World of Warcraft: Current Year


Tranny Chaser
What are they gonna do with the Cataclysm wrecked old world? It was a nifty idea at the time to "update" the whole planet, but with all the improvements to the dungeon finder I dont think hardly anyone actually made use of all the content. A good friend of mine who just started the game a couple months ago never bothered with the overland content and just ran dungeons, and this was a complete and total noob.

I can't see a business model justification for altering the world again, but it also seems a bit silly stuck as it is in Cataclysm mode.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Cataclysm was a good opportunity to update the fairly dated world and old quests. On that front, they succeeded pretty well. The revamped Redridge for Alliance = the funniest questline I have ever done in a MMO.


The latest rumors were the next expansion is time travel to an alternate Azeroth which makes the ilvl squish canon etc

It all sounded a little too much like bait for the nostalgia crowd, but I have to admit I would love to go back to some sort of pre cata azeroth


Not just 1-2 shotting people, but procing an undispellable non breaking on damage blind off Whirlwids on multiple people (Oh how I miss thee Dark Edge of Insanity)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, a god did finally actually die instead it being a stand in or avatar, so we're about due for Plane of Time resets.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I actually expected some version of Titan was a full on reset back to near 1st war times or something...not sure how undead characters would work in a "reset" unless they figure out how to tie it back to some event in Vanilla. That said, isn't going to happen because they've opened the "flying in Vanilla" box and it isn't getting closed and they're not spending time fixing the "Old World" for flying.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Get the fuck out of here with them re-releasing pre-cata azeroth as an expansion feature to justify ilevel squish. They don't need to exert that much effort to do a game changing overhaul. Do they march Tirion Fordring out every x.0 patch to explain how paladins received new guidance from the naru and now have these awesome new abilities and forget all that old shit you knew? (They retool paladins every fucking expansion).

No, they don't. They just do it. They've said in multiple interviews, hell even the lore/quest guy outright says gameplay > story over at blizzard. Ya he tries to keep the story interesting and consistent, but at the end of the day the story gets in where it fits into the gameplay, not the other way around.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wanna see them go 1 faction in the expansion, merge horde and alliance together, there's lots of stuff suggesting that they need to end the war, work together etc.


Ya, sometimes you get a great group in lfr, but others...
I see this in every WoW discussion thread lately, I must be supremely lucky, because I came back just as SoO got released, and I have done full sweeps of the available content every reset, and so far only had 1 bad group (wiped twice on Immerseus, go figure) but the group sorted itself out once people starting leaving and getting replaced.
I haven't had anywhere near the amount of head to desk inducing groups I had pre-SoO, I am quite content really.


Molten Core Raider
Cataclysm was a good opportunity to update the fairly dated world and old quests. On that front, they succeeded pretty well. The revamped Redridge for Alliance = the funniest questline I have ever done in a MMO.
That shit was hilarious. I mainly play Horde, just rolled a monk on Alliance for Double Agent achievement, had tons of fun so far. Man I missed out on half the game all these years!


Golden Squire
I thought the revamped 1-60 experience was the best part of Cata. Too bad the majority of time is spent on other parts of the game. Though, I have to give a thumbs up to the DS dungeon where you get to hang out with Illidan. I thought that one was well done.


Deus Vult
I see this in every WoW discussion thread lately, I must be supremely lucky, because I came back just as SoO got released, and I have done full sweeps of the available content every reset, and so far only had 1 bad group (wiped twice on Immerseus, go figure) but the group sorted itself out once people starting leaving and getting replaced.
I haven't had anywhere near the amount of head to desk inducing groups I had pre-SoO, I am quite content really.
I think this is greatly influenced by battlegroup. My main is on Mal'ganis and most of the time i get great groups. The South American players are horrible, so if there's more than 10 players from i think it's area 52 i just leave. Same experience on a couple other servers in other battlegroups i found too many people from certain servers and you might as well just drop.


Molten Core Raider
Area 52 is a great server, tons of people. Nemesis is another Latin server. Something in the water down there just produces absolutely fuck awful players, it's nearly 100%.


I am on Undermine, it is a shithole. Could be that I am on Euro timezone. Is there an unofficial EU server?

So here are my characters, need to figure out where I am going to go from here.

Dunsparrow @ Undermine - Community - World of Warcraft<-- alt retadin, got all her gear in a day. Still have a few LFR left to finish up. Need a weapon badly!

Anomandiris @ Undermine - Community - World of Warcraft<-- main hunter I think I need to change spec, not sure if MM is "good" any more, any thoughts?

Now I have an 85 spriest/druid, 83 lock, 80 rogue and not sure which to level next. Haven't played any of them in forever so no clue if any of them went through major changes.

I guess I need a purpose since I seem to be doing just fine in LFR.