World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What the shit happened to just being the best of the best being enough reward?

FUCK the PvE race if this is their mindset.."We need monies to play the game at the top tier"...Fuck them.


That was never enough of a reward. Even going back to EQ1, you just wanted shiny shit that no one else had and it caused others to fawn over your leetness.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not convinced of any caps here, there's no way they have a big enough sample to claim that as fact like they do. Although I absolutely agree that the chances should stay the same and there should not be a cap on them (and Blizzard has enough dumb in them to have retarded checks and balances for the drop chance of legendaries).

I'm absolutely against dropped tokens and then buying them from a vendor, defeats the whole idea. Instead, fucking balance them properly, don't make stupid weak ones, and have a long and interesting quest line in place that finishes with one legendary of your choice (pre-emptive duh: don't release new ones after players finish the quest or give the new ones their own quest).

I agree with you, but we've been playing WoW long enough to know they can't balance anything considering all the variables we have. So the community knows the easiest fix is to have high drop rates and vendors. D3 would be an example, look at the original release compared to now. This is a fallout effect of taking away niche class roles and having all classes try to be able to do everything equally. The more modern WoW is more fun than vanilla but it brings new sets of design problems.


A Mod Real Quick
I dont agree with buying them with tokens but if they're limiting us to two at a time they should just increase the drop rate.

Introducing legendaries was the stupidest decision of this expansion


Trakanon Raider
That was never enough of a reward. Even going back to EQ1, you just wanted shiny shit that no one else had and it caused others to fawn over your leetness.

To expect to be paid for playing a video game just cause you can nolife poopsock better than the other nolife poopsockers makes zero fucking sense still.


what Suineg set it to
Like I said, all dps legendary effects should be obtainable/usable like D3 cube things. Rando drop legendaries should have always been utility things.

That said, I totally want a leap barb warrior with the arms legs that make leap do colossus smash aoe and then the new one that gives 3 charges of leap and reduced cd.


I haven't been paying super close attention, but this whole Mythic Helya situation seems pretty hilarious. 3 guilds all knowingly use the exploit, get caught and suspended, and all 3 post statements to the effect of "We knew we were cheating, but those other guilds were too!" 2 of them go even further and shove in childish whining about Blizzard game design in the same fucking breath that they admit that they are fucking cheaters. How retarded can you be?


Molten Core Raider
Ah yes, another day and another 'false' return from the prot skin script. I really enjoy this system.


what Suineg set it to
Remember when they were like 'lol AK is gud system u can switch specs just farm lol'

and then they were like

'oh wait u have 4 fire specific legendaries and none of them work 4 frost??? lul now u can just farm again!!!'


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I think whats the most frustrating part about it is just how they answer that shit. They know exactly how much people are playing or were going to play, they know exactly what the drop rates and the issues that spring up from it are! Every time they feign ignorance or give some arrogant bullshit answer it just causes people to have less and less faith in their ability and justifies the skepticism when they do post something. It isn't like they have to come out and state information on every system in the game but with as much data mining and how many hours put into researching this shit they should no better than to constantly lie about this shit to the players. They would be better off not saying shit than a posting this bullshit.
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
At least they 'removed it', maybe they had another junior engineer fuck up the code

I'm pretty sure any reference to fixing something "last week" or similar phrasing really means "doing it right now". Especially when they provide a feels-based explanation on why it was not noticed since the change supposedly went live.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What the shit happened to just being the best of the best being enough reward?

FUCK the PvE race if this is their mindset.."We need monies to play the game at the top tier"...Fuck them.

So the PvP people get it, because thats fighting against other people but the PvE get literally nothing. Seems like a skewed system.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Maybe watching WoW PvE doesn't draw an audience big enough to justify the effort? It isn't like these faggots aren't getting sponsorship deals, twitch subs, donations and other shit for playing a fucking video game. Does anyone actually have any fucking sympathy because they aren't getting enough attention? American Inventor you make a living and are paying your bills playing a fucking video game get some perspective. They should be fortunate the hobby they enjoy can pay their bills at all, trying to justify exploiting and selling gear/carries because Bliz doesn't suck my dick .. how out of touch are these kids?


what Suineg set it to
Maybe watching WoW PvE doesn't draw an audience big enough to justify the effort? It isn't like these faggots aren't getting sponsorship deals, twitch subs, donations and other shit for playing a fucking video game. Does anyone actually have any fucking sympathy because they aren't getting enough attention? American Inventor you make a living and are paying your bills playing a fucking video game get some perspective. They should be fortunate the hobby they enjoy can pay their bills at all, trying to justify exploiting and selling gear/carries because Bliz doesn't suck my dick .. how out of touch are these kids?

As someone who raided with top 10 guilds for a few years, I can sympathize with the core of your point but I think your perspective is skewed.

First off, basically very few guilds are actually 'paid to raid'. The vast majority do not get anything out of it. In fact, if you consider the net costs most of them lose a ton of money via opportunity cost at best or at worst directly (constantly buying gold to fund consumables, race changes every patch, server moves for entire sheet of chars including support chars, etc.). This is the same for most 'competitive games' whether they are e-sports, MTG, etc. The top portion, however, usually get some sort of supported structure to at least get some recognition in, if not monetary prizes or at LEAST official support for sunk costs. WoW PVE has a very, very loose structure. Partially because excepting a few oddball tiers like TOTGC with its attempt timer, it has always been a grind fest rather than truly 'skill based'. I'm not saying you don't have to be skilled, just that if you take Method and do 200 attempts and Method and do 300 attempts, the 300 attempts guild wins every time with the same players.

I don't want to get too much into the nuances because it's changed a lot over the years but the net effect is the same - Blizzard grew WoW out of EQ with what you could call a forum/ig community and lack of instancing to support the push for world/server firsts. PvP was the same way with most games of that era, Blizzard decided to change that and morph WoW into an e-sport. Now whether they have ever been truly successful at that or not is a matter of personal opinion but the fact remains that they poured immense resources into what many consider is a very flawed arena system (and terrible balancing approach) for years and years to drive WoW. Not sure if they considered it a loss leader or what. They haven't, however, ever supported that with PvE, which is the 'flagship' element of WoW and what draws the vast majority of people to the game in some degree or another. There are no controls, no rules, fewer community outreach programs. Despite the fact that they pour tons of development budget into top tier raid content (and WoW has been the best for raid content in the industry bar none), they don't support it in the same way.

There should be lockout systems for attempts to limit total time in zone per week to promote better play. There should be prizes, even if they are just 'hey this kid gets more streamer money now' sort of recognition or limited edition things. There should be lots of dev interaction and 'referees' rather than after-bans. There should be synced times for raid releases across the continents to make a global competition.

TL;DR: Blizzard spends far more money on raid content but all the time and press on a shitty PvP system.

So while yes 'perspective' is needed for people who are fortunate enough to be able to sink 14+ hours in raiding (plus 20+ more WoW tasking) per week to raid competitively, I think some perspective is also needed by those who have never experienced it or had to deal with the bullshit that is top tier raiding getting nothing but a mention on MMO-champion while some fuckheads at Blizzcon FOTM their way to thousands of dollars in arena.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sounds like someone crying that pvp gets noticed officially because of e-sports gaining popularity(Blizzard would of be dumb to not try and jump on that train) and raiders don't.