World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Slowly crawling up through the levels, 87 currently, questing in Krasarang, and that one Horde quest really rustled my jimmies.
"Yeah dude I'll protect the tent while your wife gives birth... woah... shit =/"
Unexpected. Jimmies rustled.

All in all, even with only ~10 hours playtime per week, I'm having fun. Can't wait to hit 90 and get in on some LFR action. Free epixx!!


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I can see that. Ran Halls of Flesh Shaping for the first time as a tank and missed the tidbit about kiting Primordious. I picked up on if after a dps yelled the standard "what the fuck are you doing you fucking retard faggot? Move him!" My compatriot did not pick up on it so fast and made the fight harder than needed. Still one shot but yeah.

Oh and love the "don't aoe!!!" speech on Animus only to see the world explode 20s into the fight. I think we blew all our rezzes there, but again one shot it though I had to single tank Dark Animus and the two last big bots for majority of the fight. Entirely doable and not sure why you really need to swap. That debuff isn't scary really with DK cooldowns.
On animus we've been having success having one tank each take a side of smalls (the raid will aoe though told not to) but at least we have half of the smalls in a separate pile with OT not being killed. Normal chaos till final boss wakes up then I just tank the boss and let OT take whatever is still alive and have raid kill that then switch over to boss. Been going rather smooth without even having to ask the dummies to do anything in particular. We don't do any tank swapping on that fight. The first fight in that zone is the tough one because you can't as the tank do the job for them, they either get out of beam or they don't.

On a side note I really don't get why the new thunder LFR weapons don't have gem slot, I don't read any wow forums is the i502 still a dps upgrade without the gem slot?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The giant robots eventually run out of anima and deactivate in LFR, so the stacking debuff from them isn't a huge issue.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Slowly crawling up through the levels, 87 currently, questing in Krasarang, and that one Horde quest really rustled my jimmies.
"Yeah dude I'll protect the tent while your wife gives birth... woah... shit =/"
Unexpected. Jimmies rustled.

All in all, even with only ~10 hours playtime per week, I'm having fun. Can't wait to hit 90 and get in on some LFR action. Free epixx!!
I can't decide to be truthful and say that was a good heartstring puller by Blizz or point out she probably had five stacks of bleed and he should've tried to cleanse it instead of spam healing through it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The complete inability of LFR players to stand in giant blue swirly circles while an orb ever so slowly arcs through the sky towards it is mindboggling.

Every fight where there's bad shit you don't want to stand in, they stand in it. The fight where you want to stand in the bad shit? SUDDENLY EVASIVE.


NeoGaf Donator
The complete inability of LFR players to stand in giant blue swirly circles while an orb ever so slowly arcs through the sky towards it is mindboggling.

Every fight where there's bad shit you don't want to stand in, they stand in it. The fight where you want to stand in the bad shit? SUDDENLY EVASIVE.
No shit, 8 stacks of determination last night before the slow blinkers decided to read what everyone was screaming in /raid


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah chasing people down for the static was fucking retarded. And then they decide not to aoe down the lightning balls, so I'm pulling 175k just spamming Chain Lightning and the next highest is 105k. Retards. Took us 6 stacks, I think.

Oh, and the amount of adds spawning from people not standing on the lightning coming down was fucking insane.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I only wiped 3x before we downed Lei Shen, I thought it was a pretty fun fight overall. First two bosses are a bit underwhelming which how easy they were...perhaps I just got lucky and had good people in my LFR.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got my green fire last night on my warlock. 491ilvl with no tier bonuses. Took me about 4 hours total.

Shit is brutal.


If you aren't stacking and aoe'ing for LFR Animus: you're doing it in a far more complicated fashion than needed.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
AEing on LFR Animus is fine as long as people don't stand in the red shit the mid-sized robots summon.


EQOA Refugee
Do tailors and enchanters make anything that sells decent? Almost to zen master on both. Originally took tailoring to make bags and gear for my Mage. The guide suggested enchanting to go with tailor.

Also, how do you make enough gold to keep up with all the prices and mount fees? As a new player with no high level to bank roll them, shit is rough.


Both depends on your server. Scrolls can sell rather well for enchanters, and tailors can make the pvp gear & stuff crafted with imperial silk.

You'll make a decent amount of gold doing dailies and selling drops. Just be sure to spend your gold wisely, and not on shit you don't really need.


FPS noob
Do tailors and enchanters make anything that sells decent? Almost to zen master on both. Originally took tailoring to make bags and gear for my Mage. The guide suggested enchanting to go with tailor.
Its server specific of course but bags, leg tailor threads, and various enchants (especially jade spirit and steel) do pull in good money. Tailor and enchanters have a 24 hour cooldown item so be sure to make that every day.

The easiest way to make money fast is run the weekly treasure trove scenario on as many possible 90s as you can. Its a good 200-500g per run, doesn't require anything at all except being level 90, and takes around 10 minutes total. Just get your 90 to isle of thunder, kill a rare or loot a gold chest (maps on wowhead where they are), loot treasure key of lei shen, and start the scenario in the cave. You can just stick to the first room and loot everything the first few runs. If you level up a few alts as profession mules, parking them all in the Isle of Thunder is a few thousand gold per week for under 30 minutes of effort.

Gold is terribly simple to make in wow, I was at close to 2m gold when I quit recently and could easily make 100k in a few hours flipping shit on the AH if I felt like it. Every hour you spend in wow you should be averaging 200-1k gold. You can do dailies, run old content, play the auction house (get tradeskill master and use one of the wow auction web sites), be a vegetable farmer, fishing fiend, be a pet battler (some of the pets you get out of bags and shit can sell for a lot, an hour of pet battle dailies will let you level a 3d pet from 1-25 and sell it), etc. The only thing that eats up gold fast is raiding normal/heroic current content, each wipe is ~50g+ and you wipe ... a lot.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Speaking of making gold.. with LFR I don't suppose the Gold DKP raids happen anymore? That shit was awesome for making gold, and being able to raid!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I miss those I think they died on my server during Cata. It was like that expac just sucked the life out of some folks. I seemed to remember normals being a bit harder tuning compared to ToC or ICC 25 which may have done it. I didn't do hardly any heroic raiding and quit at Firelands release because of ToR and hating the troll rehash patch.

Lei Shen. 6 stacks. Should have died on 5 but people. Just people.


Toe Sucker
They're... They're nerfing my beautiful Holy T14 4 piece bonus

It was only a matter of time, since nobody wanted to upgrade to T15 without it

And nerfing shuriken throw
worst patch ever.