Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Gutted for some of the players but you can't win a game with no real offensive threat, even with some decent possession we have nobody that can unlock a defense such as Belgium do with De Bruyne, Hazard, Mertens, Mirallas, etc. Maybe Green will turn into one of those but we're going to need a lot more in the next 4 years to make a real difference for the 2018 event.


Dental Dammer
Got to give Germany a break, they're only decent at one thing so they think it's the only thing that matters.
I hate Germany as much as the next person but I'm struggling to see what the USA is decent at. Aside from having a huge % of people that don't vaccinate their children, believe in angels and are morbidly obese. Of course you are decent at baseball and American handball but those things are shit, hockey is about the best sport you have but the Canadians own you in that anyway.