



<Gold Donor>
Just watched the last two episodes, and I'm overall pretty happy with how the whole series went. I even appreciate the fact that they showed the last two episodes together (I realize they've been doing that for a few weeks, but in particular I was glad of this time) because waiting a week between them would have ruined it a little I think. The penultimate episode was pretty fucking sad, and while it would have been a decent place to end things, I'm glad they took it the extra step with the final episode. It wasn't cheesy or corny or trying to explain things for dumb people, it actually expanded on and confirmed things we suspected but never really knew for sure.

Still, this is definitely one of the saddest moments I've seen on TV in quite awhile. Right in the feels.

Room got dusty at this scene...
