World of Warcraft: Current Year


Connected = a server merge in everything but name. You can form guilds and raid heroics and everything else as if you were all one server.

Cross realm dogcrap = every pre 90 zone is overcamped or full of gankers looking for "world pvp" aka "farming a lowbie endlessly while beating off because you're such an awesome troll and lol I bet that guy is SO mad huehuehue" You can from dungeon and raid groups with these people, but not do current normal/heroic raids. Soon possibly just heroic raids, because who the fuck cares.
Great description exactly how I felt....... After the realms are connected does the cross realm BS go away ? My server has always been small and I enjoyed that for it was easy to camp a rare hunter pet or what ever item(s) you needed to pick up for faction ( netherwing eggs etc ) however now it just sucks.


<Gold Donor>
Great description exactly how I felt....... After the realms are connected does the cross realm BS go away ? My server has always been small and I enjoyed that for it was easy to camp a rare hunter pet or what ever item(s) you needed to pick up for faction ( netherwing eggs etc ) however now it just sucks.
Not to mention if you are on a PvP server, its fucking grief time. Last time I played was like 4-6 mos after pandas hit and it was fucking brutal. Yeah you had Lv90 dudes that would come and try to help you but just like a good PvPer those fucks would disappear. Only to appear later when the Lv 90 dude was gone to grief you some more. It was particularly bad from 80-90. Thing is that the power gains are so vertical in this game that a LV80 has no fucking chance against a lv 85.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not to mention if you are on a PvP server, its fucking grief time. Last time I played was like 4-6 mos after pandas hit and it was fucking brutal. Yeah you had Lv90 dudes that would come and try to help you but just like a good PvPer those fucks would disappear. Only to appear later when the Lv 90 dude was gone to grief you some more. It was particularly bad from 80-90. Thing is that the power gains are so vertical in this game that a LV80 has no fucking chance against a lv 85.
Much less, the power scale from a fresh 90 vs a geared 90. Going from 40k dps to average of 180k single target as a tank, lol. -- Since theyve already said they are going to number squish with WoD release; Im guessing the team that was in charge of balancing this expansion is no longer in charge of balancing, to say the least.

Sorry for the late reply on the Guild Group guys. I got more than enough offers from people already on the server.[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */for future reference. We ended up beating Garrosh as soon as I replaced those people and I finally get to start Heroic and get upgrades once again. Im so f'n Pysched.


The Scientific Shitlord
All's well that ends in Kreugen's tears. I kid.

Hunter 2 piece is fucking amazing for survival dps. I had never used Rapid Fire much, but that + lock and load procs + A0C == haste every 30-45 seconds, so fuck yeah.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Probably going to main my disc priest for however long I stay subbed. Only thing that doesn't feel horribly clunky + healer queue times.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Probably going to main my disc priest for however long I stay subbed. Only thing that doesn't feel horribly clunky + healer queue times.
DK Tank? I'm leveling my DK now, I'm sure by the time WoD comes out he'll be in full 496 gear.


Any one play a brewmaster ? I have a Blood DK and this monk.. I REALLY love the monk but I do not know if I am not playing it well or what it just seems like he is a little more squishy than my DK .. I understand the class and the role, I just feel like I am missing something perhaps Monk = 511 gear and Dk sitting at 502. Both fun and I prefer my brewmaster I just wish I felt more secure as a monk. Any one have any wisdom they care to impart on me.. Maybe a piece of the puzzle I am missing ?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Full 496 gear and a 535 ring happens in like a day or 2 after hitting 90, not counting some 502 lfr gear.
Pretty sure he was indicating how much effort he was going to put into it, not the difficulty. lol

The only thing Ive found that I dont like about DK and Monk tanks is that when you're strangled, or basically just stunned = you might as well count it as a death if your healers arent on the ball and you arent preemptive with a Cool Down. However, when playing a Warrior / Paladin / Druid tank, you either have enough HP or Armor that the hits taken during that time arent a huge departure from the damage you are usually taking. (Best example of high damage and a Strangle to the tank is on the trash before Garrosh).


Golden Knight of the Realm
Gear acquisition happened really quick for my DK. I went the full timeless, protector's / avenger's trillium, and Lionheart Executioner from AH. That allowed me to hop immediately into SoO as DPS and almost ignore ToT for gear upgrades. After switching to tank, I just had to re-gem some of my gear and spares that had dropped into tankish items.

I have never played a brewmaster, but I had a buddy that just converted over to a Prot Paladin from a Brewmaster. He did not like the stagger mechanic and just did not work for his playstyle. He didn't go into specifics, but it did not become apparent until later 80s / 90 how much you need to love that mechanic for it to work.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think the worst part about this damn game is that every time I have the itch to come back it's because some other friend is asking me to come back and play. But of course, it's never on the damn same server.

Had Alliance toons, and friends went Horde, at least on the same server so I could transfer heirlooms. That was a few months back. Now another friend wants me to come back, and he's Horde, but on a different server.

F having to pay for server/faction changes all the damn time.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Hrm, I've got a 86 DK, 85 warrior, 85 priest, and 90 rogue (543ilvl, woot). Maybe warrior instead then.


<Silver Donator>
I just love tanking as a DK way too much. I tried Pally and monk tank and i get bored super fast.
Enjoying the super high DPS tanking of this xpac before bliz swoops in and removes vengeance and tank DPS in general.


Trakanon Raider
I think the worst part about this damn game is that every time I have the itch to come back it's because some other friend is asking me to come back and play. But of course, it's never on the damn same server.

Had Alliance toons, and friends went Horde, at least on the same server so I could transfer heirlooms. That was a few months back. Now another friend wants me to come back, and he's Horde, but on a different server.

F having to pay for server/faction changes all the damn time.
With cross realm grouping you don't really need to be on the same server unless you want to get into a guild and raid together. You can group up for anything besides the current tier of raids. Even then you can still do flex together so I would wait it out and see how serious you and your friend wind up being before committing to paying the 25 bucks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
With cross realm grouping you don't really need to be on the same server unless you want to get into a guild and raid together. You can group up for anything besides the current tier of raids. Even then you can still do flex together so I would wait it out and see how serious you and your friend wind up being before committing to paying the 25 bucks.
Ya, then he throws in my face he could gimp me along for quick and easy gear upgrades, while I struggle to try and do LFRs etc. but sounds like even that has gotten easier.

As for healing, it's been said the last few pages that Disc priests are the tits, but how are Monks? Had a lot of fun on my monk healing before, and I suppose that's all that matters, but was curious how they hold up.


Vyemm Raider
Wow, a new low today. a 535 mage pulling sub 40k on every flex 1 fight by spamming ice lance without FoF, and a druid healer putting out an astonishing 20-40k hps to a paladin's 150-200.

Both are guilded with the raid leader. Sigh.


<WoW Guild Officer>
had a malkorok fight go "wrong" last night, and after the wipe 3 guys from the same guild ninja-pull, say "<GuildName> Out!" and leave the group

Stupid shattered hand, fuck shit fuck.


Vyemm Raider
Cannot stand LFR's, even this far into SoO and people need to be handheld constantly. Not to mention those who just come to auto attack and get chance at loot.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Cannot stand LFR's, even this far into SoO and people need to be handheld constantly. Not to mention those who just come to auto attack and get chance at loot.
This was flex (and so was Kreugen's, I think)...