World of Warcraft: Current Year

I've heard certain treasure hunter missions reward higher tier gear instead of the shit gold rewards, but they are apparently super rare.


Trakanon Raider
Like I said, you're doing it wrong. I don't have a level 3 Inn.

I've done 645 shoulders, bracers, chest and just got boots. I've got the mission for Highmaul.

So, the question is why? Do you have a barracks? are you cycling all missions regardless of failure rate. Are you maintaining at least 1 92ish, and 1 95ish follower for extra mission slots?
Level 3 barracks forever now, 10 followers at 650, 10 around 630 and the last 5 are sub 100. I am wondering if it's because I have too many under 100 and am getting more lower level ones than I should.


what Suineg set it to
Like I said, you're doing it wrong. I don't have a level 3 Inn.

I've done 645 shoulders, bracers, chest and just got boots. I've got the mission for Highmaul.

So, the question is why? Do you have a barracks? are you cycling all missions regardless of failure rate. Are you maintaining at least 1 92ish, and 1 95ish follower for extra mission slots?
If you have the 92/95 guys working, will they keep the slots open? My anecdotal experience says no, because I lost all the 90-93ish missions on my hunter until I recruited a weekly - but the time frame was so short it could have just been a normal dry spell in the rotation.


Anyone else not getting abyssal gulper bait drop while fishing in Spires of Arak anymore? The last two abyssal gulper dailies I've done, I've had zero bait. Not been like that for any other one.


Trakanon Raider
If you have the 92/95 guys working, will they keep the slots open? My anecdotal experience says no, because I lost all the 90-93ish missions on my hunter until I recruited a weekly - but the time frame was so short it could have just been a normal dry spell in the rotation.
I honestly don't know at this stage, because I've got my profession guys sitting at 100 for maximising gains from work orders. I'm rapidly running out of shit to level, so I might have to just start recruiting from the tavern to keep it rolling.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
If you hit Escape IMMEDIATELY after you click the complete mission button, you will be able to loot the reward chest regardless of whether or not you actually completed the mission successfully.


Trakanon Raider
If you hit Escape IMMEDIATELY after you click the complete mission button, you will be able to loot the reward chest regardless of whether or not you actually completed the mission successfully.
Its a graphical bug, you don't get the reward. Been tested to death by others.


I haven't seen this anywhere but just noticed it. If you have the mount in Nagrand, for whatever reason you can mount the Water Strider while still mounted on your Nagrand mount and you can just run across water no problem without having to re-cast anything.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Integrating garrison management in the app would alleviate a lot of the problem, but it's not something I expect to see implemented anytime soon, if ever.
They've specifically said they're NOT going to do it. Basically, they don't expect the have the garrison in the next expansion (we'd have to rebuild one anyway), so they're not going to bother writing special sections for stuff that won't go away.

(and they also added that they regretted making Archaeology as it is, rather than a single-expansion feature)

Regarding the mission problem, simple solution:

1) You have one mission slot per active follower (or your follower cap, whichever is lower)
2) You're eligible for pool 1 if you have any follower 90-94, pool 2 if any is 95-99 and pool 3 if any is 100.
3) If you have only one pool, all mission (yes, all 25 of them) come from that pool. If you have two pools, odd slots are from one, even slots from the other. If 3, then it's 1-2-3 rotating.
4) Missions are picked at random if they're allowed; you're not allowed missions below your lowest active follower or higher than your highest one (and yes, that means 615 missions start spawning as soon as you have ONE 615 follower)
5) Missions 90-99 respawn after 24h; 100 after 48h, rare double that (48/96).
6) And finally, rate of crate drop is 20% for 90-99, 40% for 100 or 99- rares, 80% for level 100 rares.

That way, you don't need to keep a 99 follower. It doesn't matter if you send two low level missions over two days, or one 100 over two days: you don't get crates any faster. But you're now incentivized to have only 100 followers: you get more chances of missions with lots of GR, gold, tokens, etc.

(in fact, I'm almost sure it works somewhat that way. But since they never explain their game mechanic, you have rumors, like "big crates have lower token drop rates", which is a purely psychological effect due to the fact that a big crate always drop one additional green trash guaranteed over a normal, so you remember those and don't "see" the tokens)


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Hell the goblins have an entire zone for themselves and all the other races have pretty big capitals. Gnomes were previously somewhat ignored although there have traditionally been quite a few gnome quest hubs and now have a demi home city with the entry areas of gnomeregan retaken. Worgen though get nothing even in their "home city" they are just living in elf trees so not even their own enclave shows their architecture.
They did not have ressources (ahem, remind me the number of millions of $ getting in every month?) to have racial garrisons (you just get to pick your guards), but I think they should have themed the buildings themselves. For alliance, the only non-human building I've seen is the dwarven bunker which looks... dwarvish. I assume the engineer stuff looks a bit gnomish? They could have put more diversity:

- Enchanter, mage tower: draenei
- Tailor, alchemy: night elf
- Engineer, workshop: gnomish
- Forge, bunker: dwarvish
- Storage, Trading Post: worgen
- Inn, garden: pandaren
- rest: remain human

your garrison would have reflected the hodge-podge of the Alliance, since it couldn't be themed from your origins.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Do you still need a character with inscription to make one or everything can be done with the inscription building.
All of the profession buildings can make every basic item, up to ilvl 640 (need level 3 building, meaning you need level 100 even if the item is 91 req. Unless you run it for your alts).

The characters with professions are the ones who make the upgrades to 655 and higher.


Why wouldn't they keep adding to the garrison or have a it in the next expansion? There's so much that could be built on top of what they have now ... integrating it into guilds somehow, adding more variety of buildings, followers etc. etc. I don't understand why they would just throw away a feature like you suggest.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They stated in an interview very recently that they built the garrison with the idea that they could leave it behind while re purposing and moving the tech forward in new expansions in a way that makes sense.

Blizzard Entertainment_sl said:
how do you feel about the success of Garrisons, and are there plans for a similar system in future expansions?:
Super happy overall with how garrisons have worked out, at least for now. One of our goals for the expansion was to add a feature that felt like it gave players new gameplay that feels important and thematically tied to the expansion. We'll have to wait and see on future expansions. Certainly, we have a goal of providing awesome new gameplay that mixes up your experience for future expansions, but that can take many forms (be it "garrisons 2.0", elements of garrisons mixed in with other new stuff, other new stuff completely, etc). Regardless, new stuff that fits an expansion well and doesn't feel like an already-solved problem is definitely cool!
You can read more onMMO-Champion.


I do personally like garrisons and hope they expand on them, but they could also be testing grounds for something much larger in mind. So it's not a definite no, but not a yes either. Either way, glad to see they're happy with them and most people seem to enjoy them so yay blizzard for doing something right on the first go pretty much


Molten Core Raider
Sold a weapon upgrade thingy for 100k. The bloods cost me like 25k. Not a bad deal IMO. Initially had it listed at like 270k but realized I should just try to move it quick before people start undercutting (had the only one on ah). I will probably make another in a few days, I bet there are a bunch of wealthy wanna be mythic raiders for whom 100k for 15 more ilvl is worth it.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
5) Missions 90-99 respawn after 24h; 100 after 48h, rare double that (48/96).
This is completely false. I do the same level 99 missions 3-4 times per day. Out of His Element will usually respawn within minutes of completing it, giving practically infinite garrison resources.