World of Warcraft: Current Year


FPS noob
for the new LFR I would suggest finding a group on openraid or OQ. I got into one that was spamming in the openraid chat and we 1 or 2 shot all the bosses easily, normally I like to run an alt or two a week through LFRs but there is no way I am touching the new one using raid finder, it will just be frustrating as hell especially after friday.

lol found this post on reddit, titled "patch 5.4: siege of orgrimmar"


Molten Core Raider
Plus then you get to experience European raiding at its finest - interpretation of accents on voice comms. There are no exclusively UK servers like there are French/German/Russian.
I imagine that to be a real pain in the ass. It was bad enough with everyone having the same mother language, it must be a true clusterfuck when you mix them up.

Oh and I didn't even realize there were no designated UK servers.


Toe Sucker
Whats a good really clean UI? I've still only used the default since beta since i've never really liked any UI ive tried (can't even name any since its been a long ass time)

Also, zerging oondasta is pretty entertaining. I don't know any of the mechanics other than i get hit for 2million once in awhile :p


<Silver Donator>
I imagine that to be a real pain in the ass. It was bad enough with everyone having the same mother language, it must be a true clusterfuck when you mix them up.

Oh and I didn't even realize there were no designated UK servers.
There's english servers, but a lot of people would rather play on "international" servers than on their own servers, myself included. And yes my accent is complete shit but whatever. Most guilds on english servers are a mix of UK and nordics(swedish/danish people) with a few german/french/spanish/whatever else mixed in. Not that every UK accent is easy to understand anyway.


Toe Sucker
if i played on an EU server i would be obligated to talk in a butchered english accent all the time, every time.


Molten Core Raider
They need to tone that fucker down a bit so the server doesn't crash when you attempt him. It was like 7:45 am this morning and the server still shit its pants with a couple raid groups.


Probably just your server. Last time I did him we had just over 200 Horde and another 40 or so Alliance trying to grief us and the server held up fine.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Last time I did him there were at least 150 people there and there was only a slight uptick in latency (I wouldn't have even noticed if not for the bloodlust + stupid low pally gcd).


FPS noob
200-300 people is fine, I've killed him with that many no real problems (except dying a lot). On illidan and other super high pops however you get over 600 people on some nights and it takes out all of pandaria. On the plus side once you get over 300 people the boss lags on mechanics and basically just stands there. On illidan this week I've killed him 3-4 times, there were at least 500 people there and twice the server crashed when the boss was in the 30-50% stage (and he despawned when servers back up).

Its a great idea (super hard world boss that spawns as far away as you can possibly make it) that just doesn't work practically. On shitty servers, nobody ever kills oond. On high pop servers it just becomes a silly GY zergfest that is not fun for anybody past the first time, especially when its killing the server. If you try to overdesign for it ala Wintergrasp or Public Quests (instance it, only allow X people in, give out buffs if less than Y people, etc) it just becomes silly or pointless. I do prefer Sha to the old BH/VOA style though.


I'm on Drenden, which is on the very low end of Medium and we don't have a problem rustling up people to kill him. Just need to spread the word to all the raiding guilds. With a little planning, I'm sure even Low pops could down him.


Not sure. I wouldn't think so, but it very well could be.
I've got the card game, actually sitting on my desk at work, and I recognize a lot of the same type of graphics, especially the abilities type sections, like the HP. I wouldn't mind getting into this as a way to pass 10 minutes. Seems like a fun tablet game.