World of Warcraft: Current Year


Glad that the next raiding tier is on the way. I cannot imagine how World First/Cutting edge guilds hold on for as long as they do. Four months of raiding the current tier and we have had to cancel the last two weeks due to raider disinterest.
I'm pretty psyched about this xpac so far, content has come at a very good pace. Especially compared to the previous two xpacs. This is much more similar to BC, which I am very happy about.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm pretty psyched about this xpac so far, content has come at a very good pace. Especially compared to the previous two xpacs. This is much more similar to BC, which I am very happy about.
You mean when they deliberately over-tuned trash in Serpentshrine and The Eye with 45 minute respawns so they could finish Hyjal and BT? Then you flew through them once they were finally done and had to wait around until Sunwell which was then gated to artificially slow progress after Felmyst, the Twins, and Muru?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I didn't raid during BC so I can't speak to that, but I enjoy the content release pace this expansion too. The ubers will always be left wanting more to do, but my casual "progression" guild only managed to get 10/16 heroic before they announced a release date for 5.2 and we decided to farm instead of progress on the 6 heroic bosses we had left.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Should I be spending valor and justice now or waiting till patch? I just hit 90 a few days ago and I saw on the notes that things were going to be discounted but I don't know what gear they are referring to.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Don't spend your valor, justice doesn't really matter unless you want the 85 heirloom stuff I guess. In a week or two the current valor stuff will be discounted 25% (ilevel 496) or 50% (ilevel 489).


FPS noob
there's apparently a great bug, if you kill algalon in under 6 seconds you get the herald of the titans FoS/title, even with level 90s. has to be 4-5 seconds, I'm sure it'll be hotfixed within a day or two. Sucks for the people who have spent painstaking time when it was current or leveled alts and geared them out, but then again 4-5 level 80s with Pandaria profs/food can do it easy so not sure if it really is a big thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Save justice points. They are adding new heirlooms and pet battle stones you can buy for JP.


I'm pretty psyched about this xpac so far, content has come at a very good pace. Especially compared to the previous two xpacs. This is much more similar to BC, which I am very happy about.
This is the least interesting expansion ever. I find it funny how people think BC was so great now when 2 years ago everyone was shitting all over it. BC sucked ass too.


To each their own. I never hated BC. It was leaps and bounds better than LK and Cata. And if 5.2 is half as awesome as Uld then I will be a happy man.


To each their own. I never hated BC. It was leaps and bounds better than LK and Cata. And if 5.2 is half as awesome as Uld then I will be a happy man.
How can you say BC was better than LK and then say you can't wait for a copy/pasta of a raid in LK?

LK was leaps and bounds better overall.


The Scientific Shitlord
I've enjoyed every expansion to some extent, but they need to stop with this 5 levels per expansion shit. Next expansion needs to go to 100.
I recently hit 90. I have 5 other 85s from the Cata era. There is no way in hell Id be able to level another to 90 thru questing. The quests in MoP fucking sucked.


Yeah, I'm not sure what the fuck happened. They really seemed to hit their quest design stride with cata, and LK to an extent, then they tossed all of that out of the window by doing an entire expansion's worth of the most monotonous, boring, repetitive quests they could think of. Jade Forest is the best of the zones, but even that is really weak in some places. Then you have zones like Valley of Barrens-chat, and Townlong that make you want to go play Runescape or some shit.

I love questing more than a sane person should, to the point of being an extreme altoholic, but I was bored out of my fucking mind on my first 85-90 run-through, where it usually took several times in previous expansions.

The only thing about the questing in MoP that I enjoyed was the large number of flavour clickable quest rewards like Ruthers/Hozen idol etc...


Yeah, I'm not sure what the fuck happened. They really seemed to hit their quest design stride with cata, and LK to an extent, then they tossed all of that out of the window by doing an entire expansion's worth of the most monotonous, boring, repetitive quests they could think of. Jade Forest is the best of the zones, but even that is really weak in some places. Then you have zones like Valley of Barrens-chat, and Townlong that make you want to go play Runescape or some shit.
It's almost like they took their most creative people off of the project and put them on something else......


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think they were whiplashing to the negative comments on phasing and linearity of Cata, so you end up a bit more bland quests like Vanilla (at least as far as Blizzards skillset seems).

On creative folks, didnt Rob Pardo and co move back for the next WoW xpac? I wonder if that's fortelling that Blizzcon will have a titanic reveal...that works on two levels maybe.


How can you say BC was better than LK and then say you can't wait for a copy/pasta of a raid in LK?

LK was leaps and bounds better overall.
Because Uld was the only good raid in all of LK. That one raid does not make LK better than BC. BC never had a TOC and it didn't have a year of ICC or rehashed Naxx.


FPS noob
ashes of al'ar dropped for me last night after farming KaelThas for a few weeks now, the mount I have wanted for years is finally mine muahaha. Now if Mimiron's head ever shows up on the BM-AH I am going all in.