World of Tanks


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I actually enjoy Westfield if I'm not in a medium. It even works good to go hill in my T49, can't stand the east side.


Trying to change maps away from MOBA-style "three lanes and that's it" is always worth doing - whether they've succeeded or not remains to be seen.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Free box tank today. 50% crew kinda sucks tho,will have to upgrade it. Probably won't even play it lol.


what Suineg set it to
Trying to change maps away from MOBA-style "three lanes and that's it" is always worth doing - whether they've succeeded or not remains to be seen.
I agree, I think they've sort of boxed themselves into a corner with the tank power creep though. Fact is the WF E-100 is dumb as shit and even after the nerfs (specific and general such as the accuracy nerf) it still basically commands an entire 'lane' on its own. They can't make some maps people used to like work anymore because you have gobs of autoloaders, tanks with Russian or better armor layouts, faster mediums with higher DPM... hell even the T49 152mm - it's gotten to the point where any areas which don't have complete hard cover are worthless which means tons of impassable terrain or ridiculous terrain to neuter everything put into the game in the last 2 years.

The scale is the big issue at this point I think. The smallest maps are just absurd to play at tier 10.

On the other hand, fuck arty.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Apparently they are tired of people seeking cover but at a lot of tiers no cover = death in just a few seconds. People can see 3/4 of the way across the map and unload a few thousand damage in a full magazine and they wonder why people want to not fucking move unless you are also an autoloader or one of the very fast tanks. Leaves a lot of tanks that just basically either follow up after shit is already decided or stay in cover.

Anyone else having stuttering/warping since the last patch? I get it bad now even with really good ping.


A lot of the problems come from the broken MM system. They really need to tighten it up and evaluate what tank goes into which tier. They also need to segregate the player base based upon PR, and limit the number of skills crews can have at any given tier.

This is a lot of work, which is why they are going to take the utterly ineffective route and start fucking up maps.

Just off the cuff, but I'd use PR as a yardstick to segregate the players.

PR 0-999:
MM +/- 1, max crew skill of 1.

PR 1000-1999:
MM +/- 1, max crew skill of 2.

PR 2000-2999:
MM +/- 1, max crew skill of 3.

PR 3000-3999:
MM +/- 2, max crew skill of 4.

PR 4k+:
Open MM, max crew skills.

It's still a lot of work, but perhaps the easiest to implement. Lots of whines about broken MM get converted to whines about longer queue times, but the game would be better for the changes. Turkeys can fight turkeys instead of dragging teams down.

Like I said, this is off the cuff/ napkin scribbling stuff, but this the direction I'd go if I were running the game.


Vyemm Raider
Just match people by +1/-1 colour categories in WN8. Though it will never happen that would be the best solution for skill "balance". Plus all the purple rerolls would soon find themselves normalized down to blue/green but I'm sure there would be plenty of reds.

Though there might be alot of complaints about draws in the red/orange bracket.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
If purples only played purples a good portion of them would no longer stay purple. I think you underestimate the number of people would would complain.

Personally the only change I would make is limit having XX number of matches from participating against people with 100 matches or less or whatever at low tiers.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
WoT went full pay to win with the new Cromwell - B. Which doesn't have a drawback as a premium tank at all. It has more side armor, much faster rotation speed, much less ground resistance and the same gun/firing rate. No downside at all.


what Suineg set it to
Yea saw it yesterday. Not really happy with the four of these. Straight P2W/cash grab.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Saw a thread saying they've abandoned the old idea of making premiums worse than same tier vehicles. They're also not gonna give preferred matchmaking anymore either. Not a big deal imo, more crew trainers is nice, and they're not godlike by any means.


WoT went full pay to win with the new Cromwell - B. Which doesn't have a drawback as a premium tank at all. It has more side armor, much faster rotation speed, much less ground resistance and the same gun/firing rate. No downside at all.
It's a good tank. I grabbed one. The BIA and 4350 gold made it a pretty easy package to grab. Also, BIA doesn't seem to count as the first skill. I trained them in whatever and they are already 50+% with only 18 battles on the tank. Sure, they get the premium boost, but they seem to be skilling up a lot faster than normal.

Besides, it really isn't PTW. It's better than the Cromwell, but not so much so that it obsoletes the old one. Dollars to donuts, they'll fiddle with the ground resistance speed a bit, though. I found a full health AMX 50 100 and circle strafed him into the ground. The only damage I took (on grass, partial hillside) was at the start when he rammed me. It has better armor, but three-ply tissue paper vs two-ply tissue paper is still tissue paper.

The 4350 gold from the package was handy, too. I trained all the crews in my noob tanks to 100, and bought permanent camo/inscriptions for all my tanks.

I haven't rat-assed a game this hard in a long time....almost 12 hours today. I've got a stack of new tanks to play with, too. Even that Micro-Mini Tetrarch.


I agree, I think they've sort of boxed themselves into a corner with the tank power creep though. Fact is the WF E-100 is dumb as shit and even after the nerfs (specific and general such as the accuracy nerf) it still basically commands an entire 'lane' on its own. They can't make some maps people used to like work anymore because you have gobs of autoloaders, tanks with Russian or better armor layouts, faster mediums with higher DPM... hell even the T49 152mm - it's gotten to the point where any areas which don't have complete hard cover are worthless which means tons of impassable terrain or ridiculous terrain to neuter everything put into the game in the last 2 years.

The scale is the big issue at this point I think. The smallest maps are just absurd to play at tier 10.

On the other hand, fuck arty.
Wafflethrower's getting pulled eventually, though - combination of balance issues with "Well we didn't even have a napkin sketch for this one". What theyshoulddo is add something between the Sturer Emil and the Rhoomba and bump the last two up a tier.

CromB: I suspect it's going to get "balanced" by being removed from sale very soon, possibly with a slight track nerf as well. Of course they could always do the historical thing and cap its speed lower otherwise it eats its own tracks.


Wafflethrower's getting pulled eventually, though - combination of balance issues with "Well we didn't even have a napkin sketch for this one". What theyshoulddo is add something between the Sturer Emil and the Rhoomba and bump the last two up a tier.

CromB: I suspect it's going to get "balanced" by being removed from sale very soon, possibly with a slight track nerf as well. Of course they could always do the historical thing and cap its speed lower otherwise it eats its own tracks.
They can balance the Sturer Emil by deleting it and coming up with a good replacement. Like...a Marder 68t.

The Bromwell is going away in 5 days.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Completed map changed for upcoming patch. LOTS of pics.

Status Report: 0.9.8 Map changes

Oh and this. Just make a new game with modern only tanks and quit fucking around.



Holy shit.

Got 3 new tanks on the same day. Panzer 4H, KV-85, Cromwell B. 50 fights in each. P4H and 85 are at 67% WR. Cromwell bad, I'm not going to say what the WR % is. Granted, few fights in all, so percentages are grossly inflated on the top end. I can easily stomp faces in my Easy 8. The Cr-B is the better tank with the same MM as the Easy 8, but the wins aren't coming. The Cr-B isn't different to the Easy 8 in play at all...but such low results.

Also, fuck the Bulldog. It's such a fragile pile of shit that it's maddening. I have never tracked myself in my Chaffee or T37 or Cromwell B, or any other fast tank. Doing simple shit like driving fast over a nickel in the road in the Bulldog results in broken tracks, and any kind of a hit results in a sea of orange on the lower left hand side of the screen. Sure, it's fighting a different class of opponents than the others, but energetic maneuvering shouldn't fuck it. Also, I know I'm doing it wrong. The 52% WR I have in this is a complete GIFT.


what Suineg set it to
New suspension physics need to get prioritized to fix that bs. I saw a video about that a while back, not sure why independent suspension modeling hasn't hit test yet.