World of Warcraft: Current Year


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Built in two factions too. Man, Blizz can do the best wow clone of all time.


Trakanon Raider
What is the word on buying new valor items in 5.2? One of the guys in my raid says we should all have 3000 valor banked and ready for 5.2. I always remember new items being available only after doing daily quests for rep with new factions when new raids come out, can't imagie it would be any different here.

Also, anyone have an idea of what ilvl a raid might need to start working on the new Thunder King raid? My group has only been raiding for 5 weeks, we are working on clearing HoF, and our average ilvl is around 484. I am hoping we can go into the new raid immediately, but I doubt that is going to be the case.


Registered Hodor
What is the word on buying new valor items in 5.2? One of the guys in my raid says we should all have 3000 valor banked and ready for 5.2. I always remember new items being available only after doing daily quests for rep with new factions when new raids come out, can't imagie it would be any different here.

Also, anyone have an idea of what ilvl a raid might need to start working on the new Thunder King raid? My group has only been raiding for 5 weeks, we are working on clearing HoF, and our average ilvl is around 484. I am hoping we can go into the new raid immediately, but I doubt that is going to be the case.
There's at least one valor piece that you can get on patch day (neutral rep). The new rep is gained by killing bosses in the new raid, so depending on how it's paced it might be possible to hit friendly rep pretty quickly as well. No clue on how difficult it will be compared to HoF and stuff as I only do LFR these days.


FPS noob
I could be wrong but my understanding is that you can only buy a 522 neck @ neutral for 1250 points, then a 522 trinket and wrists at friendly. I don't know how fast it is to go from neutral to friendly, someone said I think 1 boss kill but who knows. You can't really farm rep, you only get it from raid bosses (any difficulty) and only once per kill per week. No clue how long it will take to hit each rep level.

LFR is not open until a week after 5.2 launches, so if you only run LFR you can spend a max of 1250 first week and 2500 second week. If you are in a regular raid group and can kill a boss then you will want to cap out now assuming a 522 trinket, wrist, and neck are upgrades and you don't get similar drops in the normal raid.

Gearwise its worth upgrading any 483+ weapons you have (weapons tend to take a long time to get), and after that any gear that will be higher than 502 after upgrades. new LFR drops 502, new normal is 522, and there is a whole bunch of 522 rep-based valor gear.


If they made a Rock n' Roll Racing game, I'd almost buy it on principal. If they sold a custom wheel and shit for it, I'd buy that too.

Might even go play that business right now.


Glad that the next raiding tier is on the way. I cannot imagine how World First/Cutting edge guilds hold on for as long as they do. Four months of raiding the current tier and we have had to cancel the last two weeks due to raider disinterest.


FPS noob
fuck this weeks maintenance nerfed the summon-a-million-yaks (ruthers) macro. Why do you hate fun, Ghostcrawler


Glad that the next raiding tier is on the way. I cannot imagine how World First/Cutting edge guilds hold on for as long as they do. Four months of raiding the current tier and we have had to cancel the last two weeks due to raider disinterest.
Don't world first guilds take breaks in between tiers (some, anyway)?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I joined a new guild about five weeks ago and we managed to kill heroic Will and were 10/16 heroic. When they announced the release date for 5.2 we stopped progressing that week and the "I don't feel like raiding this shit I'm going to replace in 2 weeks" hangs pretty thick in the air now. At least we're down to 5ish hours a week for the past couple of weeks.


<Gold Donor>
I joined a new guild about five weeks ago and we managed to kill heroic Will and were 10/16 heroic. When they announced the release date for 5.2 we stopped progressing that week and the "I don't feel like raiding this shit I'm going to replace in 2 weeks" hangs pretty thick in the air now. At least we're down to 5ish hours a week for the past couple of weeks.
My relatively hard core guild, like second on their server, basically told everyone to start getting their alts to 90.


Does anyone know why for the love of all that is holy, healbot suddenly stopped showing magic debuffs in MSV/HOF/Terrace?

It doesn't show on my druid so I've had to watch the blizz UI for it - I tried setting it as a custom debuff, and upgrading my healbot version but nothing helps. Anyone have any ideas? If I can't figure it out I'm making the jump to grid or some crap, because it's so annoying.


The timing on this patch is pretty good. Our casual 25 is ending 11/16H with only 7 hours of raiding a week, I'd imagine we would have just gotten one or two full farm raids if we had been doing 3 or 4 nights a week. I kinda wish they would be more concrete about the patch date though - Arena season is ending a week after the projected date they were talking about on twitter now.


Tranny Chaser
I got my Monk to 90 and maxed out his Valor and LFR stuff that same day (cannot for the life of me get to 470 ilevel for the second set of LFRs this first week) Now levelling up a Warlock and exploring the zones I missed out on. The new Badlands was actually pretty good, nice mixture of epic story stuff with Wrathion's egg and insane humor.

My only complaint is that grouping <60 is very humbling because so many of the classes simply do not function well until they get all their 'base' tools in place. Things like Rain of Fire having an insanely high mana cost makes no sense until you get to the level where you don't have to channel it anymore, affliction before you can reapply DoTs with one button and spread them etc is just pain etc.

I never really paid attention to Warlocks before but I have a feeling they got some of the most radical changes of late.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sort of. The spell rotations are more or less the same with a few substitutes (Malefic Grasp for Shadowbolt) while the soul shard mechanic got differentiated between specs and renamed. Each spec has either building up a resource or proccing additional resources. I've not tried Demonology yet though. I do like that I can sac my pet TBC-SuperShadowbolt style. I found locks easy to slide back into this xpac from Cata and WOTLK.


Musty Nester
It'll be a RTS Seventh Guest / 11th Hour MMO.


You'll have to solve cryptic, nonsensical anagrams and master level soduku puzzles... JUST TO LOG IN.