World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Only thing special that my account has is the "Undying" title. I suppose that would still be worth a little money.


Got something right about marriage
That's the 10 player version which I don't think is worth much. The Immortal is the 25 player version which also rewarded the Black Proto Drake which is not available in game in any fashion. That one might be worth something.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah I'd figure 10 million subscribers versus a few hundred thousand makes a bit of difference.

The Legion hype was probably the most money you could make in WoW in the last 5-6 years. If you didn't cash out then, you can cash out never.
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From briefly looking around, the only accounts i see selling in the $1k+ range are ones with Realm First achievements on them, and below that it tends to be a bunch of the PvP old Season achievements for more transmog, and those are $800 on down.


Every day I think about how good Legion was, how could they possibly do a complete 180 in such a short timeframe lol
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Think about the 180 they went through between WOD and Legion... Or Wrath and Cataclysm. Or basically between any two expansions.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, Legion wasn’t as good as you remember. There were some really shitty decisions that were covered up by good dungeons, raids, story, and fun classes.

Legendaries, the never ending artifact grind, imbalanced relics, and then the netherlight crucible, just to name a few.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Oh we remember, there was just so much good that the bad was acceptable. Legendaries being the main and really only complaint. Artifact Power between specs and alts less so.
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good dungeons, raids, story, and fun classes.

So, the only useful thing that's ever existed in the entire game? Crucible was fucking stupid sure but the only real issue I had with it was not being able to see what your relics traits would be without actually putting it in and making it BOP. Was very anti-player and made everyone in raid roll on it.

Also WoD was still a solid expansion, it just.. fucking didn't have any content at all lol. But when the raids were new it felt really good to play. PvP also imo was fantastic, even Ashran if you're into massive scale battles which most people aren't it seems.

WoD is like reverse BFA. No content, amazing gameplay. BFA is all content, terrible gameplay.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also, Legion wasn’t as good as you remember. There were some really shitty decisions that were covered up by good dungeons, raids, story, and fun classes.

Legendaries, the never ending artifact grind, imbalanced relics, and then the netherlight crucible, just to name a few.

Except each one of those problems was a good system with either a shitty implementation, or numbers problem. Basically par for the course problems in any MMO. BFA seems like a shitty system that won't be fixed with minor number adjustments. And when they do promise big adjustments, you just get shit on in the face (hi Shamans).

And while it's true the 180s were in every expansion, it seems like in this one they did a 180 and just went full speed off the cliff. No other shitty expansion (even WOD) was so beyond bad from the expansion that came before it. People hated the bad expansions because they felt like they didn't add much to the previous ones. This one literally took shit away, and not just a little bit either. BFA took away things that were core to the game for so many expansions (changing gear in dungeons, master loot, gear sets, etc)

To compare Legion to BFA is laughable. You can't even compare this garbage to WOD.
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Registered Hodor
Can you transfer a Scarab Lord off server though? If not, then you are kind of advertising that you bought an account. Though I suppose these days know one would know or care.

The title and mount are both account wide, so I imagine what you'd do is transfer any characters you wanted to play to the account you bought. Of course it would be pretty easy for Blizzard to sniff out the account and ban it though.


A Mod Real Quick
Can only transfer if acct has same last name. And believe me it's fucking crazy hard to change the last name on an acct
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Can I have the old class specific gcd? and cooldowns not linked to haste plase? Fucking please? (Crazy Idea. Give everyone a talent a la wrath death knight stance. Let me fucking pick quick play or slow or fuck whatever).

Can my class be fun to play at the start? Or at the very least once I hit max level and not a year after the xpac launches?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Can I have the old class specific gcd? and cooldowns not linked to haste plase? Fucking please? (Crazy Idea. Give everyone a talent a la wrath death knight stance. Let me fucking pick quick play or slow or fuck whatever).

Can my class be fun to play at the start? Or at the very least once I hit max level and not a year after the xpac launches?

*insert picture of Ion Hazzlecocks giving you the stink eye*
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Can I have the old class specific gcd? and cooldowns not linked to haste plase? Fucking please? (Crazy Idea. Give everyone a talent a la wrath death knight stance. Let me fucking pick quick play or slow or fuck whatever).

Can my class be fun to play at the start? Or at the very least once I hit max level and not a year after the xpac launches?

I would still be very actively playing if this were the case. Instead they take 4 months to fix something they can do in a hotfix (prot warrior gcd, shaman number tuning in 8.1). So I wouldn't hold your breath.
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