World of Warcraft: Current Year


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Barrens has the most and people kill a lot of them. Tanaris also. Dun Morough is the worst by far along with Azshara.


Molten Core Raider
So if you log off during phase 3 and give it a minute the scenario resets when you log back in so just repeat. lol
If you are close to another zone you don't even have to log off, just fly out of the invasion zone until you see the quest go away, then fly right back in.


what Suineg set it to
If you are close to another zone you don't even have to log off, just fly out of the invasion zone until you see the quest go away, then fly right back in.

This didn't actually work for me. It might have been sticky CRZ or the fact that invasion areas are pretty liberally drawn on the map, but when I came back P4 was half way done, it didn't reset like when I just log off.

I'm sure something severe like port to another continent will probably work but it didn't seem to just flying around a bit.


Molten Core Raider
That's strange, I was able to do it roughly 30 times in a row yesterday in the crossroads invasion. I would fly past the crack in the ground and back across. However, there was a time where I flew halfway through Ogrimmar before I saw the Stage quest on the right finally disappear. All the way from the crossroads, too mind you. So maybe there are some instances it doesn't work. I know it used to work for the Azshara one as well, which was super easy to reset.

Maybe they changed it though, I haven't tried it yet today.


Trump's Staff
So if you log off during phase 3 and give it a minute the scenario resets when you log back in so just repeat. lol

Hm, think the good way might be do two of the three invasions for exp/boxes, then reset the third over and over while exp'ing until the timer runs out and a new set spawns...hope they don't "tune"(nerf) the exp again before I can play.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's strange, I was able to do it roughly 30 times in a row yesterday in the crossroads invasion. I would fly past the crack in the ground and back across. However, there was a time where I flew halfway through Ogrimmar before I saw the Stage quest on the right finally disappear. All the way from the crossroads, too mind you. So maybe there are some instances it doesn't work. I know it used to work for the Azshara one as well, which was super easy to reset.

Maybe they changed it though, I haven't tried it yet today.
Just went from 91 to 96 in the barrens doing just this. Fly into southern barrens at the start of phase 4, quest drops, fly back in on stage 1, profit!!


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Looks like in 7.1 they're removing addons' access to unit positions in raids, etc. Quote below from the Gamescom interview with Ion.

Addons and boss design: How do design choices go hand in hand with add ons? Sometimes it can reach an extreme like radar on Archimonde.
Tracking boss timers, better visibility into targeting, that stuff is all fine, it helps and is information.

Some of the things like radar, and other things that interact with the world (Kormrok, Kromog with 3d arrows pointing you where to stand), aren’t great. There is potential for more abuse that Blizzard is surprised haven’t happened yet. There is the potential right now for a lot of scripted movement and 3D guides.

Blizzard is breaking this. Not in 7.0.3, but in the next patch 7.1. “Addons will not be able to access unit positions in raids, dungeons, and competitive instances.” This was meant to be implemented for 7.0.3 but didn’t get addressed in time—there was a risk it could break outdoor world addons. Blizzard didn’t want to announce it until it was doable, and the work has been completed internally.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am of two minds. I see why they are doing it and the things it can lead too. But I always love the radar thing, because trying to determine "8 yards" between players is a nightmare, especially as a melee.


what Suineg set it to
I am of two minds. I see why they are doing it and the things it can lead too. But I always love the radar thing, because trying to determine "8 yards" between players is a nightmare, especially as a melee.

Don't worry bro only 9 out of 12 classes have melee dps specs!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
On zone leveling order:

Crafting professions have quests every 2 levels. The zone order you are sent to varies by profession. The last couple guides hit wowhead in the last day or so. Professions - Guides - World of Warcraft If you have two crafting professions and ocd you may be fucked and shit.

The first batch of gathering sends you back to dalaran. The second batch of mining quests send you to the southern most part of High Mountain, don't forget to get the flight path before you leave. Negative knowledge on the second batches for the rest, guides are in the link.

Professions send you into dungeons as early as 102.

Enjoyed Stormheim the most followed by High Mountain, Azsuna and Val'Sharah. Val can eat a dick too many tree roots to get hung up on and the vertical shit of a to b seemed more obnoxious since the hills are much smaller. If you're not a demon hunter make goblin gliders, lots of them. Slow fall doesn't cut it imo since you can't control landing location.

Speaking of vertical, caves everywhere. One room nothing in it to sprawling (for wow). Suramar City is a massive 3 tiered monstrosity that feels like it has 2 staircases total. You get a clicky to blend in, have to avoid guards or they'll see through, so you can take your time getting around but fuck that I don't need no quest text or a map gotta get there nao, frustrating if you let it.

After one 110 and several 105's I would say turn off handynotes treasures and rares the first time through and probably for the first week or so, especially if you suffer from "I'm not leaving till I find it." You'll get more ap in opening up Suramar than you would clearing everything from the other 4 zones, and opening Suramar takes less time. You'll be back in the other 4 zones for world quests each day and you'll want the order resources out of the boxes since the 4th hall upgrade takes 10k but that upgrade takes an unavoidable week after hitting 110 to get to so not a big rush.

Taking a follower with you is the fastest way to level them, they level up with you then green/blue/purple. ilvl 810+ rare missions show up to mock you as soon as a follower hits 110, followers start with 760 ilvl.

Every class gets an order hall quest to complete 5 missions that are 8'ish hours long each. If you complete one and the next one doesn't pop up, close the window and reopen it, might need to relog.

Pewp? Yes, yes you do.


Potato del Grande
Getting the teleports up in Suramar is a must, especially for the city ones. Sucks traveling on ground there.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Got them up, everything I've seen so far shows 3 on the left side of the city and nothing on the right side. Am I missing something or just the way it is?


Potato del Grande
Got them up, everything I've seen so far shows 3 on the left side of the city and nothing on the right side. Am I missing something or just the way it is?
There's one in the vineyard area near the moths on the top level, it's the last one you get due to needing the rep for the quest to activate it. Can't activate it on your own.


the fuck this thread suddenly has over a thousand pages. Forums merge or?

Anyways, I leveled 80-96 on my mage last night doing invasions and it's been a blast.. again. People actually killing shit together again lol. I give it 2 days, so I'm gonna go hit 100 today before it's gone


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
the fuck this thread suddenly has over a thousand pages. Forums merge or?

Anyways, I leveled 80-96 on my mage last night doing invasions and it's been a blast.. again. People actually killing shit together again lol. I give it 2 days, so I'm gonna go hit 100 today before it's gone
Mage is 94, need to grind it out and hit 100! Then Shaman, Rogue.. start a Warrior... yep!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If my toon is terrible is the only thing I should be doing is invasions? Or is there some other content I'm overlooking?


Potato del Grande
Or do random dungeons but that takes a lot longer unless you are healer/tank for insta ques.