Wizardhawk's memorial thread (a cautionary tale of dental care and garlic)

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Garlic is actually stronger than penicillin and unlike it, it doesn't kill good bacteria and cause side effects like penicillin. Not to mention it costs pennies and doesn't require a doctor visit or a prescription. As for Steve Jobs, I doubt he actually tried natural cures because if he did, he'd still be alive. I cured my own cancer np with it just like I cured my abscess with garlic.

Like Grimson said though, you need to address the cause of the infection itself. Garlic alone won't cure you but it will kill the infection you have right now. That's why I said you need to brush vigorously to the point of bleeding and make sure you get all food that might be caught anywhere in your mouth. To do this you will probably need to floss as well.
What kind of cancer did you have?


Just a Nurse
Go to an emergency room dental clinic. They do extractions typically for free or for very little. The downside is, because these are students working on them, you might get a little more hurt, haha. But, make sure you make the decision you want on that you DO have an extraction.

ps, you don't need medicare/medicaid to go to these. I went to one in my undergrad.


Molten Core Raider
i could have used garlic to cure the abscess on my neck and ass instead of having them sliced open?


Vyemm Raider
i could have used garlic to cure the abscess on my neck and ass instead of having them sliced open?
Yes, depending on how advanced the infection is.

Go to an emergency room dental clinic. They do extractions typically for free or for very little. The downside is, because these are students working on them, you might get a little more hurt, haha. But, make sure you make the decision you want on that you DO have an extraction.

ps, you don't need medicare/medicaid to go to these. I went to one in my undergrad.
Probably the dumbest and worst advice anyone on this thread has given. Hey let's have a bunch of rookies pulling my fucking teeth out, great fucking idea. You don't need to have anything pulled and only idiots get their teeth pulled. It's probably the most unnecessary risk there is and the biggest scam the dental profession has ever conjured up.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
lumie, i have a pimple on my chin and i just ate some garlic. do you think it will help?


Just a Nurse
Are you some kind of fucking retard, you stupid dipshit? <--That's my attempt at acting like Lumie.

Abscesses in the teeth can be some of the worst infections you can have. You can use Amoxicillin for only so long before it spreads because by that point, the tooth is just going to be screwed. Not to mention, they're not rookies. While they're students, they still have experience doing it. Just not as much as an endodontic dentist.

Lumie's one of those twats who believes that you can cure HIV with something stupid like Vitamin C.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
deep inside i kinda want methhawk to take lumie's advice just to see how disastrous the results will be


Molten Core Raider
Lumie's one of those twats who believes that you can cure HIV with something stupid like Vitamin C.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Love is simply a construct from the lizard overlords to blind stupid fucking retards like you to the truth.


Lumi, it is not stupid to have 3 rd molars extracted. Many times they erupt partially and act as bacteria trap, and may always serve as a source of infection. How else is a dental student supposed to learn? Besides by the time they start pulling teeth they are well into dental school, may even be doing 2 extra years on top of the 4 years to become an oral surgeon. Pulling teeth is not rocket science, certainly not the hardest thing to do in dental. My guess is the OP's tooth has already lost a lot of bone and because it is badly decayed, it will prolly be easy to remove. What is/was right for you as far as treatment for various, illnesses may not be right for someone else. What if the OP takes your advice and uses garlic and drops dead from a brain infection?


A Mod Real Quick
I have a friend who is a dentist. He said you can die from it. Disregard lizard men advice. If you can't afford $600 get on a payment plan, they shouldn't make you pay up front right?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Lumi, it is not stupid to have 3 rd molars extracted. Many times they erupt partially and act as bacteria trap, and may always serve as a source of infection. How else is a dental student supposed to learn? Besides by the time they start pulling teeth they are well into dental school, may even be doing 2 extra years on top of the 4 years to become an oral surgeon. Pulling teeth is not rocket science, certainly not the hardest thing to do in dental. My guess is the OP's tooth has already lost a lot of bone and because it is badly decayed, it will prolly be easy to remove. What is/was right for you as far as treatment for various, illnesses may not be right for someone else. What if the OP takes your advice and uses garlic and drops dead from a brain infection?
thats not true.

if molars were unnecessary, god wouldnt have created them in humans. they are intelligently designed like everything else in the human body


Go to an emergency room dental clinic. They do extractions typically for free or for very little. The downside is, because these are students working on them, you might get a little more hurt, haha. But, make sure you make the decision you want on that you DO have an extraction.

ps, you don't need medicare/medicaid to go to these. I went to one in my undergrad.
What Kuriin said. Source my sister is a dentist. She has worked in ER rooms in DC too. Who do you think stitches up someone's face when they have been shot? Not a regular resident. Dentists know the face nerves. They are required to have one on call.

Dental students working on their exam will actually pay you to let them do procedures. Clinics like Kurin said are cheaper options too. Still better than doing it yourself.


LOL. Well I guess if you are a creationist. Actually some think that we are evolving out of our 3rd molars, many people are missing them all togeather. Our skulls are smaller than they used to be and we don't eat the same foods as we used to.


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i cant remember a single time lumie has ever been right about something: armageddon predictions, apocalyypse forecasts, kiting in burning woods, intelligent design, god, biology, law of biogenesis,.

lumie is wring on everything, why should anyone think this will be different? hah


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Hmmm Lumie might be onto something here, there are quite a few articles that can be found saying garlic does help with tooth infections

Garlic For A Tooth Infection | LIVESTRONG.COM

Home remedies for tooth infection - TEETOOTH.COM

No harm to try I guess
No harm to try?
The clock is ticking. If he doesn't get that shit sorted out he dies.

He can use some penicillin , which may or may not buy him some time, but he needs to make a priority to see a dentist and get that shit pulled out of his mouth.