World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tanaan grants you a ton of solid gear, especially if you farm until you get the right stats. However, that makes mythic dungeon and most of LFR gear useless.
Yes I upgraded a blue weapon I got doing my apexis stuff by finishing my garrison questline and that weapon I got the week before LFR of hellfire opened up is better quality now than anything that will drop for me in hellfire LFR. It is one reason I am pretty okay with artifact weapons because as it is even currently there just is not much diversity in weapons for somebody in my tier.


Blackwing Lair Raider
"Tension between the Horde and Alliance is an important part of the game and this expansion. "

More manufactured bullshit.
Yes the tension is so important we have been allied with the horde closely in what the last three or four expansions? Hell in pandaria the horde helped us invade their capital city!!!!!! I get there is antagonism but we have clearly seen there are a lot of points of common interest where both sides are more than willing to band together to tackle. They should allow cross faction grouping make it like eq2 where you can't visit enemy capitals but out in the field you can group up to do whatever.


Golden Squire
The horde vs alliance thing has been insanely stupid for a long time. I mean, I get that it's a tenant of the franchise, but every single expac is WE HAVE TO PUT OUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE AND WORK TOGETHER!!

Not to mention, as soon as you're out of your newbie areas, you start taking your bear ass quests for either side and noone cares.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The horde vs alliance thing has been insanely stupid for a long time. I mean, I get that it's a tenant of the franchise, but every single expac is WE HAVE TO PUT OUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE AND WORK TOGETHER!!

Not to mention, as soon as you're out of your newbie areas, you start taking your bear ass quests for either side and noone cares.
At this point they have either been told by higher ups they cannot combine factions or the resources investment to combine the factions is so large that it is deemed not worth it.

I think there is a good chance the xpack following Legion will finally combine them since we will have an entire xpack worth of mercenary pvp at that point.


<Bronze Donator>
Mercenary PVP has to lead to mercenary PVE and at that point we're pretty much there anyway. That's what I'd hope at least.


I figure that has to come eventually. I HOPE it comes eventually.
I wouldn't mind if it was just strictly dungeons and raids, though. I kind of wish it would be if that were ever an option. Who cares about the overworld really as far as group content goes?

and for lore reasons: my character does not give a fuck about the politics of Warchiefs and Kings. Y'all can argue as much as you want, I'm busy saving the fucking world and if someone wants to assist me in doing so you bet I would openly invite them to join me.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Giving alliance pvpers guise of the blood elf to shorten queues has nothing to do with removing their lore barriers.


Would be interesting, because you know there would be race purists like the filthy dwarves. One council member wanting to work with the horde and the other two absolutely refusing, causing even more in-fighting.

They can do it without completely ruining the WARcraft aspect of things, and it would probably make the quality of life greater when it comes to trying to form raids or even guilds. Wishful thinking, though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At this point they have either been told by higher ups they cannot combine factions or the resources investment to combine the factions is so large that it is deemed not worth it.

I think there is a good chance the xpack following Legion will finally combine them since we will have an entire xpack worth of mercenary pvp at that point.
And its possible there is just some major programing obstacle that simply makes it impossible for them to integrate the sides without doing things like the mercenaries trick where you effectively become one of the other factions races.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Last night I completed the Jungle Stalker achievement for killing the 60 rares in Tanaan. Now I have to wait for the dude to spawn to get my Predator title. After that I can go back to logging in once a day to queue up gold missions.

So dynamic.

Also, as a raid tank I did not encounter a single rare of those 60 that had an ability I had to move out of. I'm sure if I had gone a dps spec that may have changed, but for any tank spec their "abilities" are laughable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Last night I completed the Jungle Stalker achievement for killing the 60 rares in Tanaan. Now I have to wait for the dude to spawn to get my Predator title. After that I can go back to logging in once a day to queue up gold missions.

So dynamic.

Also, as a raid tank I did not encounter a single rare of those 60 that had an ability I had to move out of. I'm sure if I had gone a dps spec that may have changed, but for any tank spec their "abilities" are laughable.
You mean you don't have anything to do after running out of the content a month and a half after it was released? Shocked!

It depends on ilevel mostly. If you are a fresh 100, it is really hard to solo the rares. Once you are in the 660+ range it starts becoming easier and eventually really easy.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah ilvl for sure. At 711 I can just warlock tank rares as I'm too lazy to summon a pet and change from GrimSac and they die after a few chaos bolts. Someone starting fresh in Tanaan would have to pay attention to some mechanics I'm sure.


Golden Squire
I joined MOP well after SoO was boring to everyone. When I freshly dinged 95, rares were still challenging. After a few weeks of LFR, yeah, they were a joke (as a shadow priest). That's just how WoW progresses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You mean you don't have anything to do after running out of the content a month and a half after it was released? Shocked!
Clearly it's not just me since their sub numbers have dropped so dramatically. You can't tell me with a straight face that all of those people lost were raiders who cruised through the content.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, that's good to know. Considering the ilvl can be like 730+ (not counting the legendary) that at least leaves a lot of room for progression.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I do think they made the Tanaan gear progression a bit too fast. I came back as a level 90 right after the release of 6.2 and it didnt take long at all for me to get full 695 gear with my preferred secondary stats purely through doing Tanaan. Between the apexis dailies, random purple upgrade from baleful gear, and killing rares in Tanaan, I was getting a 695 item every few days once I got into Tanaan. I had a blast in the zone, especially seeing the power increase as I went from struggling on normal mobs at ilvl 615 to raping everything at my current ilvl 694. But I kind of wish it had been stretched out a bit, because now it feels like Im at the end of a really cool theme park ride.

Im by no means a hardcore player, and most days I would log on for 1 - 2 hours for garrison and apexis dailies. They probably could have reduced the number of apexis you get for dailies in Tanaan, because even at 20k each, it is really fast to upgrade to ilvl 695. Also, the teleport to rares item is stupid.