World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"Record revenue" is meaningless without context. They were $200M off projections, and the guidance for 2019 is predicting 2019 to be much worse than 2018. There are basically no big new game releases set for 2019 outside of their yearly releases. Blizzard has zero released slated other than Diablo Mobile. They are cutting support staff and,in turn, increasing spending on game development by 20%. It is terrible for the average person just being caught in a company restructure, but this is a good move for the company.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Also never post boogie2988 again. Guy is a piece of shit

people should only post boogie vids when he has an opinion to express, which is never. The dude tries to appeal to all side and the middle. I mean, have a fucking opinion even if it's a wrong one

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Sure, but it's odd for them to specifically gleefully boast that they've gained record revenue 5 minutes before firing everybody.

Community feedback has always been not the greatest but then they fired Ythisens who not only actually played the game, raided/pvp/everything, he actually responded to forum posts without it feeling like a scripted bot event. Dude was pretty universally liked, but maybe I'm biased cause he's the only CM that's ever posted on the paladin forums.

They claim they want to have more engagement in the community and then they fire a bunch of active CM's, including dudes like Ythisens who was one of the few diamonds shining in the pile of shit. Sad day.
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Trakanon Raider
They hired that piece of shit Kotick a month ago, and paid him a $15,000,000 signing bonus, right before giving 800 people their walking papers, after recording the biggest profit margin ever. Fuck them. I could give a shit about them missing projections.. they made more money than they EVER HAVE BEFORE.. They can all go fucking die in a fire.
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Kotick is the CEO of activision, Durkin is the CFO they hired a month ago. To be clear though he got like 1.5m to sign on and upwards to 15m in stock options, so if he does his job right he makes a shit ton more money.

Still though, related.

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A Mod Real Quick
"Record revenue" is meaningless without context. They were $200M off projections, and the guidance for 2019 is predicting 2019 to be much worse than 2018. There are basically no big new game releases set for 2019 outside of their yearly releases. Blizzard has zero released slated other than Diablo Mobile. They are cutting support staff and,in turn, increasing spending on game development by 20%. It is terrible for the average person just being caught in a company restructure, but this is a good move for the company.
Don't buy it

Is that 20% for mobile Chinese ports?


<WoW Guild Officer>
"Record revenue" is meaningless without context. They were $200M off projections, and the guidance for 2019 is predicting 2019 to be much worse than 2018. There are basically no big new game releases set for 2019 outside of their yearly releases. Blizzard has zero released slated other than Diablo Mobile. They are cutting support staff and,in turn, increasing spending on game development by 20%. It is terrible for the average person just being caught in a company restructure, but this is a good move for the company.
I go back to a pretty old adage that wall street ignores: if a company fails to meet analysts expectations, the analyst's expectations were wrong.


Molten Core Raider
Well that's odd. They don't even ask for a reason why you unsub now.

Guess it's because they know.
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Molten Core Raider
Ah. Well the last time I unsubbed might have been around 2009 and then I resubbed in 2013 and let it run from there.
Now I have 800 auctions to sell in the next 6 weeks, or find space to store them.

Because let's face it, you always come back.
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I unrioncally want Pantheon to come out already that's how I feel about BFA
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kotick is the CEO of activision, Durkin is the CFO they hired a month ago. To be clear though he got like 1.5m to sign on and upwards to 15m in stock options, so if he does his job right he makes a shit ton more money.

Still though, related.


Also disingenuous. The vast majority of Kotick’s earnings are in stock, not cash. I’m sure there are going to be tons of tweets about all the developers hired in Q1. Companies of this size have bloat and should reassess the value of departments. The CM staff for WoW, for example, does not bring any actual value anymore. WoW shouldn’t even have forums at this point.

The individual people working those positions probably work hard every day (except Lore, who should have been the first out the door but evidently tossing Ion’s salad daily generates favoritism), but sometimes the need for a position shifts regardless of quality of work.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You see a lot of companies basically letting Reddit be the "official" forum and they have 1 or 2 people pop in to provide updates/reply/etc. I expect that trend to continue.

I've noticed the Jeff updates on OW have become few and far between now as well, so I can't help but wonder if that is related.


A Mod Real Quick
Overwatch is basically in maintenance mode. They are putting out a new hero every 6 months or whatever and a new map every once in awhile, but they're basically just letting the game rot. There isn't anything innovative there anymore.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Got to have more developers for mobile games and the Chinese market. Plus have to keep the huge bonuses and massive executive salaries going.


Trakanon Raider
So they announced they are laying off 8% of their employees and that Blizzard would have no major releases in 2019. So i'm assuming that means we'll get a WoW expansion of some degree, some new OW champions, Diablo Mobile, and HotS will close.

Absolutely unreal that one of the most popular and lucrative gaming companies in the world would take such a turn. The player base should walk. I would cancel every sub and refuse to log in until they treated their employees and their player base like a top tier company that makes great games instead of a top heavy company that's looking to take whatever millions they can and run.

I hope some indie studio comes up with something and empties their lands.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Activision is buying up its stuck propping up the value. It is ripe for a fall out.