World of Tanks


That would be the problem, alright. Same problem grouping with scouts also by the way (hence the spikes in battle tiers for the russion T-50 and similar), so watch for that too.


Not only "scouts" but most light tanks from tier 4 onward have unfavourable match making. While that is fine for T-50 and other dedicated scouts, it's absolutely hellish on tanks like A-20 which are designed like fast mediums with worse armor.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I see that physics upgrade really lives up to the hype.

man itz you link some shitty videos, but I think that's probably the best the WoT community can produce.

RNG no comments 2, minute 1:00 is exactly the reason I'm not playing this game anymore. The average skill in standard battles is so incredibly low and the people playing it so incredibly dumb, I can't stand more than 3-4 games and the arranged team mechanics are stupid cumbersome. There really should be some sort of ladder so I don't have to play with 150xp / average morons on my team anymore. I'd value that far more than the 5 second waiting time for a new match.


Oh is there actually new physics that let you do that stuff? I thought it was a joke video, lol. Well, bravo then.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The new physics are active since patch 8.0, that was somewhere in autumn 2012. Now those demolition derby videos aren't exactly how a WoT game goes.

@Quineloe: yes, playing in randoms in lower tiers is painful, but I enjoy playing T8-10 games. Most people at that level have the minimum required tactical insight and basic knowledge of how the game works.
Lower tiers (4-7) can be still fun if you drive a good tank and can carry a game.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The last patch was a big change to artillery so you see a lot less of it now especially at the upper tiers. If you don't like random groups you can always platoon or get into a clan.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The new physics are active since patch 8.0, that was somewhere in autumn 2012. Now those demolition derby videos aren't exactly how a WoT game goes.

@Quineloe: yes, playing in randoms in lower tiers is painful, but I enjoy playing T8-10 games. Most people at that level have the minimum required tactical insight and basic knowledge of how the game works.
Lower tiers (4-7) can be still fun if you drive a good tank and can carry a game.
Those are tier 8 tanks that lemming into the lake :p

The last patch was a big change to artillery so you see a lot less of it now especially at the upper tiers. If you don't like random groups you can always platoon or get into a clan.
Platoon still means you get a group of three together, that will then ignore the matchmaking restrictions that are set for single players (so if you platoon up with tier 8 tanks only, you might get into a tier 10 battle even though if you had queued up solo, you would be a guaranteed a tier 8 battle), right?
So you still play with up to 12 retards (instead of 14) but you could be in weaker tanks.

Playing company battles with a Clan also kinda blows since it only allows 90 strength in tier 8 battles, which means you'll get fewer than 15 tanks in and so will your enemy, which due to the shitty reward mechanics this game uses means you'll get fewer exp and credits for each game. I tried it once, but the option seems to either give up your life for an EQ-style raiding clan, online every day for 5 hours, or they're so casual most of the days you don't get something together.

The issue is that super restrictive system that is used for company fighting. You have to have exactly what it needs. If you have a tier 7 heavy tank, you might as well not play in company because you'll be the only tier 7 tank against tier 8s. Your clan needs to have exactly the right people online to start a match. If you are just 1 player short, you have to wait for someone to show up. If you have one player too many, he can't play.

If you could form platoons up to 15 players and just queue up for standard battles that would be fucking great.

I have over 4000 battles played in this game. I'd like to come back, but not for standard battles. No matter what they actually do to the game.

btw, what did they do to arty?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Platoon still means you get a group of three together, that will then ignore the matchmaking restrictions that are set for single players (so if you platoon up with tier 8 tanks only, you might get into a tier 10 battle even though if you had queued up solo, you would be a guaranteed a tier 8 battle), right?
No, there is no difference between platoons and solo in rules for matchmaking. But the amount of platooned players (+-1) is balanced over the 2 teams, so for example 2 3-player platoons in team one versus 3 2-player platoons in team 2.

Playing company battles with a Clan also kinda blows since it only allows 90 strength in tier 8 battles, which means you'll get fewer than 15 tanks in and so will your enemy, which due to the shitty reward mechanics this game uses means you'll get fewer exp and credits for each game. I tried it once, but the option seems to either give up your life for an EQ-style raiding clan, online every day for 5 hours, or they're so casual most of the days you don't get something together.

The issue is that super restrictive system that is used for company fighting. You have to have exactly what it needs. If you have a tier 7 heavy tank, you might as well not play in company because you'll be the only tier 7 tank against tier 8s. Your clan needs to have exactly the right people online to start a match. If you are just 1 player short, you have to wait for someone to show up. If you have one player too many, he can't play.
If you could form platoons up to 15 players and just queue up for standard battles that would be fucking great.
Well there are public company fights you can chose to join, but I have no experience with those and barely any with companies in a clan. The clan my buddies sucked me in, blowed, but just playing with my friends in a platoon and teamspeak, that rules - if you're about equally skilled that is.
btw, what did they do to arty?
Reload and aiming time +50%, for the same accuracy as before. Heavy, heavy hit of the nerfbat. Average arty per battle is 1. Having 3 arty now is very rare, while 0 is common. 4+ is unseen now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
that's simply not my experience. When I solo match with my Tiger 2, I never see Tier9/10 tanks. When I platoon up, I get tier 10 enemies

Reload and aiming time +50%, for the same accuracy as before. Heavy, heavy hit of the nerfbat. Average arty per battle is 1. Having 3 arty now is very rare, while 0 is common. 4+ is unseen now.
oh, so they made it flat out unplayable? Higher tier arty already takes forever to load and aim, another 50% on top of that you'll never hit again

Wargaming has such a good history of caving in to the whiners.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I have no fun playing arty anymore either.

About you not meeting T9/10 tanks when solo in a tier 8, I guess that's just luck or perception bias.

When you platooned, I assume it was with other T8's, not with T9/10? Because then of course a T9+ battle is guaranteed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
yes, we all platooned same tier. It's not perception bias. A few patches back they changed it so tier 8 is guaranteed a tier 8 battle, have they not? I played a hundred games or so after that patch and I never got matched with higher tiers. Same brackets as employed for Companies now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No, honestly, there is no rule for T8 to only play in T8 games. I just jumped solo into a game with my IS-3, it was a T9 game (4 T9's, 7 T8's and 4 T7's each side).

Edit: And now I'm in a T10 with 5 T10's in my KV-4.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
you're correct of course, now I recall it. If you company with a tier 8, you're no longer forced to play your tier 8 vs tier9+, that was what I remembered...

but company suffers all these other issues.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Platooning follows the rule of the top tank I believe. So if you are tier 8 and platoon with a tier 7 and 6 you get into whatever matches the tier 8 would get.