World of Warcraft: Current Year


I sold a Mark of the Thunderlord for 30k on my server and I made another one (stupidly) without looking today only to find that people undercut the price by 15k and now they're even getting down to 10k. Basically it's more worth it for me to just straight up sell the mats cause it's the same price and pretty much a guaranteed sale.

But yeah, enchanting is making me a fuckload of gold at the moment. I don't want it to ever end


Golden Baron of the Realm
Personal loot back in

MC Lockout Removed, Personal Loot in Dungeons Restored, Nov 21 Hotfixes, Blue Posts

We now have a hotfix in the works that will do two things:

The default loot system for Dungeon Finder groups will once again be Personal, instead of Need Before Greed. Full premade groups that prefer the latter system will be able to select it manually, as always.
We're increasing loot yield from the final boss of each dungeon.
With Personal loot active, each player in a group will now always receive an item from the final boss.
With Need Before Greed active, the boss will now drop 3 items to be shared among the group as desired, up from 2 previously.


Trakanon Raider
They stealth nerfed the squirrel cave in SMV for bodyguard rep. You could take a bodyguard from 0 rep to maximum rep in about 30-40 minutes in that cave, even while completely afk and letting your bodyguard kill the mobs, which die in 1 hit, spawn in packs of 10, and respawn in about 15 seconds. They each gave full rep. Tonight I went to max another bodyguard there, and now they give no rep at all. Sigh.


French Madman
They stealth nerfed the squirrel cave in SMV for bodyguard rep. You could take a bodyguard from 0 rep to maximum rep in about 30-40 minutes in that cave, even while completely afk and letting your bodyguard kill the mobs, which die in 1 hit, spawn in packs of 10, and respawn in about 15 seconds. They each gave full rep. Tonight I went to max another bodyguard there, and now they give no rep at all. Sigh.
Damn, wish I knew that before! Haven't even started working on a single bodyguard rep yet.


hope so. 90% of the world is pretty much irrelevant once you are max level, so why bother with it. also while their whole twisting terrain and jumping puzzles and whatnot are midly entertaining the first time you level up, the more often you find out the node you are looking for is actually on that cliff way above you, or behind some weird vine wall you cant cross the less i care for that shit.

"but mah immersion".. yeah whatever.

also i miss seeing my flying mounts, and wont be one of those tools walking around on his ashes of alar. shit looks ridiculous.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's gay little jumping puzzles, tightrope walks, etc. all over the damn place. Don't bet on flight coming to Draenor ever.

I can accept that I guess, even though I think it's fucking stupid to cave in to the "hurrrrr durrrr immersion!!!!!!" crowd. Like I've said before though, they really should have at least given us another tier of ground mount speed to make up for it. I wouldn't expect full flight speed or anything, but this 220% (210% for you poor hapless non-DK/PAL bastards) shit is excruciating.


Trakanon Raider
Got my first raid loot quest from follower missions, reward was a random 655 ilvl item for my spec. Failed it with 61%. Feels bad


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm pretty sure the success chance is multiplicative on a 3-enemy mission, so you really only had about a 23% chance to get the cache. That's the only way I can explain how many times I've failed 90% chance missions anyway. 72% would be a lot more in line with what I've seen happen.


what Suineg set it to
I'm pretty sure the success chance is multiplicative on a 3-enemy mission, so you really only had about a 23% chance to get the cache. That's the only way I can explain how many times I've failed 90% chance missions anyway. 72% would be a lot more in line with what I've seen happen.
That doesn't seem to make much sense either the way the UI works as you add followers to the missions though.


Yeah I don't think that is how it works at all.

I am about to do my first mission for a raid roll token in 30 minutes, need to wait for one of my followers to finish a mission. I think I have like a 90% success when that one is ready. I have one follower that is almost 630 ilvl but have yet to get a mission requiring ilv. They are out there right?


what Suineg set it to
Yeah I don't think that is how it works at all.

I am about to do my first mission for a raid roll token in 30 minutes, need to wait for one of my followers to finish a mission. I think I have like a 90% success when that one is ready. I have one follower that is almost 630 ilvl but have yet to get a mission requiring ilv. They are out there right?
I thought ilvl was just background fluff that increases the magic % success metric.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What I mean is that the UI is showing the success chance per target. 90% on a single target is rarely a problem, but if there's three targets it's 90% for each one, which makes the actual success rate of the mission become .9*.9*.9 or 72.9%. I haven't seen a blue post confirm this or anything, but I have done enough missions at <100% that I am convinced that's how it works.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wowhead's guide talks about follower ilvl determining if/when missions for ilvl 630 and 645 items show up too.