World of Warcraft: Current Year


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
To me WoW is no longer an MMORPG it's a fucking X-box lobby to queue into bullshit while having to do chores while you wait. It honestly is hot fucking garbage.
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Got something right about marriage
I just wish they would sink some actual time and effort into M+. Every hotfix takes forever and is half-assed. Melee pets still cannot hit the gripping tentacle on the last platform in Siege but they "fixed" being able to bypass the first demolishing tentacle on that platform by making the demos be in combat as soon as they spawn even if nobody is there yet. Meaning they hullcracker right away unless you wait til the tank is close before shooting the cannon. And if the cannon shooter gets putrid waters on them while the healer and tank are running over they will probably die. Such a half assed "fix" for something that wasn't even an issue but no fix for glaring problems elsewhere. And that's basically just the story of WoW now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wouldn't say BFA is "that" fuck up. They would have to also fuck up the next expansion. I don't even know if that is enough. There is no other MMO available at this time that can compete with WoW, and I don't see one coming out any time soon.

Classic WoW is also going to bring in a ton of players. The 8.2 patch should be reasonably close to the launch of Classic WoW. If they make that 8.2 patch decent, a good number of players will decide to play both Classic & live. They will instantly recover from any "damage" they incurred from the last few months of BFA.

People have very short memories. They recovered from WoD, they can easily recover from BFA. They still need a large string of fuck ups to keep spiralling, and while they are capable of doing it, I doubt they will.

I would agree WOD was way bigger of a train wreck than BFA is. BFA at least has end game stuff to do and things for ever pretty casual people to get some gear upgrades via PVP or the new invasions or warfronts. WOD once you hit max level other than raiding there was fuck all to do. It killed my guild because what little pve end game outside of raiding it had offered rewards nobody wanted like that apexis gear shit. As much as people complain about scaling its way better than being stuck in the fucking Tannan jungle for what almost a year?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I would agree WOD was way bigger of a train wreck than BFA is. BFA at least has end game stuff to do and things for ever pretty casual people to get some gear upgrades via PVP or the new invasions or warfronts. WOD once you hit max level other than raiding there was fuck all to do. It killed my guild because what little pve end game outside of raiding it had offered rewards nobody wanted like that apexis gear shit. As much as people complain about scaling its way better than being stuck in the fucking Tannan jungle for what almost a year?

I would 1000% rather this than needing to log on to do random dogshit chores.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I came into WOD a month before Legion and that was literally all the time I needed to max out and complete everything in Tanaan. That shit was aids. But it was honestly more or less like Broken Shore or Argus put together, they just added those piecemeal, and there was a lot of other shit to do during Legion. A lot of what kept me busy in Legion was the fact that I was invested in my artifact weapon and gaining trickle power. That's completely missing from the necklace. Logging in to try and find a M+ once a week just isn't enough to make me log in. Islands, Warfronts, World Quests, world bosses (who have given gold+AP for 3 months now), mission board, literally all garbage.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would 1000% rather this than needing to log on to do random dogshit chores.

The problem in WOD all there was to do was random dogshit rep grinds and apexis acquisitions and they somehow forgot to tie any useful rewards to doing any of that. At least in BFA the emmisary stuff is at least ilevel appropriate for what you are doing and the paragon stuff is pretty damn solid now 5k gold 500 resources and then chance at other stuff. The weird thing in WOD is all the good ways for acquiring stuff to upgrade your character or for transmogs that was not raiding was just going to your garrison and sending out the clones. Now it had the upside of paying for my last 6 months of WOD sub time but when your mission board stuff gives better loot and rewards than actually playing your game you dun goofed something up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think if in 8.2 they give the necklace itself an power tree like the artifact even if not as large as what the artifact had with an extra active power for casters/dps/tanks it could be pretty simple to add without having to make it unique for every spec but still something permanent for the expansion that people can constantly grow which would make the AP acquisition feel more tied to something concerete. Then just have the azerite stuff as it is and make it somewhat easy to just unlock everything so your main AP is to power up the necklace and its talents and the azerite stuff basically is BFA set piece gear that is customizable. I am pretty sure had they just gone into BFA selling azerite gear as an improvement over set piece stuff so you can have your new configurable armor and less as a replacement for the artifact people would have accepted it a lot better.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
To me WoW is no longer an MMORPG it's a fucking X-box lobby to queue into bullshit while having to do chores while you wait. It honestly is hot fucking garbage.

That's been true of the game since Wrath to some degree. It's just gone further and further in that direction since then.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
That's been true of the game since Wrath to some degree. It's just gone further and further in that direction since then.

Yeah they keep going further and further in that direction. Hell the first queue bullshit was battlegrounds, in Vanilla you had to go to the entrance to join, then they copied one of the other games that had queue from anywhere. Since then it's been one shitty design creep in the wrong direction after another. I don't know the specific point in which things started and irreversible decline into dogshit some say it was Wrath with LFG being added some say Cata with LFR either way the tipping point happened and now you have worthless faggots like Ion and Lore as mouth pieces of shitty design.


Molten Core Raider
The cross realm BGs really killed them. I remember the first few nights loving the insta Ques but after seeing it just became a gigantic zerg they became just another grind instead of fun.
For years Ive been thinking WoW is no longer an MMO. With BFA I just started treating it like a single player game instead of trying to force MMO qualities in it and getting distraught. Actually having fun with it but also playing super casual mostly collecting mounts xmogs and battle pets. Ocassionly ill do an mythic or a raid but mostly its not even worth it since theyll just hand out the gear a few weeks later like the warfront gear/quest and now the 370 wq chests
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Playing WoW because it's fun to play is so 2007. Most of us have only been logging in as an obligation almost for the last decade or so. I mean, yeah the game is disappointing right now, but nothing I haven't been through already with this exact game, just a different flavor is all.

That being said, it still has a niche place for people, like myself, when it comes to repetative, simple shit to do. I've been doing weekly clears of old content for mounts/titles/achievements/whatever for so long now it's become a ritual almost. And even now with over 20k achievement points, I still have a metric fuckton of inane side shit I can do when i'm bored. It's not everyone's cup of tea, mind you, but for me and plenty of other people, it keeps us occupied between raid nights.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Playing WoW because it's fun to play is so 2007. Most of us have only been logging in as an obligation almost for the last decade or so. I mean, yeah the game is disappointing right now, but nothing I haven't been through already with this exact game, just a different flavor is all.

That being said, it still has a niche place for people, like myself, when it comes to repetative, simple shit to do. I've been doing weekly clears of old content for mounts/titles/achievements/whatever for so long now it's become a ritual almost. And even now with over 20k achievement points, I still have a metric fuckton of inane side shit I can do when i'm bored. It's not everyone's cup of tea, mind you, but for me and plenty of other people, it keeps us occupied between raid nights.

I argued the whole game being disappointing wasn't anything we hadn't already seen before, but this expansion seems to be hitting a new low for many long time players. Granted, I had long ago stopped being a permanent WoW player b/c I don't do those weekly mount/achievement bs runs. Sure I'd do it sometimes if I felt like it occasionally, but it was never really a sticking point for me. Sounds like even people who always found stuff to keep them engaged find this expansion to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, for a variety of reasons.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The cross realm BGs really killed them. I remember the first few nights loving the insta Ques but after seeing it just became a gigantic zerg they became just another grind instead of fun.
For years Ive been thinking WoW is no longer an MMO. With BFA I just started treating it like a single player game instead of trying to force MMO qualities in it and getting distraught. Actually having fun with it but also playing super casual mostly collecting mounts xmogs and battle pets. Ocassionly ill do an mythic or a raid but mostly its not even worth it since theyll just hand out the gear a few weeks later like the warfront gear/quest and now the 370 wq chests

They had to do cross realm stuff, PVP or PVE, when populations began to fluctuate. If you cannot get enough to queue on your server, then it motivates people to quit because they can't do anything.

The only reason they never did old fashioned server mergers is because their technology lets them basically merge them behind the scenes. Even stuff like FFXIV will use cross-realm matching for stuff like raids/BG to make sure queues aren't too long.


They had to do cross realm stuff, PVP or PVE, when populations began to fluctuate. If you cannot get enough to queue on your server, then it motivates people to quit because they can't do anything.

The only reason they never did old fashioned server mergers is because their technology lets them basically merge them behind the scenes. Even stuff like FFXIV will use cross-realm matching for stuff like raids/BG to make sure queues aren't too long.

I'm still convinced (admittedly with no evidence) that they're afraid of the bad publicity that comes from merging servers and that's why they went that route, despite there still being dozens of nearly dead servers that make for a miserable experience even with the cross server stuff.

"X is merging servers! Doom is nigh!" was used for pretty much all of the "WoW killers" and avoiding that sort of shit must have been a concern for them.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm still convinced (admittedly with no evidence) that they're afraid of the bad publicity that comes from merging servers and that'sis why they went that route, despite there still being dozens of nearly dead servers that make for a miserable experience even with the cross server stuff.

"X is merging servers! Doom is nigh!" was used for pretty much all of the "WoW killers" and avoiding that sort of shit must have been a concern for them.
This is exactly why it is done. People are so fast to jump on the doom train as it is.


I've said it a billion times already but literally my only issue with BFA is how the classes play right now. DH is kind of enjoyable because I'm a sperg, and fury because it still feels like it did in legion despite missing like 2 skills.

But everything else feels like trash. I don't know if it's the GCD changes or huge drops in haste or what but I fucking hate it boi


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I would 1000% rather this than needing to log on DAILY to do random dogshit chores.
Fixed that.

I'd like BFA more if I could manage my time there. But I can't. There's a shitton of stuff that's timegated, and the gating is balanced against your doing it daily.

Case in point: Service medals (Honorbound/7th legions). You need around 1650 to get all the rewards. But you have a max of ~10/day and 15 weekly: - 5 daily WQ on whatever zone you have, 5 from your daily invasion, and 15 from the near-weekly assault. So, you need to log and work toward it DAILY for a minimum of 4 and a half months. Any day you don't log? One more day until you get the last reward. Missed the invasion? More delay. Free time this sunday? You can't catch up for the week's missed, so go do something else.

The latter used to be "go play my alts". These days, it's more and more "go watch some youtube".
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Fixed that.

I'd like BFA more if I could manage my time there. But I can't. There's a shitton of stuff that's timegated, and the gating is balanced against your doing it daily.

Case in point: Service medals (Honorbound/7th legions). You need around 1650 to get all the rewards. But you have a max of ~10/day and 15 weekly: - 5 daily WQ on whatever zone you have, 5 from your daily invasion, and 15 from the near-weekly assault. So, you need to log and work toward it DAILY for a minimum of 4 and a half months. Any day you don't log? One more day until you get the last reward. Missed the invasion? More delay. Free time this sunday? You can't catch up for the week's missed, so go do something else.

The latter used to be "go play my alts". These days, it's more and more "go watch some youtube".

The 7th legion paragon rep gives I think 20 of those per time you do it. Given how many things give 7th legion rep I have gotten like 5 of those boxes so far. A lot of it is just using the app to keep any rep quests rolling. The paragon chests also pump out a bunch of war resources so its kind of a self fulfilling feed back loop once you get it going.
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Molten Core Raider
You could buy a 395 ring with the 7th legion/honorbound tokens for 300 tokens. It was an instant cast port to your home bfa city (boralus/dazar'alor). In the last patch, they fucking changed it from instant cast to an 8 or 10 second cast time. I literally only bought this because the instant cast port was great. I have so many other ways of porting that it's now fucking worthless because it has a cast time just like everything else.

I was pretty pissed. I even petitioned it and they refused to refund me. I replied to the petition but I doubt these fuckers will refund me. Trash company.
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