Witcher 3


Trakanon Raider
Some of the boss fights in W2 are way better than witcher 3. I found most of witcher 3 bosses I could just spam through where W2 required a bit more twitch game play.


Trakanon Raider
The first one definitely, it adds lvl 30+ content, the second is supposed to come out in a few months.


Got something right about marriage
Alright now that I've finally figured out how to play this game I'm having a great time. After I got to Velen I tried to run around to all the message boards and go to POIs before I advanced the story and was severely underleveled and banging my head against the wall. As soon as I realized I need to advance the main story arc little by little and do sidequests and POIs near where it was taking me everything got a lot better.

Noodle, you're really doing yourself a great disservice rushing through this game. Everything in it feels like it belongs, all the sidequests have pretty good stories that tie into the entire world they've created. This is definitely one of the best games I've played. Level 10 now and rolling. If I get careless it's still very easy to die but if I use my signs right and pay attention the combat is very fun. Really good mix of challenging but rewarding.

Biggest thing I've notice is... Play Gwent and do Horseraces as soon as you get to new areas that have those available and always look at the shit you've looted and see what the merchants are selling/can make for you. A lot of games the crafting doesn't matter at all and everything you pick up is inconsequential because it's not useful. Not the case at all in this game. I feel like everything I do actually means something.


Got something right about marriage
I bought the season pass but don't see any options to download Hearts of Stone (the first released expansion) without paying $9.99. Where do I get it?


Got something right about marriage
PSN but it's not downloaded/added. And I can't find an option to download it without paying $9.99


Got something right about marriage
Nope not in the library.

The expansion pass was definitely purchased because when I navigate to that it says "Purchased" but when I go to add-ons in the PS4 GUI it's not listed and when I go to DLC in the game's start screen it's also not listed.

I guess I'm not high enough level to worry about it quite yet but this is pretty stupid.


Something that will doubtless amuse some of you:

Discovering today that when I started Witcher 3, that the save file imported was not the correct one because Witcher 2 had a shitacular implementation of savefiles. In other words, the Letho-live choice, amongst others, wasn't imported. Guess I get to spend 30+ more hours getting back to where I was...

(And if you're wondering how this happened, there's a technical limitation on the number of save files Witcher 3 looks for in #2's save folder. It starts at the EARLIEST save you have and stops when it hits the limit. So all my "final" save files weren't on the list to import in the first place.)


Still begs the question of why the save files before finishing the game were included in the first place. Importing from 1 to 2 only had the Epilogue saves as valid, but 2 to 3 seems to include EVERYTHING.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Finally got back to playing this game, moved house, work load increased ten fold so just had no tiime after playing a bit at release. For anyone starting out just I would recomend just putting the game on Death March from the start, I remembered when i first played the game (only got up to the baron so never done much) that it was to easy on hard and it got a bit boring not having to worry about anything and just spaming fast attack over and over.

Playing on Death March really makes you make full use of your skill set, not so much that you have to micro manage everything and pausing the fight every few seconds to drink a potion or change sign, but enough to make you think about your target not just spam fast attack and collect loot with no care for defensive skills. Feels a lot more rewarding as well, last night I killed a level 16 Drake at level 3 it took forever and lots of tactical play and using the enviroment/roach as bait and i died a few times but it was fun. Packs of mobs are pretty fun as well as it only takes 2-3 hits to kill you and well 10 wolves or 6 drowners will kill you pretty fast if you are not switched on.

Game is without doubt GOTY, Gwent alone is more fun then 90% of games released last year


Got something right about marriage
I don't know how the hell you killed a level 16 Drake at level 3 with no real useful abilities in the tree unlocked yet. I'm playing on Death March but I still struggle with things only 3-4 levels ahead of me, I imagine if you got hit even once without Quen up (or even with it up) you'd die. Impressive.

I agree with everything you said though. Lots of games tell you there are tricks/weaknesses for certain enemies but those weaknesses make no real difference and you just spam whatever your most powerful spell/ability is. This game it actually matters, noticeably. And yea, Gwent is pretty fun, I've been running around Velen challenging everyone I can find.

Also, I kind of wish I could just play as Ciri. Dashing around like a madman in combat is ridiculously fun.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Gwent alone is more fun then 90% of games released last year
I agree here, fucking Gwent is the shit and I think I spent half of my massive playtime in this just playing Gwent.

"Up for a game of cards? Gwent, specifically."


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know how the hell you killed a level 16 Drake at level 3 with no real useful abilities in the tree unlocked yet. I'm playing on Death March but I still struggle with things only 3-4 levels ahead of me, I imagine if you got hit even once without Quen up (or even with it up) you'd die. Impressive.

I agree with everything you said though. Lots of games tell you there are tricks/weaknesses for certain enemies but those weaknesses make no real difference and you just spam whatever your most powerful spell/ability is. This game it actually matters, noticeably. And yea, Gwent is pretty fun, I've been running around Velen challenging everyone I can find.

Also, I kind of wish I could just play as Ciri. Dashing around like a madman in combat is ridiculously fun.
Quen worked to absorb a hit and lose half my HP so just had to keep above 50% hp and Quen up which not easy at level 3, took about 5 mintues of hit twice/roll/dodge rince repeat, but one mistake would be death. I have bleed on my wep so that helped


I got this game on the PS4 and it's no doubt the best RPG game I've ever played. I finished it last night after starting it before Christmas. The thought of playing MMOs over the past few weeks never even crossed my mind.

Never played the first two games but they aren't available on the PS4. Are they worth playing on the PC or will they be a letdown after playing 3 on the PS4? I'm mainly just interested in all the lore. Thinking about just buying the books instead.