World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
For boosting ilevel you don't even need to go to Ashran, the wargame practice PVP armor they sell at the Ring of Trials in Nagrand is ilevel 660 and a couple pieces were enough to push me over when I hit 100. Still have to pass the Proving Grounds but no one should have much trouble with that if they are only a bit shy of the needed gear.
Where is the armor vendor? found the weapon one.


I've been kicked from 3 different dungeon groups for being a bad healer today when I've been telling everyone we need to CC because my heal output can't handle it and people just completely ignore me.

Sure is fun healing for like 5% of a tanks hp bar vs 1 mob let alone 4. There's literally nothing more I can do until people realize they can't just chain pull dungeons anymore.


I've been kicked from 3 different dungeon groups for being a bad healer today when I've been telling everyone we need to CC because my heal output can't handle it and people just completely ignore me.

Sure is fun healing for like 5% of a tanks hp bar vs 1 mob let alone 4. There's literally nothing more I can do until people realize they can't just chain pull dungeons anymore.
Bummer bud, I'd hate to be a healer right now, my buddy had to switch to feral in pvp because resto was just nasty.


Toe Sucker
Queueing Molten Core this morning:



Yeah I'm probably just going to end up ret. I love healing more than anything but it's literally garbage at the moment. I don't want to be able to heal for 100% of their HP every single cast, but I really feel like they went overboard with it lol. It's alright, give it another month and people will learn that they're not still in MoP. I hope at least.


I'm ret, I insta crit heal dudes for half their health on the regular. Pretty funny. In 2's with a feral bro a bunch right now (get a lot of honor for quick wins) we win 90% of our matches.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like they fixed this, his gear doesn't increase iLvL while in bags anymore.
Ok, I'm wrong, for some reason it didn't update for me right away, but then I logged out/in and gained 5 ilvl, went back bought 2 more pieces and im at ilvl 618 in bags and can queue for MC.

Horde seller is Blarg at Highmaul in Nagrand.


Trakanon Raider
Pvp for pure healers just feels broken. Dps is all over me and my heals don't heal much more than their dmg stuff and I get interrupted and cc'd so easily because everything has a cast time now and everyone has interrupts and CCs unlike in tbc and classic.

In PVE it seems fine, you spam fol and use cooldowns to keep regards alive and it generally works. I don't blame design here like I do in pvp, bad players aren't blizzards fault.


Pvp for pure healers just feels broken. Dps is all over me and my heals don't heal much more than their dmg stuff and I get interrupted and cc'd so easily because everything has a cast time now and everyone has interrupts and CCs unlike in tbc and classic.
Disc priests from what I can tell are the stronger of the healers right now in pvp. I always have to baby sit other types of healers in focus fights.


Trakanon Raider
Disc priests from what I can tell are the stronger of the healers right now in pvp. I always have to baby sit other types of healers in focus fights.
Ya disc has some pretty good instants with bubble still and penance on the move and better cc than Paladins. Ret probably heals better than holy now tbh, their spellpower is higher than holy and they get instant wog and can take selfless healer for instant fol. Its not great healing but you get all that dps and probably the same healing as a holy can do against a good team that is spamming interrupts.


Yeah dude I get instant FOL and WOG and double BoP HoF and HoS(glyphed to be a ghetto pain suppression)

Haste primary makes it even better when selfless isn't going.

Base FoL'ing for 24k with 50k crits non wing/trinket

Trinkets and wings take it up to 100k crits. (Numbers based on pvp gear bonus scaling up to 660+ stats)

No way I'd go holy paladin right now..


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've had no problems pushing through heroics without CC but you certainly aren't pulling 2-3groups as soon as you hit 610 ilvl. I enjoy the fact that you can actually wipe in them now but it really does show when some people are just bad, like dps doing 6k on bosses.


Trakanon Raider
Heroics can definitely be chain pulled with 0 cc once the tank is geared. I don't bother waiting on anyone to CC anymore when tanking heroics, and sometimes pull extra packs just to speed it up, without any problems. That being said, when first starting, I absolutely couldn't do that, and asked for things like sheep or sap on some of the meaner pulls.

We're now in that stage where the frontrunners are just about finished with gearing from heroics, and are only after one or two pieces, so we kind of want to speed run through the dungeons for the X'th time, while freshly 100 characters are joining in and not able to keep up with that pace right out of the gate.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm a max level miner and it is completely useless at this point. My tier 2 Mine produces a bunch more ore than I can actually use to burn my -two- blacksmithing cooldowns each day, meaning anything I mine in the field just takes up bank space. Due to the nature of crafting (and the fact that everyone gets the mine) there is basically no point to having Mining as a skill at this point. Feels bad, man.