World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
Don't bother. WoW knob slobbers will pick and choose their memories to best suit their argument.
Maybe you should pull a Dumar and buy the WoD collectors edition and pay for a 6 month sub just to prove the "knob slobbers" wrong.


Maybe you should pull a Dumar and buy the WoD collectors edition and pay for a 6 month sub just to prove the "knob slobbers" wrong.
Just because I play a game doesn't mean I agree with a company as a whole.

I buy every WoW collectors edition - I love the hard cover art books and soundtracks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Any fire based magic or effects, including warlock mount and metamorph, will have the green color. Destro-locks use the most fire based attacks, so it would be visible the most on them.

Edit: btw, quest is no joke. You need the Grimoire 1st (rares on isle of thunder or you can buy off AH), which starts the chain. Before black temple, empty your bags as much as possible (bonus looting spree is part of it). The final fight is basically a solo heroic raid. You need pots/flasks/glyphs/etc. Destro spec is your best bet, be sure you get the enslave demon glyph and the embertap or healthstone glyph (more self healing). You have almost no room for error, even if you try to overgear. Have fun
Sweet! I just wasn't sure if it was still even worth it. Like Hunter epic in vanilla obviously is worthless now... glad it's still cool to have!


That'll show those bastards not to make such a shitty game
I've said in this very thread there are some things I like about WoW. That doesn't mean they get a free pass to make stupid fucking decisions.

Their "world" looks great. But that's about it for me. After I max level and see all the dungeons/zones I quit again. I consider it bad MMO design for someone (I'd say a majority now) to play a game in this genre like that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not to open up the can of worms and debate over what's good and bad about WoW, but I always thought WoW's ability to get their combat mechanics right was nice. Too many games give you a big red fire circle to NOT stand in, you get out of it, and still get hit. I remember this happening quite a bit in FF14.

In WoW, big red circle on the ground, you move 1 inch outside of it, guess what, you don't get hit with whatever. I like that!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Eh, while they're good at it, there's still issues. See: Any graphic involving clouds of shit or revolving spikes. You have to be a country mile away from the edges of those things to not get gored.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think I'm going to try tanking ToT LFR tonight. I'm all nervous and shit. People are so un-forgiving to tanks. Going to watch a bunch of youtube vids on it though first so I can my best! Been through them all quite a few times as DPS and heals, just never tanked it!!!



Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think I'm going to try tanking ToT LFR tonight. I'm all nervous and shit. People are so un-forgiving to tanks. Going to watch a bunch of youtube vids on it though first so I can my best! Been through them all quite a few times as DPS and heals, just never tanked it!!!

Haha ~ Tanking LFR isnt that serious. Just because you get blamed for something doesnt mean its actually your fault. You're not exactly playing with the cream of the crop in LFR.

And yes... Tanking while you're drunk is the Tits!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Much like when you go to Popeyes, you just have to own that shit. Even if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, talk and act like you've tanked the fight a million times before. 90% of the people in LFR are such fucking idiotic lemmings that even the slightest hint of confidence is enough to get them to fall in line. Hell, you could probably fuck up, blame it on someone else, and get the poor sap kicked cause, hey, you're the tank.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Stupid ass sheep in Flex are worse than LFR. Get 1 wipe on something, and everyone bails. Wtf.

Decided to go with a Flex 1 for the first time tonight, instead of tanking, and this is terrible. haha


Vyemm Raider
Eh, while they're good at it, there's still issues. See: Any graphic involving clouds of shit or revolving spikes. You have to be a country mile away from the edges of those things to not get gored.
Not that bad - i mean i just step outside that shit on heroic-SoO and its no dmg - i know it hasnt always been as clean and nicely done but wow TELEGRAPHS are pretty much on point yo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Another thing that irks me is people that by the hard copy collectors editions have to wait until release to use their boost to 90. If anyone should be getting an extra bonus it should be the fucks that pay for the most expensive copy of the game. I guess you really must love artbooks and soundtracks.
Not only do we get to wait for our perks, we also get it delivered on the day of the release which means we miss the midnight opening of the servers. I've bought every CE, and all of them except MoP used to come early. Retailers nowadays seem to have a whole tree up their asses though, and refuse to ship it out before the due date


I always send the other tank a tell and he teaches me the fight. I now have 3 tanks that I LFR with.
This. When tanking in LFR, the only thing that matters is that the other tank is on the same page as you. 90% of the fights require a tank swap and/or special positioning of the boss. If you can find a tank friend to queue up with it will go even smoother.


Molten Core Raider
Any fire based magic or effects, including warlock mount and metamorph, will have the green color. Destro-locks use the most fire based attacks, so it would be visible the most on them.

Edit: btw, quest is no joke. You need the Grimoire 1st (rares on isle of thunder or you can buy off AH), which starts the chain. Before black temple, empty your bags as much as possible (bonus looting spree is part of it). The final fight is basically a solo heroic raid. You need pots/flasks/glyphs/etc. Destro spec is your best bet, be sure you get the enslave demon glyph and the embertap or healthstone glyph (more self healing). You have almost no room for error, even if you try to overgear. Have fun
No joke guys. I mean I'm probably a bad now that I'm 40 years old, but I was struggling pretty hard. First 10 tries were in demo spec sub 500 ilvl. That didn't go so well. Caved and went destro. Much better, but still forgot about random stuff every try. Stupid stuff too, things that would get you kicked out of a raid after the 3rd wipe. Glad it's a solo scenario or my reputation would be ruined.

In the end the fight is less about dps and more about execution. Dispells are key, had a really good try (under 20%, got excited) when the splurt-type dot ate me.
Before, I mainly had problems with the felhunters. Stupid things, but once I knew where to move the pitlord and how to catch the puppies before they found him, that was good.

Other times I just forgot to sac my imp, forgot to summon a healthstone, forgot to dispell myself on cooldown, forgot to use the pitlord heal, clicked on some damn imp and lost target --> no interrupt on cataclysm, etc etc etc.

In my last fight, I actually forgot the healthstone again. Didn't notice until running a heroic later that evening though. Didn't need it. Ember Tap & pitlord heal is plenty. Put the pitlord heal on mousebutton5 or something, and don't be afraid to stand in his breath, much easier to keep up with the dispells that way. Dispelling is probably the most important part of the fight.

Also, fire & brimstone on those fucking imps ... feelsgoodman.

What I did right:
- flask up
- buff food
- sac imp
- set kanrethad as focus target

I was horribly overgeared on my last 5 tries (545 ilvl, legendary cloak) and still managed to fuck up. But as I said, my reflexes aren't what they used to be, I'm not that much of a gamer any more.

There are plenty of youtube guides for the fight. Green fire is green fire, it burns so much hotter than regular fire. Because it's green. (would make an awesome title for a feat of strength... now that I think of it. "Because it's green.")