World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wonder if it is even possible to fail the LFR Butcher outside of willful sabotage. I know LFR needs to be simplified and all that but good lord that was painfully easy.
Okay I had done two of those three bosses on normal mode I was expecting LFR to be easy but holy wow that is way easier than the LFR from pandaria. I am pretty sure tanks could self heal through those fights if they blew their cool downs as appropriate times and I am pretty sure straight auto attacking would be sufficient DPS for a successful run. Still I won't complain its a way to at least see the basics of the fight even if you can just ignore them and I got another 5 stones last night.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah never doing highmaul I don't feel prepared to go into even normal after LFR. You can fuck up and ignore all mechanics and still win.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Looks like I'm going to try and get a quick run in before raid tonight lol, a trinket upgrade from first boss and stones!


A Mod Real Quick
Literally takes 15 minutes. As a tank my queue was nearly instant as well.

Still would like to do some Normals during the day on Saturdays if anyone is down, just let me know. I'll just pug it if not.


Blizzard screwed up when they did the hotfix today and reset the LFR loot stuff, so if you ran it last night you can run it again now and get more loot. Just got more loot on my priest doing this.

It does appear they may have made then slightly harder and higher HP.


Dumb question...where is LFR in the /lfr tab? All I see are groups looking for normals/heroics.
Identical to queueing for a dungeon via the LFD tool. Raids have their own tab, I believe they have a min ilvl restriction of 615 and silver in your role appropriate proving ground.


Identical to queueing for a dungeon via the LFD tool. Raids have their own tab, I believe they have a min ilvl restriction of 615 and silver in your role appropriate proving ground.
Derp, it's under Walled City. Nothing as logical as calling a Highmaul raid Highmaul.


Golden Squire
Derp, it's under Walled City. Nothing as logical as calling a Highmaul raid Highmaul.
Did you play during MoP? All the LFR raids are like this. I didn't play from early Cata until late MoP, and I was very confused the first time I went to the LFR window and had like 15 options, and only that short raid had the actual name there. I hate the LFR selector. But at least for WoD I knew what to expect.

Really though, those options should at least be categorized or something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah never doing highmaul I don't feel prepared to go into even normal after LFR. You can fuck up and ignore all mechanics and still win.
LFR to fill out some 640 gear would make highmaul normal pretty reasonable. I did highmaul normal in a pug that was listing as aiming to down the first three bosses and we managed to kill two of the three in the time limit people had set for the run. Honestly the difficulty of that felt along the lines of the higher end pandarian LFR. Some fights may wipe you a bit at first but once you figure the mechanics out its not bad.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I don't have a problem with them naming the sections since they are released one at a time, but they could at least put them under the main raid. For instance, list it as "Highmaul: Walled City".


Did you play during MoP? All the LFR raids are like this. I didn't play from early Cata until late MoP, and I was very confused the first time I went to the LFR window and had like 15 options, and only that short raid had the actual name there. I hate the LFR selector. But at least for WoD I knew what to expect.

Really though, those options should at least be categorized or something.
I quit MoP seconds after dinging last level.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Blizzard screwed up when they did the hotfix today and reset the LFR loot stuff, so if you ran it last night you can run it again now and get more loot. Just got more loot on my priest doing this.

It does appear they may have made then slightly harder and higher HP.
Honestly slightly harder is probably a good thing. I am not talking hard core pain and agony runs but seriously I am pretty sure auto attacking would have been sufficient last night to beat the bosses and I think it could maybe use a touch more something. I will certainly take another swing at it I need more of those stones anyway so the more runs I get the better.