World of Warcraft: Classic


<Silver Donator>
Yeah because all of corp america is populated only by Einstein clones and its totally unfair that not everyone gets a participation trophy.

Boohoo cry more faggots.

The only thing wrong with their policy is you only have to dock 5% as "non-rockstars".

At minimum 50% of your workforce are at, or less than average, thats how math works you fucking snow flakes.

Imagine defending the virtues of The blizzard of 2023.
Nobody is crying faggot, jesus fucking christ, just explaining how it works.

In a completely out there hypothetical of everything else being equal that's how it would work, which is bogus.

As far as blizzard goes, i'm sure a lot of their employees are like all these faggots at google and twitter and shit who tiktok how cool their lives is and get axed as soon as the decides it's time to trim the fat, so they can go suck a maoist dick in china for all i give a fuck.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Still though as CaughtCross CaughtCross already pointed out, you need to go no further that this retards twitter to see that he is a worthless piece of grabasstic amphibian shit. The company can only go up from firing every last alphabet person and pronoun American Inventor in their profile. Hope he stays on unemployment and eventually becomes a hobo in seattle shitting in bushes sleeping on the sidewalk. While the local store owners hose him down to get off their fucking property.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
At minimum 50% of your workforce are at, or less than average, thats how math works you fucking snow flakes.
Youre not talking about a group of random people.
Youre talking about a group of people who have been screened and theoritically purposely selected.

Such a system is clearly the result of dog shit recruiters, managers and busybodies justifying their positions.

Also a summary of Blizzard's trajectory.

How retarded do you have to be to think sharing that with the world is a good idea?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Thats pretty much the beginning of the end, so ya. Im jealous of the fact that you found something you enjoyed logging in religiously for so long.
Few things up in the air, and one of them is for sure more family time now that work isn't in 4th quarter and has me traveling in hotels. I'm at home now so Family time seems like the way to go, and maybe raid log a couple characters now that I don't have leveling to distract me? Also have an Alliance Warlock on Atiesh that I think would be fun to quest up.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Still though as CaughtCross CaughtCross already pointed out, you need to go no further that this retards twitter to see that he is a worthless piece of grabasstic amphibian shit. The company can only go up from firing every last alphabet person and pronoun American Inventor in their profile. Hope he stays on unemployment and eventually becomes a hobo in seattle shitting in bushes sleeping on the sidewalk. While the local store owners hose him down to get off their fucking property.
What the fuck man, we don't want him. You take his fucking scummy ass!


<Gold Donor>
Youre not talking about a group of random people.
Youre talking about a group of people who have been screened and theoritically purposely selected.

Such a system is clearly the result of dog shit recruiters, managers and busybodies justifying their positions.

How retarded do you have to be to think sharing that with the world is a good idea?
LOL What the fuck difference does this make? Do you think you are compared to invalids or something? Doesn't fucking matter if it's a random group or pre-selected giga-chad programmers. (though its 2023 blizzard lol so i'm guessing they are 99% blue hairs and 1 actual coder)

Half of them will be Average or fucking less. They don't deserve a fucking participation trophy.

No matter what you do or how specialized your job is, Half of your work force are going to be worse than the other half. You will always have your bottom 20% and your top 20% or whatever metric you want to use.

No matter what your job is you will always be compared to other professionals in the same field, you are not being compared to baristas or homeless drug addicts and shit.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I haven't played my Classic account since AQ. Where did all my whitemane characters go? Did they just move everything to the latest expansion?


<Gold Donor>
So they opened up free transfers on Maladath. Honestly did not wanna leave but so many players and guilds starting transferring off it was no longer feasible to remain. Im sure the pop on Maladath will shore up eventually but i didnt wanna get stuck having to pay to xfer off.

So now im on westfall with a few hundred other refugees from maladath. Anyone else on westfall?


Blackwing Lair Raider
We are staying on Mala for now - at least until Death's Demise is taken. We might try for Celestial Defender if MVP gets DD.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So they opened up free transfers on Maladath. Honestly did not wanna leave but so many players and guilds starting transferring off it was no longer feasible to remain. Im sure the pop on Maladath will shore up eventually but i didnt wanna get stuck having to pay to xfer off.

So now im on westfall with a few hundred other refugees from maladath. Anyone else on westfall?
Some forum people and EQ players playing Alliance on westfall in "Relentless Insanity"...pretty sure we're looking for raiders too.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
This thread has been pretty dead since Uldusr hit, you guys getting shit stomped and burn out after Naxx redux into real content again?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This thread has been pretty dead since Uldusr hit, you guys getting shit stomped and burn out after Naxx redux into real content again?
We had one night of eye opening and some tough times on Yogg 1 and Vezax hm. Since then it’s been “harder” but we still clear in a night now. Sometimes two because we’re very much a dad guild. Bottom line is the content again got shit stomped. Back in the day even normal Yogg put up a bigger fight.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Also I’m pretty sure this is peak difficulty in wotlk. I think Anub is hard in togc and then H LK in icc. I think sindragosa and putricide were also semi-hard on heroic but I can’t even remember now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also I’m pretty sure this is peak difficulty in wotlk. I think Anub is hard in togc and then H LK in icc. I think sindragosa and putricide were also semi-hard on heroic but I can’t even remember now.
Healing Sindragosa was my most hated memory in all of WoW, which is amusing because the dreaming dragon a couple bosses before her was my favorite.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Now that we’re stomping through hardmodes quite a bit. I’m already thinking they needed to have announced the plans. I don’t see how they get a year per xpac. Did they? If we stomp through again this week I’m gonna start getting wanderlust.
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Toe Sucker
these hoes need to release faction transfers and unlock servers if you already have chars on them so i can get my pally on grobbulus, pagle alliance is boring and my guild is cheeks lol


NeoGaf Donator
Now that we’re stomping through hardmodes quite a bit. I’m already thinking they needed to have announced the plans. I don’t see how they get a year per xpac. Did they? If we stomp through again this week I’m gonna start getting wanderlust.
First phase lasted too long. Nobody wanted to do naxx for that long. Hopefully it’s no more than 3 months of ulduar, so maybe May or early June at the latest and then fucking hopefully only 2 months of TOC before ICC and then ride that out until Nov/Dec.
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