World of Warcraft: Current Year


I must be the only person who truly hates the Scenarios. I had expected to really like them, but they seem to be more effort than running a dungeon but with less reward.
I don't think that they are thaaaat bad. I ran like 10 the other night and it took us way less time than running that many heroics - especially since it's only 3 people. A few of them, though, are a little too long for sure.


<Bronze Donator>
Did they fix archeology or is it still a stupid grind for a very small chance at the loot you really want (i.e. the polearm)?


I am still working on tol'vir (3/6) after weeks(months maybe) but got both (2/2) from the two new mop arch ... factions? whatever the class they're called is. I think it took (no joke) 30-40 solves for all 4 blues.

That might seem like a lot but you get 6-9 fragments per dig with 6 dig ups plus chance for sha npc to spawn and drop 6-9 more. With each combine being 30ish.

Plus doing serpent daily if you choose and arch daily (at seat of knowledge) for some easy gold and valor.


Did they fix archeology or is it still a stupid grind for a very small chance at the loot you really want (i.e. the polearm)?
I'm not sure what there is to fix as what you just described seemed to be the exact goal of archaeology. With that said though, it took me less than 10 solves from when I hit 600 to get the umbrella, polearm, and dummy. Obviously purely anecdotal evidence but from what I've heard from others, they all had similar experiences.

With regards to people dropping out as soon as they port into long/hard dungeons in the LFR, then I have this to say. There are times I just want my 15 min McDungeon and there are times I want a longer or more complex experience. The problem is is that you are forced to play the lottery when you queue up using the default queue system because if you go into the selector and choose a few of the ones you do want to do you lose out on the bonus stuff. For me, that is a fundamental design flaw. If I only ever want to do one damn dungeon, or just a couple of them, why shouldn't I be allowed to queue for only those and still get full bonus stuff?
Because the whole purpose of the bonus is rewarding you extra for doing something you may have not wanted to do? Why do you need an extra reward if you already want to do it?


Can someone clarify/confirm this: My druid (tank/86) is at 4000/4000 JP and I need to figure out what to spend points on. The best rewards I can get with justice points is ilevel 450 / level 90 blue gear right? How does that compare to quest rewards in the 89/90 zones or heroic blue drops?

Is there any way for me to guess right now which piece I will need most when I hit 90? Are heirlooms any good for the heroic/LFR gear check at 90? Should I just buy those for my main (only playing the druid)?


FPS noob
Heirlooms count as ilevel 1 so they are terrible for LFR. None scale past level 85 anyways, so they are worthless for pandaria.

Quest rewards cap out at around 442, you will likely end up at 90 with an average ilevel of 440 or so which is enough to get into heroics but NOT enough for LFR, which requires 460. You can chain run heroics, or PVP, or a mix of the two to reach 460 to run the first two LFRs. The biggest problem is the last 4 LFRs require 470, so you either have to get incredibly lucky in the first two LFRs or craft some gear or spend a lot of honor or JP upgrading your 458 jp/honor gear or 463 heroic dungeon gear.

The good news is that patch 5.2 will let you buy 476 PVP gear for just honor, so you can hit 90, grind out 10-15k of honor and easily hit 470. The PVP gear is great for PVE.

So to answer your question if you think you will run a lot of 5 mans, hold onto your JP and upgrade the first heroic 5 man drop you get to go from 463 to 471. If you think you want to run battlegrounds a lot convert all the justice to honor (375=250) at Stormwind/Org and you can buy 3 pieces of 458 PVP gear when you hit 90 (ring+neck=2500, then anything that costs 1750). You can't prebuy any gear, all jp/honor gear requires 90 to buy.

Also LFR I believe counts gear in your bags (unequipped) as long as it matches your spec, so you can craft/buy crafted gear for your spec and just let it sit in your bags, and then sell it on the AH when you get LFR drops. Never tried this so not sure it still works. Me personally, I just chain ran heroics on my newbie DK (instaQ for tanks + goodie bag) and was LFR ilevel ready within a few days, then tanked every LFR with shit gear, no gems, no enchants, and no deaths. So within a week of hitting 90 you can easily be "done" with LFR raiding, especially as a healer or tank class. Queues are a LONG longer for everything as DPS. LFR queues are 10+ mins for tanks, insta for healers. Dungeon queues are insta for tanks, 2-5 mins for healers.


Can someone clarify/confirm this: My druid (tank/86) is at 4000/4000 JP and I need to figure out what to spend points on. The best rewards I can get with justice points is ilevel 450 / level 90 blue gear right? How does that compare to quest rewards in the 89/90 zones or heroic blue drops?

Is there any way for me to guess right now which piece I will need most when I hit 90? Are heirlooms any good for the heroic/LFR gear check at 90? Should I just buy those for my main (only playing the druid)?
To go off of what Spronk said, if you plan to stay Guardian tank, don't buy justice gear. Instant heroic ques and upgrading that heroic gear using justice to 471 rather than something to 458 will help tremendously in getting into the next lfr.

On the alt tank I just leveled I had really crappy gear because I was rested and didn't finish townlong or Dread Wastes for the 442 quest rewards. I bought the BoE shield for 8k or so, chest and gloves from a friend that I just gave the titansteel to (350 each), Relic was down to 4k so I grabbed one of those, and then I had the Arch polearm upgraded to 471 to fake a stronger ilvl. After one heroic where I got a cloak, I ended up with around a 461 ilvl, at least enough to que into the first LFR. Either way though with tank ques as they are, and you being able to need on Intellect gear if no one else wants it, you can really bump up your ilvl incredibly quick with just half a night of heroics.


Molten Core Raider
Mists of Pandaria and Casual Players
I prefer dedicating, let's say, one day to grind one faction, by doing dungeon runs, grinding mobs, maybe doing some dailies, and then be off with it (for example I blasted from friendly to exalted with Skettis in less than 2 days)

Have you considered the sole fact you can't do that is one of the reasons you've got something to do for longer rather than be done with everything in a single day and the complain for the next 3 weeks there's nothing to do?

This is a classic response. "We're reading what you're saying, but we're not listening because this is what we're doing and we don't care."

You're implying we should listen to all kinds of hyperboles. There's a BIG difference between feedback and hyperboles. If we based the feedback we passed to the devs on them (and for some reason our developers suddenly became individuals without any judgment capabilities) then the game would be in a real ugly place, to be honest.

It's fine if you don't like something. It's fine if you hate it with burning passion. It's not fine when you go on to ignore every other aspect of the game, reduce everything it offers to the absolute minimum, and then demand we act based on such a silly premise.

Can you honestly say you enjoy dailies? I sure as hell can't. Well, for a few days after I hit 90, they were refreshing and enjoyable. Thereafter they were a grind, a bore, an extremely poor design and a wasted effort.

I do. I enjoy them, I find them useful to do something outside my daily dungeon/raid routine. I've only stopped running them once I've hit exalted with all Pandaria factions to instead run scenarios, old raids and PVP.

Do you fear repute? Does your pride stop you from even attempting to admit that there's something even slightly wrong?
I'm noone to judge if there's something wrong with the amount of daily quests. I'm not a developer. I can understand, however, how a player might feel he's got to climb a huge mountain when you just reach level 90 and realize all the reputations you've got to go through.

But the thing is, now that all content is unlocked (unlike at MoP's launch), you can really progress at your leisure.

I'm sure many players, like myself, would be a lot more satisfied if we got a response that was understanding of our concerns and hatred for daily quests and acknowledged that we want an alternative.

There's plenty of alternative activities. The issue here, I fear, is that you want the rewards tied to daily quests without doing daily quests. I would like to have Heroic raiding gear rewards without doing Heroic raiding every day, but hey, I understand that wouldn't be healthy for the game.

Blue responses to daily complaints. These chucklefucks just will not admit that the daily grind system is shit.


Why would they? Anyways I was about to run out of coins so I decided to get 90 lesser coins a week and to see how long that would take. Takes a day and back to not having to do dailies again.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also LFR I believe counts gear in your bags (unequipped) as long as it matches your spec,
For your spec? Nope. I bought the super cheap 476 cloth caster gloves and it worked just fine to get me in LFR on my hunter sitting in the hunter's inventory.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Blue responses to daily complaints. These chucklefucks just will not admit that the daily grind system is shit.
Remember how long they defend the Warlock chore.. I mean soul shard system? Most Warlocks just begged to let them stack instead of encroaching all the inventory slots. But someone thought it was a great idea for one class to spend 30 minutes killing random green mobs just to be able raid. The defended that shit through WotK, which they threw Locks a bone by letting them farm them target dummies.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pvp gear ilevel is being nerfed in 5.2 (stats will remain unchanged), so you cant cheat ilevel reqs with them anymore.

Also, when you get to 88 or 89, start doing dreadwastes or townlong. The quest rewards end up being much higher towards the end of the chain (450 or better). Also get into a Sha of Anger raid. Firat time you kill him, you get a quest for some crappy ilevel 476 boots. Wear em or keep em in your bag til you get better.


Heirlooms count as ilevel 1 so they are terrible for LFR. None scale past level 85 anyways, so they are worthless for pandaria.

Quest rewards cap out at around 442, you will likely end up at 90 with an average ilevel of 440 or so which is enough to get into heroics but NOT enough for LFR, which requires 460. You can chain run heroics, or PVP, or a mix of the two to reach 460 to run the first two LFRs. The biggest problem is the last 4 LFRs require 470, so you either have to get incredibly lucky in the first two LFRs or craft some gear or spend a lot of honor or JP upgrading your 458 jp/honor gear or 463 heroic dungeon gear.

The good news is that patch 5.2 will let you buy 476 PVP gear for just honor, so you can hit 90, grind out 10-15k of honor and easily hit 470. The PVP gear is great for PVE.

So to answer your question if you think you will run a lot of 5 mans, hold onto your JP and upgrade the first heroic 5 man drop you get to go from 463 to 471. If you think you want to run battlegrounds a lot convert all the justice to honor (375=250) at Stormwind/Org and you can buy 3 pieces of 458 PVP gear when you hit 90 (ring+neck=2500, then anything that costs 1750). You can't prebuy any gear, all jp/honor gear requires 90 to buy.

Also LFR I believe counts gear in your bags (unequipped) as long as it matches your spec, so you can craft/buy crafted gear for your spec and just let it sit in your bags, and then sell it on the AH when you get LFR drops. Never tried this so not sure it still works. Me personally, I just chain ran heroics on my newbie DK (instaQ for tanks + goodie bag) and was LFR ilevel ready within a few days, then tanked every LFR with shit gear, no gems, no enchants, and no deaths. So within a week of hitting 90 you can easily be "done" with LFR raiding, especially as a healer or tank class. Queues are a LONG longer for everything as DPS. LFR queues are 10+ mins for tanks, insta for healers. Dungeon queues are insta for tanks, 2-5 mins for healers.
So the only thing I can do right now if I don't want to waste JP is turn it into honor?


Silver Knight of the Realm
JP is kinda hard to get if you level past 85 right now, well not hard, but fuck ton of heroics to grind to get a decent amount. I would use it to upgrade heroic/scenario blues personally.


Don't know why, but I am loving LFR. I can see where most of you would not like it. If I were able to play as much as I wanted to play, I'd probably hate it. I can't commit to a play schedule, so LFR helps to scratch that itch.

Edit to say: The past discussion about some of the vanilla dungeons... Yeah I loved ST and Scholo and old Strat, but especially BRD. I GM'd a 2nd tier raid guild. We raided with the top guild on our server, and they cherry-picked our best members, was a win-win situation. The above dungeons were good for weeding out the retards, so we ran them all the time. BRD and BRS was good for measuring a time commitment. We kept alt's in the mid-50's just to run BRD with prospects and new members to see if they would bail on us or not. That would let us know if we should invest the time in you or not.


Trakanon Raider
I can't find any info about the season 13 change over, specifically if S12 Malevolent gear will become purchasable with honor, instead of conquest. Sitting on 4k honor on the character I'd like to play next season who has zero PvP gear at the moment.


I must be the only person who truly hates the Scenarios. I had expected to really like them, but they seem to be more effort than running a dungeon but with less reward.
No, I absolutely hate them. Scenarios are a classic example of what is wrong with MOP, sort of.

You have scenarios, which you cannot do till max level for some ungodly reason. They should be doable while you're leveling up; you can't even use the excuse that it drops ilvl 450 gear etc, because mogu'shan palace has the same ilvl. They would have been much more rewarding if you could random queue for it and get some extra exp and JP while leveling, especially to supplement the 4 (ONLY 4?!) normal dungeons from 85-90.

On top of that, you only have a *chance* to get an item. I've run approx 40 scenarios to get all the achievements, and I've only walked away with 5 things. On top of that, I couldn't even USE some of them. I don't even mean "Not appropriate for my spec" but I got a strength mace on my druid. Wtf?

It would be one thing if scenarios were just there for a bit of lore, and for achievements. The issue I have is that when people bitch about the daily grind, or something else with MOP in regards to content, a dev will say...well there's scenarios? What's wrong with scenarios? Do scenarios! Why aren't you doing scenarios!

I'm not doing scenarios because I can't do them till max level; because I only have a small chance at loot and because even THEN I might not be able to use it. On top of it, I only get a chance at loot if I random, not pick.

Pick any two of those three issues I listed and scenarios would be infinitely better. (Doable while leveling, always have a chance at loot, or when rewarded with loot you can always use it for one of your specs.)

And yea, the whole JP/gearing up system is whack. I'm so beyond confused why gate of the setting sun and siege of niuzao temple were just heroics. They could have bridged a small gap had they also made them normals and had them drop ilvl 450 loot. Those two instances have a crapton of bosses and a shit ton of loot; making them only heroics is bollocks. And why the fuck at max level can we no longer random normal dungeons for extra JP?

Ugh, so annoying.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One of the changes they plan on making AFAIK is you will get more JP from Scenarios.

I noticed the new PTR build rolls warlock imp stamina buff into dark intent. Good. Imp is so fucking shitty right now since he runs out of demonic energy so fast. He used to be my go to demon pre-MoP/talent revamp ;(