World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Knight of the Realm
Honestly, at this point I am wondering why they have to make expansions be this huge as fucking block of content that they release every 2 years with 8 zones, 10 dungeons etc and not have it be staggered in some way. Like, why can't the first part they release contain say, two zones and maybe 2-3 levels along with some dungeons and a raid instance, and then have us progress into the later zones and levels. I don't get why we have to have a huge new world that we'll sperg over and enjoy for a month while rushing everything, while we really could have each content cycle be say 3 months and have the entire expansion staggered for a while, as long as there's something to do all the time. The gear resets every time there's a patch anyway. I liked this back in vanilla beta because with level caps that increased now and then, you enjoyed whatever the highest content was that much more.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I am so not prepared for 6+ months of Tanaan
Neither am I. At the moment, I'm still trying to optimize my stable of alt's gear, which is killing time since they're going to replace every piece probably within 15mn of the intro quest to Legion, and none of them ever do dungeons or raids anyway.

At one point, I'm going to rip the Salvage Yards of every garrison, because fuck opening and selling the stuff in those crates, and all those alts will remain glued to the front of the mission table until I unsub for the rest of the expansion. Except on wednesdays when I try to finish my racist garrisons (got all-dorf, all-orc and all-draenei one, which are the easy versions, but getting an all-worgen one might be unfinished until Legion. I thought I'd have an all NE one ages ago, but the Inn refuses to find out more than one NE every 6 week or so. And still can't believe it is impossible to have an all-pandaren one).

At the moment, you're either a fresh returnee, or killing time until Legion comes out. Or your guild stopped raiding for the summer, and you hope they start again before it implodes.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Honestly, at this point I am wondering why they have to make expansions be this huge as fucking block of content that they release every 2 years with 8 zones, 10 dungeons etc and not have it be staggered in some way.
Makes it easier for marketing to sell them 50$ expansions.


I'm also working on loremaster, I can't do a few super low level quests without like.. paying some low level to do them for me because even naked+res sickness I 1shot mobs
but I'd imagine by the time I finish loremaster the Legion pre-event will start. I don't know what I'm going to do when Legion has the inevitable content drought though ._.
I did the original Loremaster back in Wotlk when I was bored in between raid nights. I basically did the new version after Cataclysm though. It's probably better just to make a new character to keep things interesting. You don't need to do the whole thing on one toon, just a whole zone on any one toon. I think I made a character that did most of the Kalimdor zones, another one that did Eastern Kingdoms, then a half dozen or so just to 15-20 to fill in the missing starting zones.


2 Minutes Hate
Flying will kick some life into the game for me personally for about 2 weeks. I have enough token time to last well into legion, so whatever. Two irl friends have been playing a bit more lately so I transferred over to their server and we've been running dungeons for that 250g bonus to the guild, that's been kinda fun.

I'm also working on loremaster, I can't do a few super low level quests without like.. paying some low level to do them for me because even naked+res sickness I 1shot mobs
but I'd imagine by the time I finish loremaster the Legion pre-event will start. I don't know what I'm going to do when Legion has the inevitable content drought though ._.
Dude, just go outside. Or at least pay another game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Neither am I. At the moment, I'm still trying to optimize my stable of alt's gear, which is killing time since they're going to replace every piece probably within 15mn of the intro quest to Legion, and none of them ever do dungeons or raids anyway.

At one point, I'm going to rip the Salvage Yards of every garrison, because fuck opening and selling the stuff in those crates, and all those alts will remain glued to the front of the mission table until I unsub for the rest of the expansion. Except on wednesdays when I try to finish my racist garrisons (got all-dorf, all-orc and all-draenei one, which are the easy versions, but getting an all-worgen one might be unfinished until Legion. I thought I'd have an all NE one ages ago, but the Inn refuses to find out more than one NE every 6 week or so. And still can't believe it is impossible to have an all-pandaren one).

At the moment, you're either a fresh returnee, or killing time until Legion comes out. Or your guild stopped raiding for the summer, and you hope they start again before it implodes.
It makes me glad a GW2 expansion and a swtor expansion should be out in a few months give me plenty of stuff to do while blizzard derps their way to the next expansion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea they didn't like the "badge" system so they scrapped it...then they brought in apexis, but didn't give you apexis for doing dungeons...which makes it fucking retarded. But now they're bringing back timewalking badges, so who the fuck knows.

Also mythic kormrok is like 200% easier than mythic iron reaver, figure that one out.
Something like the time walking badges is nearly perfect. Some neat cosmetic lower end stuff and some cool mounts/pets that take a lot of saving up to get. Some actual reason to do it when the weekends are active and you are gearing yourself up. They just totally botched the rewards part of dungeons this expansion. The risk was about fine even on pugs some of the dungeons had some pretty frisky fights like the weird turret boss on the train. That guy has slain groups a lot in pugs. The difficulty of the dungeons was actually a good bit harder than highmaul LFR for worse rewards.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
They just totally botched the rewards part of dungeons this expansion. ...The difficulty of the dungeons was actually a good bit harder than highmaul LFR for worse rewards.
And it gets worse.

I mean, I get better rewards than CITADEL LFR by doing SOLO non-named/non-elite stuff OUTDOOR.


Vyemm Raider
What this expansion forgot is that many people play for many different reasons, so there has to be something for everyone if you want people to keep running your content.

Dungeon bosses in previous expansions could drop very rare mounts. There's none of that here.
Raid bosses could drop very rare mounts. Again, none of that.

There was also recipes or pets that could be rare drops, but there is like one single pet in LFR this time around, and none of the recipes are actual drops in this expansion.

All those reasons are part of why people stopped running content as soon as they finished collecting the 300 bear asses you needed for your legendary item.

But in my opinion, the biggest thing that made people stop running the LFR raids is the fact that the generic armor sets they made for LFR are completely ugly and different from the other difficulties.

I mean, I get that you're trying to push people to try flex modes and stuff, but all that meant to me was that I'm never going to get those nifty armor sets until I outlevel the content by a fuckload, so I'm not going to bother and I'll just be patient and get it next year when it's convenient for me and I can solo all that shit in 30 minutes. I used to raid religiously in Throne of Thunder LFR every week to get my fucking warrior armor tokens so I could finish that transmog set I wanted.

Now? Everything looks like shit in LFR, so that's one less tank in the grinder.

I generally play to collect stuff. I collect mounts, pets, tabards, recipes, legendaries, toys. You name it. So really the only time in this expansion when I actually felt the NEED to upgrade my gear was when I had to get 675 ilvl to get the new garrison missions that give, you guessed it, a mount and some pets.

Blizzard forgot that there are people like me that used to run dungeons and LFR for this shit, and they paid the price rather heavily I think this expansion (among many bigger mistakes, but it looks like they actually learned some things so I still have hope).

The timewalking badges reward system is a good step in the right direction again, we'll see how that goes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Flying will do nothing for me as far as helping me level alts. I am working on my 9th 100 at the moment, and I'm down to about 30-45 minutes per level. Only thing flying would do is let me get treasures and skip the 90-92 shitfest of shadowmoon.

All the zone intro's require no flying at all. 92 hit Gorgrond, do intro quests, do red mushroom area (alliance), couple quests in the catman area and boom 94, hit talador. Do talador intro town quests, MAYBE start the arrakoa town shit and boom 96. Hit spires, do intro shit til arrakoa town, hit southshore 2.0, boom 98. Intro Nagrand, do intro town shit, do burning blade area with lantressor, 100. All fucking clumped together and if you queue for instances the whole time you get chunks for 150k-200k xp in there and it goes even faster.

And I guess you're right about Kormrok being easy as shit on normal and heroic. However, I thought the same thing about council because it is a fucking snoozefest on normal and heroic...mythic, not so much. Granted I am the Caster Cunt tank so I can play with one hand, but still.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I generally play to collect stuff.
I do too. Someone was saying in gchat last night that the new xmog system can't come fast enough, and I had to agree. I have 3 characters with maxed out bank and void storage. Someone else asked me why...I don't really have an answer. Gives me something to do I guess? Maybe I'm a closet gay and love wow paperdoll fashion games?


Blackwing Lair Raider
And it gets worse.

I mean, I get better rewards than CITADEL LFR by doing SOLO non-named/non-elite stuff OUTDOOR.
I know I did the garrison campaign complete and my staff upgraded to a higher ilevel than anything that drops in LFR hellfire citidel. And I spent enough apexis stuff on random crap that I could be nearly fully decked out in that level of gear had I chose to care enough to do it. Basically LFR gear has the watered down set piece stuff which I am not sure if its better than the higher I level baelful stuff and some off set pieces. Itemization this time around was a bit wonky to say the least.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's the one they're ripping off, I believe.
It is about perfect so rip away blizzard rip away. Having a second bank to store 50 billion random old raid loots I will never look at again is a silly ass way of handling transmog gear.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Archimonde in LFR is $$ for the drama. Players have no patience. Got my legendary ring but it represents why I am afraid of the next expansion. Lets create a ring that has no glow effect unless used and then share that ability with everyone else who has a ring giving me no control of when I use it. I suppose LFR is the only time that is an issue but it still would have been nice to just have it do something else.

Do the follow up quests for the ring mean anything besides gold, if a player only does LFR? I know the ring can be upgraded but I think that is strictly normal+ raiding.


It's definitely strictly normal+ raiding, not LFR. Someone complained that someone (myself) used the heal ring on a pull and I was like okay fine fuck it I won't use it, someone else can... then the next 2 attempts nobody else at all used theirs. lmao

I liked that fight though, I'd like to experience it on normal at least. Will probably pay attention to LFG if anyone wants heals whenever I'm on. I will give LFR credit for that, it allows me to check out the content since I don't raid anymore, but when there's a fun fight it really makes me want to try it on a harder difficulty.