World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hunter sprint is on a 3minute cooldown, it's been a particular nuisance for me given how fast tanks are now.

Not cheetah. The deterrance + sprint afterwards, that is on like a 20 second CD, really low.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If ever you wanted to level a class that you really did not want to level, now is the time to do it.


Avatar of War Slayer
So I'm about to start playing again and have no idea what class to play. I really hate when they completely change how every class works in an expansion. Right now it's probably a toss up between warrior/rogue/druid but I have every class at 100 except for warlock (91) and DK (83)

Anyone play an assassin rogue at 110 on the beta? kinda torn on my rogue and mage now in terms of a starting class. I know fire mage was fun but i didn't get around to trying a rogue on beta

Every class forum on MMO-Champ (dont even start on the official forums) has people bitching, so it gets difficult to tell where all the specs sit. I have been keeping track of rogues, ferals, and DKs. I have played DK and Rogue up to 110, and done some normal modes while leveling, as well as world quest/Surramar.

They tried to change feral to more direct damage, but didn't change mastery, so it failed. They reverted more dmg back to bleeds, so mastery scales better. They gave ferals a passive that gives 50% more haste per point, but it still ranks as piss poor. Scaling may still be an issue. They didnt really fix AoE, in fact they nerfed the shadow proc "bleed" trait on the artifact. So now, if you want to compete with most other classes on AoE, your single target will be sub-standard. The best dps spec is going to be a high skill cap, that looks like it will still be middle of the road. So bad players, will make the spec look really bad, leading to a bad rep for feral among the community.


Assassination is the new Feral spec, that is, it is a bleed spec, for now. Exsanguinate was good fun at 400%, but at 200% it is dull. Assassination is set to have scaling problems, as it has the same problem with haste that feral has (haste has no effect on bleeds). Due to bleeds having so much of the dps, mastery is also weak, making versatility as its best stat, by far. I read, when you can get enough mastery, agonizing poison is going to take over, and move the dmg back into envenom. AoE is not as strong as many classes, but it should be passable, more so with the legendary cloak.

Leveled up on beta as Outlaw with a premade. It was interesting with the old Roll the Bones buffs, and probably the best rogue spec for leveling, as I experienced no downtime with all the self healing. I haven't played beta since the recent changes, but the current word on the forums is that outlaw is looking like the strongest all around rogue spec with the buffs since 7.0 went live.

I refused to play sub much when they removed shadow dance paging to the stealth bar; so I didn't get much time on beta. I have played it in a few mythic dungeons on live, now that they reversed their asinine decision on shadow dance paging. I like it, from what little I have seen, and I think it would be my favored rogue spec, with a little practice. From reading the forums, AoE seems like it is slightly better than Assassination, but not as good as Outlaw. The legendary cloak should also make a bit of a difference here.

All that said, I think the rogue specs are pretty close in overall dps, but without a large amount of parces to aggregate, it is all speculation.

Death Knights (just to throw it in as well):
Looks like they are in a pretty good place. The biggest downfall is that they may be tied, as the slowest DPS specs, with an untalented Ret pally.
Frost is still lagging behind Unholy by a small margin, but they may have fixed its scaling issues with new abilities. The more I play Unholy, the more it seems like the best developed spec that I have played on beta and live. I wanted to go frost for the longest time, and kept trying to shoehorn it into what I want. I may revisit it, at 110, but as of now, I shall suffer the pets.
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Toe Sucker
Didn't they revert the stealth bar change for shadow dance? or has that not been reverted yet?

Neat summaries though, i only tried subtlety so far on him but it's been awhile so i don't know if they made that adjustment yet. I'll look more into some other specs as im still torn as fuck towards what i want to roll next week.. with my currently group comp im kinda stuck in a melee dps role though.


Not that I entirely care cause ports are free.. but I've been playing my mage since I got it to 100 and people are always asking me for ports to other cities, they'll open trade with me until I start casting and then they just hit accept in the trade without giving any gold or anything.

Like... just take the port and leave, don't pretend like you're going to give me something for it. It bothers the shit out of me that people do that lol.


Avatar of War Slayer
Didn't they revert the stealth bar change for shadow dance? or has that not been reverted yet?

Neat summaries though, i only tried subtlety so far on him but it's been awhile so i don't know if they made that adjustment yet. I'll look more into some other specs as im still torn as fuck towards what i want to roll next week.. with my currently group comp im kinda stuck in a melee dps role though.

Yea, Shadow dance now pages to stealth. That is why I gave a little play recently on live. I will clarify that a little with an edit.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Burns, when you say dks are the slowest DPS right now do you mean in terms of overall dps or just how much down time they have? I havent played since early lich king but they got me back for legion. have a rogue and dk at 100 with a shaman at 60 I may boost. I'd love to play dk but I feel like there's to much time where I'm waiting on cds.


French Madman
Burns, when you say dks are the slowest DPS right now do you mean in terms of overall dps or just how much down time they have? I havent played since early lich king but they got me back for legion. have a rogue and dk at 100 with a shaman at 60 I may boost. I'd love to play dk but I feel like there's to much time where I'm waiting on cds.

From what I know from experience and what I understand, he means slow as in runspeed and very little mobility.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, with minimal haste and all your artifact's golden dragons at 110 you're basically GCD locked, so it definitely doesn't feel slow in terms of combat pacing. In terms of walking around it feels so slooooooooow, especially after playing the DH.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well I had said I was done until Legion, but I was leveled a few alts. Aside from my DH and Monk which were 100 already. I now have Hunter, Mage and Priest at 100, and have DK, Shaman and Warlock in mid-90s now.

Druid, and Paladin are only 70, haven't played either since TBC. I don't have a Rogue or Warrior.

What pisses me off, is that doing these is boring as hell...but too good to stop. :)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's better if you read the reason for DK moblity being bad from the blizz developer. And how hypocritical their reason is when you look at all the classes(bar ret pally who has the same problem if untalented).

Their reason for taking away the 15% passive move speed and overall DK non-mobility:
Death Knights are meant to have lower mobility than other melee classes, but feel very strong once they’re in range. That said, we agree that they need a little help with their on-demand movement options. In an upcoming hotfix, we’ll be lowering the cooldown of Wraith Walk to 45 seconds, so you can close those gaps more regularly.

This change will give Unholy a bit too much mobility, thanks to the passive 15% movement speed increase from Death’s Advance. Unholy’s already been a little stronger than intended, so to make up for the Wraith Walk buff, we’ll be removing Death’s Advance. The end result of these changes is that all Death Knights will have higher on-demand mobility, and Unholy will have lower passive mobility.

We’ll be applying these changes via hotfix very soon.

Pretty much required to take the Lingering Apperation talent, to have any kind of mobility as a DK and then pray mechanics don't target you more then once per 30 seconds.

They should just make deathgrip bring you to the mob if they are immune(like the pet's does).


Got something right about marriage
Are the invasions better for exp from 92-100 than the 3x potion/objective method?


Lord Nagafen Raider
for elvui, just copy the profile from your other character and then alter it on the new one. Should do what you're asking

I totally missed the exodus here but now I'm here and ready shitpost en maximum. I've been thinking long and hard what tank I want to main in Legion and I've narrowed it down to the three leather tanks, likely giving up on my 741 monk in favor of demon hunter and then having a druid as my alt. Kinda feels bad but at the same time, the prepatch changed so much and really gutted what little utility my brewmaster still had...

Even though they say they won't hotfix things I bet we'll see some last minute tuning happen when people figure out something being broken. Honestly wish they would look at the tank balance and try to keep them way closer, especially with regards to their kits

Right now I'm undecided because all tanks are playable and have their own style and perks, while retaining some good customization through talents. I tried them all on live servers and on beta, but not until 110 (I stopped way earlier, but tested all artifacts powers for a while). I found out that I like more the leather ones compared to the plate ones.

Monk: my previous main in MoP and WoD. It changed a lot and it made me rant way too much about it, not for the quality of the tank by itself, but for the pruning of skills. Losing Guard could have been okay, but what pissed me were other skills, like Dizzying Haze or Touch of Death or Chi Explosion. I decided to copy mine on the beta server (I had late access, about a month ago or a bit longer) and gave it a better try with the artifact. There is still a decision process, using Beers and Blackout Combo adds a lot to the spec. The class is still strong, has amazing mobility as usual and it's generally speaking fully playable and great in some content like 5 men dungeons. The biggest selling point for me is that it has 2 amazing offspecs, which means I'm not a huge fan of the spec, but I could work with it because of the huge work I put into the class for years.

Demon Hunter: it's fun at 100, it's better at higher level, it's still lacking something which maybe will come at 110, but I'm sure that all those talented skills will add the necessary depth. Nether Bond seems fundamentally broken to me, meaning overpowered. They have a glorious amount of self healing, which makes them good soloers (if you are in that kind of things) and an offspec which puts out good numbers, but must use movement skills for dps, which takes a while to get used to (even without Momentum).
I like them, a lot. Vengenace is a really fun tanking spec, I'm just wondering how much Haste I'll want to pack to shorten the cd of Demon Spikes, because sometimes I get scared when both charges are used, but the class is good at 100 (and up to 102), I think it'll be good even after.

Druid: it's a wall, it gave me back flashes of TBC armor capped druids, lots of mitigation, lots of hit points. New models and animations are great. Offspecs I love restoration, Feral and Balance are okay I guess, not a huge fan.

Honestly? I'll play them all, it's good to be casual players sometimes :D
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Trump's Staff
Think another round of nerf/buff hot fixes went in today but wow website isn't working for me. Anyone able to copy/paste?


<WoW Guild Officer>

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Rune of Razorice now correctly increases the damage of some previously unaffected Frost abilities.
  • Unholy
    • Clawing Shadows damage has been changed to 130% weapon damage (was 150% Attack Power) and now requires facing the target.

Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Havoc
    • Demon Blades now generates 12-20 Fury (was 15-20).

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Balance
    • Blessing of Elune now increases Astral Power generation by 25% (was 40%).
    • Blessing of An'she now grants 2 Astral Power every 3 seconds (was 2 Astral Power every 2.5 seconds).
    • Lunar Strike now generates 12 Astral Power (was 10).
    • Mastery: Starlight bonus has been increased to 2%/point (was 1.75%).
    • Moonfire and Sunfire DoT damage has been decreased to 50% per tick (was 55%).
    • Shooting Stars gives 4 Astral Power (was 5).
    • Solar Wrath now generates 8 Astral Power (was 6).
    • Developer's Note: We shifted some Astral Power generation from the level 90 talent row into the baseline spec. This both improves gameplay sub level 90 and reduces reliance on these talents at max level.

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Arcane
    • Arcane Blast mana cost has been decreased to 3.0% base mana (was 3.2%).
  • Fire
    • Cinderstorm will no longer consume additional stacks of Ice Floes when damage occurs.
    • Fire Mage critical strike chance has been increased by 5%.
    • Critical Mass multiplier has been decreased to 1.1 (was 1.3).
    • Developer's Note: We shifted some critical strike chance from a multiplier on gear to a flat bonus. This brings the value of critical strike for Fire closer to other stats and also limits the very high amounts of critical strike chance that can be reached with certain gear.

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Mistweaver
    • Renewing Mist mana cost increased to 3.0% base mana (was 2.8%).
    • Mastery: Gust of Mist now heals for 10% per Spell Point (was 8.5%).

Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Paladin
    • Divine Steed can no longer be used while Hexed.
    • Holy: Rule of Law now correctly effects Bestow Faith and Holy Prism.
    • Rule of Law now has a short cooldown to prevent the accidental use of both charges.

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Discipline
    • Penance mana cost has been reduced to 2.8% base mana (was 3%).
    • Mastery: Absolution now gives 1.5% per point (was 1.4%).
  • Holy
    • Body and Mind is no longer castable while Silenced.

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Death from Above will no longer refund excess combo points if the player is using Anticipation.
  • Assassination
    • Envenom damage has been increased to 60% Attack Power per point (was 50%).
    • Deadly Poison instant damage has been increased to 17% Attack Power (was 14.2%).
    • Rupture damage has been decreased to 25% Attack Power (was 30%).
    • Agonizing Poison now stacks 5 times (was 4).
    • Developer's Note: We shifted some damage from Rupture into poison affects to increase the significance of poisons in the rotation and help poison-oriented talents better compete with bleed-oriented talents.

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Enhancement
    • Windfury base proc rate has been increased to 10% (was 5%.)
    • Rockbiter damage has been increased to 155% Attack Power (was 135%).
    • Lightning Bolt (Enhancement) damage has been increased to 30% Spell Power (was 25%).
    • Earthen Spike debuff damage has been increased to 15% (was 10%).
    • Developer's Note: We increased Maelstrom generation slightly, by making Windfury proc more often.
  • Elemental
    • Storm Elemental Wind Gust now generates 10 Maelstrom per cast (was 8).
    • Frost Shock damage has been increased slightly to 56% (was 52%).
    • Liquid Magma Totem damage has been increased to 80% (was 70%)).

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
  • Destruction
    • Havoc now duplicates Channel Demonfire bolts cast on other targets.

Demon Invasions
  • Fixed a bug causing several creatures and/or their abilities to not scale properly to player level.
Invasions are also at all 6 spawn points and there's a new part of the quest chain open.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Not that I entirely care cause ports are free.. but I've been playing my mage since I got it to 100 and people are always asking me for ports to other cities, they'll open trade with me until I start casting and then they just hit accept in the trade without giving any gold or anything.

Like... just take the port and leave, don't pretend like you're going to give me something for it. It bothers the shit out of me that people do that lol.

Just don't open the portal until they pay, easy.


Yeah, that's an easy way to do it. I don't personally care if they pay or not but the fact that they open trade and hit accept without putting any gold in as if they think they're tricking me is goofy as hell