World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
That isn't far fetched, considering blizzard already said they would be making old content available to queue via LFR.
I don't really get how loot would work though if you queue up to do Naxx 40 for example, you scale down to 60 with X ilevel and the bosses drop current ilevel gear thats probably flex/normal for the current level i guess?

I'm all for it but.. even blizzard doesn't know how that loot was to be handled when it was originally an idea.

I cannot see them making an LFR/Normal/Flex/Mythic version for every single raid they've made, but i can definitely see an LFR version of each one.


Normal Dungeons i can see being viable 100%.. that opens up the random dungeon finder to an incredible amount of dungeons you can do to farm JP/VP so long as they can actually make JP/VP viable for a change and give you some sort of incentive to do it for longer than a couple times a week.
In FF14 you can queue for any dungeon or raid in the game and it will scale down your level to the max level of that dungeon, you lose access to higher levels spells and your gear is changed to have the stats of appropriate level rares. The drops are exactly the same but you'll be running it with low level players who join the same queue as the high levels so they'll be taking the gear.

Why would you do this? Once a day you can queue for a random low level dungeon and get currency for max level gear, helping newbies and changing the scenery a little.

WoW already has the systems in place for queuing for random groups and gear currency, all they have to do is design a system to scale down your character. Scaling you down rather than the dungeon up means that they will have little rebalancing work to do to implement every dungeon and raid in the entire history of the game. They should have done this in the first place rather than spend months rebalancing old dungeons for max level heroic versions of which most are out of date again.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Whoever asked about monks - they have slowed them down a bit but personally I like it. I play a 586 brewmaster / sometimes windwalker monk on live and it's just absurd how much I hate getting bloodlust, just because you'll be energy capped, won't have a reason to use fists of fury during etc. My personal piece is that they're giving monks a lot of well-needed quality of life improvements and I think slowing down the mad spam with haste is a good thing. You'll get back closer to how it is on live later on in the expansion, but for once I'll be happy when I get bl, instead of annoyed.

New FoF with the butterfly glyph is amazing as well. My suggestion is that you pick up an assurance of consequence from sha of pride as soon as possible. It sucks balls for monks on live but will be amazing to level with. mark my words.


EQOA Refugee
I'm looking to run some Flexs on my Mage. He's Alliance 550 ilvl. Battle tag is Acapella75#1537. Feel free to add me. Just let me know who you are on the board. Thanks.


Golden Squire
In FF14 you can queue for any dungeon or raid in the game and it will scale down your level to the max level of that dungeon, you lose access to higher levels spells and your gear is changed to have the stats of appropriate level rares. The drops are exactly the same but you'll be running it with low level players who join the same queue as the high levels so they'll be taking the gear.

Why would you do this? Once a day you can queue for a random low level dungeon and get currency for max level gear, helping newbies and changing the scenery a little.

WoW already has the systems in place for queuing for random groups and gear currency, all they have to do is design a system to scale down your character. Scaling you down rather than the dungeon up means that they will have little rebalancing work to do to implement every dungeon and raid in the entire history of the game. They should have done this in the first place rather than spend months rebalancing old dungeons for max level heroic versions of which most are out of date again.
I mostly liked how FFXIV handled things, but I thought they should've done something else for the abilities. It'd be incredibly annoying to get popped into a dungeon and almost all my action bar be rendered useless. Or worst case - find out I'd removed something completely because I no longer needed it thanks to later spells/abilities. As the healer, I know having a HOT at some of those lower level dungeons would've made them a lot simpler, but meh, fuck it. It's better than trying to remember how to play like I'm at a completely different level for 30 minutes a day.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's also the flaw of requiring the max number of people simply to set foot in an instance. Even if you could do a group dungeon or older raid encounter with less you had to queue up with a full party, there was no option to walk in without queueing either. That's how games become glorified lobby systems where you afk in town waiting for timers to pop.


Molten Core Raider
EQ2 did it the best and they did it like 10 years ago. Your shit just scales down but you're a monster with full access to everything. Was great.


Golden Squire
EQ2 did it the best and they did it like 10 years ago. Your shit just scales down but you're a monster with full access to everything. Was great.
Heh, it is their 10 year anniversary soon. But did they have all that in it 10 years ago?

FWIW, almost every other MMO on the market now has some way for higher level toons to play with lower level people that doesn't eat all the exp from the lower toon. Yes, most of them still leave you OP as all hell when you scale down, but people can play together (and in many cases, the higher level toon can still get some exp/progression). WoW is really the slacker in this lack of auto-scaling thing (I think challenges is the only place it exists?)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got both Paladin, and Hunter done with the 3k valor step in the Legendary quest. Now both have to kill some alliance dwarf dude, and do some pvp. Gotta read up on it, to figure out what to do. Hopefully the pleb guild I'm in can help with the alliance dude.


El Presidente
Got both Paladin, and Hunter done with the 3k valor step in the Legendary quest. Now both have to kill some alliance dwarf dude, and do some pvp. Gotta read up on it, to figure out what to do. Hopefully the pleb guild I'm in can help with the alliance dude.
Can do it with like 2 people easy, might even be able to solo that part. It's not that hard.


Golden Squire
Can do it with like 2 people easy, might even be able to solo that part. It's not that hard.
I just did it the other day. I was at about 516 iLevel at the time, shadow priest. I got him to just under 20% health twice, but by then I'd be pretty low health (trying to heal up was pointless, as he melee'd too hard), and then add on one screw up, and I was toast. I think I could've gotten him dead though, just needed better execution. Interrupt his call for help, run away from his whirlwind, move quickly out of fire for chaingun.

But instead, after my second death I saw a dude out there and asked if he'd help, and we obliterated the guy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Good to know. Can just get my friend to help me kill the guy then. The BGs I don't suspect will be much of an issue. Will just queue up and go until I win a couple.

Also, as far as flex... didn't get get a Google Doc setup for some flex, did anything ever happen with that Mageling?


Toe Sucker
If you can interupt his ability that calls adds hes super easy, soloable. If not then its rough lol

Cmonnnnn October 20ish release date!
Or September if they really want to surprise the world.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Oh looks its an awkward CEO standing in front of a crowd of people who want to throw money at him


Tranny Chaser
This is an incredibly dull interview. Not one person in that room nor taking the time to watch the stream doesn't already know these things.


Molten Core Raider
I keep clicking back to the stream with no sound on and its just white people talking with their hands. wru the infoz