World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Hopefully they learned not to make it into the daily chore that the farm was. The bigger your farm got, the more shit you had to do yourself - it should have been the other way around.
From the UI, I think there's "garrison coins" (looking like some green discs) to collect somehow to expand the Garrison and/or recruit additional followers. The rest is mostly automated; you've got the map UI to build and expand, then an interface to send your followers to a mission (and, I assume, you can't simply send 9 teams on dungeons - you have to wait until a team returns to send a new one). It IS really Farmville this time: you need to log on when a team comes back to send the next one (although if you're doing dungeons, it's probably daily-based).

The coinage is probably where your "daily" involvement happens - your followers may earn some, or you can go out, and do stuff to earn some (kill named, open chests, do scenario/dungeon runs). At least that's what I expect it to be.


Golden Squire
Any pet battlers around got some tips for how you level your roster in a manner that isnt terrible slow and boring? Flying around some zones trying to find shit to battle seems extremely boring.
My go-to resource - WoW Battle Pets, Companions and Vanity Petsfor all things Battle Pets. There's a forum thread that's a guide on how to get to a point where you can do the rounds of EVERY Pandaran Master, plus the Spirits and utilize what is essentially a two-pet team with a carry pet for fast leveling. There's also a section on the Outland, Northrend, and Cata masters to get the supplies as well as the additional cata masters for exp. Utilizing a Safari Hat and a pet treat I can usually complete the entire run in about an hour and level 2-3 pets to 25. There's also a section on beating the Beasts of Fable so you can get the pet treats to begin with.

It's pretty advanced, though all the pets listed are readily attainable either by farming, capture, or auction house (no TCG pets). There's also a more basic guide with a slightly smaller list of trainers you can take on in this manner utulizing an Anubisath Idol and a Green Proto Whelp (the capture pet in Sholazar) are your primaries.

As much as I was skeptical about Battle Pets when I first heard about it, I've found it to be a great addition overall since it adds to the game and doesn't detract from anything. It's surprisingly deep. You need only look at the Celestial Tournament itself to see how crazy it can get.


So... what happens when you hit 60 then? You were supposed to go to Outland to do 60-70. What's going to happen? How are you going to go now? Or is Outland now goners?


Molten Core Raider
Nothing's changed. Outland is outland just like Kael'Thas was alive during the TBC questlines after he was killed by raid groups.


So... what happens when you hit 60 then? You were supposed to go to Outland to do 60-70. What's going to happen? How are you going to go now? Or is Outland now goners?
Somebody asked this in the panels.

The current portal will turn red and will be the new Draenor entrance. They said they are not sure how they will let people go to Outland but most likely their thought was a portal to Caverns of Time and an entrance there. They have plenty of time to come up with a solution.


Any pet battlers around got some tips for how you level your roster in a manner that isnt terrible slow and boring? Flying around some zones trying to find shit to battle seems extremely boring.
Get your first battle pet to level 25 | Level Up Guides
Basically you're leapfrogging pet levels via careful picks (you start with low level mechanicals which helps you capture a mid-teens magic pet which helps you capture a low twenties flying pet which you then use to stomp pokemon in the Vale) Once you've got a pet to L25, it stops taking any xp so you can basically use it to PL the rest pretty quickly.


Pet battles are fun but they are all about exact composition on some of these fights. Once you get to that point it is just doing everything by memory.


Registered Hutt
That's unfortunate. Sounds like teamwork/unpredictable environmental factors should play a bigger part so the rock paper scissors or w/e is diminished.

Lost Ranger_sl

So I have been screwing around with MoP and decided to just casually play a rogue. Am I totally fucking up the rotation or should I be ignoring Noxxic's "realistic dps rankings" list? It says I should be doing almost 100k dps at 496 ilvl, but on the dummy I'm only doing about 60kish self buffed. Rotation seems extremely easy so I'm not sure what I am missing.


Toe Sucker
noxxic is like.. "best case scenario" in a raid you'll do a lot more damage than on a shitty training dummy.

Lost Ranger_sl

Alright, thanks fellas. I know I have some optimizing to do, but 40kish seemed like a huge difference. Fully buffed/debuffs should bring me much closer to that.


Toe Sucker
What spec are you runing lost ranger? rogue dps seems to be really wonky in terms of a small upgrade of ilevel = a lot more dps lol


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Got my first 3 pets to 15 today, feels so slow.
Once you get your first pet to 25 (my first was toothy), you can power level all your other pets via the dailys offered by the trainers. The Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms Grand Master quests are very easy to solo for a pet that has modest healing and gives a huge chunk of experience. The trick is to make sure you get the pet you want to level out there first, then swap in your power leveler on turn 2. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think your power leveled pet has to attack, just be active for a turn. I'm not in a position where I can confirm this, presently.

Anyway, I'm sure there is a better power level pet than the crocs like toothy (there are 2 or 3 with his exact skill set), but I don't know what they are offhand.