World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
This isfalse. They do not share a loot lockout. If you run LFR and run Flex, two different loot lockouts. It's the Flex in Flexible. So using your example, if you got loot on LFR Sha, you can certainly still get loot on Flex Sha and again on Normal/Heroic.
Quest Items, and yes they ARE shared.

I've opened multiple tickets with Blizzard trying to get new ones sent to me from both Lei Shen and Sha, and they won't, because everytime they say the quest item loot drop IS shared. You get one shot on each boss, regardless of difficulty (though you can rerun it if you do it AFTER you get the quest).

Basically, if you have the quest, you get one shot at the quest item per mob per week, regardless of difficulty. That has been my experience for the past ~4 weeks running flex and LFR. You can rerun LFR and flex for a shot at the drop IF you get the quest AFTER having completed it.


Vyemm Raider
3 1/2 hours later, only killed norushen. gave up on sha of pride and a galakrass group.

EDIT: nm


Vyemm Raider
I'll give it a few more tries (when I have a fucking 8 hour window to actually complete 1 wing) but I'm starting to regret this. I thought flex pugs sounded like a great way to enjoy the game without the hassle of scheduled raids or shopping for a guild. Griefers and shit players can be kicked so it should be way better than LFR, right? That's honestly what I thought, and it's the only reason I picked WoW back up. So the jokes on me. This shit is like trying to build a lunar rocket using random people you found at Wal-Mart. It's a fucking miracle these people remember to breathe.

I have no idea why people this bad continue to play. They are so terrible that it must take hours upon hours for them to find a raid competent enough to offset their supreme incompetence. How do they tolerate it? Join raid, do 50-80k dps, die to the first mechanic, wipe over and over, get kicked. Why don't they quit trying? If I do three times their damage with the same goddamn gear and never die to anything avoidable and yet can't find a winning raid, how they fuck do they EVER do it? What does it take to make these people give up? These idiots couldn't beat The Walking Dead with cheat codes and a walkthrough, yet they insist on shitting up every goddamn MMO and forcing others to carry them.

If this was Battlefield, I'd at least have the option to switch teams. But I need these idiots to win. I'm stuck with them. Starting over means wasting time sitting around waiting for the group to fill, or re-clearing trash or even some bosses before again finding out they have no prayer of finishing the wing. So it starts over again.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Man you have the worst fucking luck heh. I assume your horde? If not id be happy to run some stuff with you just to ease your pain at least somewhat. I feel you about fuckers that are just plain terrible... i don't know why they play i guess thats the price of playing a popular mmo that ANYBODY can cap out and play. I like playing game alot and for long stretches but i don't have any endurance for stupid.


Vyemm Raider
I dunno, maybe this is normal. How unlucky is 3 people breaking 100k on Sha of Pride, with 7 people under 70k? How unlucky is having a 50k warlock and moonkin that don't get kicked until the 5th wipe?



We've been receiving reports regarding a dangerous Trojan that is being used to compromise player's accounts even if they are using an authenticator for protection. The Trojan acts in real time to do this by stealing both your account information and the authenticator password at the time you enter them.

If your account has been compromised recently, I'd recommend looking for the Trojan. It can be identified by creating an MSInfo file and then looking in the Startup Program section of that file for either "Disker" or "Disker64". It will usually appear like this:

Disker rundll32.exe c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\w_win.dll,dw Name-PC\Name Startup
Disker64 rundll32.exe c:\users\name\appdata\local\temp\w_64.dll,dw Name-PC\Name Startup

We are currently looking for more information on the Trojan. We have not been able to locate any anti-virus programs that will remove it besides just reformatting your system. If you have been recently compromised and find it on your system please reply with the following pieces of information.

Your MSInfo.
A list of any addons you recently installed along with where you got them.
A list of any programs you recently installed along with where you got them.
Any security programs you have run and their results.


Trakanon Raider
I dunno, maybe this is normal. How unlucky is 3 people breaking 100k on Sha of Pride, with 7 people under 70k? How unlucky is having a 50k warlock and moonkin that don't get kicked until the 5th wipe?
Are you using oQueue for this? You should really run your own groups. That way you can at least kick and replace people who suck. I usually run them with a few guild mates and we just announce that we expect everyone to know fights, no voice chat, do it right or be kicked. Usually we have at least 35 people waiting in the queue and have never wiped more than 3 times on any boss.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I dunno, maybe this is normal. How unlucky is 3 people breaking 100k on Sha of Pride, with 7 people under 70k? How unlucky is having a 50k warlock and moonkin that don't get kicked until the 5th wipe?
No just no.... Flex has it's advantages and disadvantages. If the raids dps is pretty high carrying a few folks is pretty easy, but if the whole raid is pants on head retarded you are really fucked. My super casual family guild had to bench some people on certain fights when flex first came out because of the increase of boss health in proportion to the size of the raid. I think the pool of players /lfg for flex in the raid browser are the same people people who've finished their lfr for the week and still want to play, which loosely translates to lfr caliber players in a higher raid difficulty. Again this isn't always the case but that's about what I would expect if I queued for a flex raid.


Vyemm Raider
It doesn't help that oqueue itself is a horrible piece of software. No ability to filter by zone, really?

...and after saying this I find that you can at least type "flex" into the search box.


I dunno, maybe this is normal. How unlucky is 3 people breaking 100k on Sha of Pride, with 7 people under 70k? How unlucky is having a 50k warlock and moonkin that don't get kicked until the 5th wipe?
just wondering, but whats your ilvl ?

i feel so odd,since my dps is just shit. started up a ret paladin, did all the reading on reforging, gemming, rotations and all, but just cant seem to get far above 80k or something at my 505 ilevel. granted a lot seems to depend on my weapon. last time i upgraded from 463 to my current 502 my dps more than doubled really. but now i seem to be stuck again, and i am just wondering if that sort of dps is normal for my gear or not. that "realistic" dps calculator put me at 120k or something like that, but i really dont see how..


<WoW Guild Officer>
just wondering, but whats your ilvl ?

i feel so odd,since my dps is just shit. started up a ret paladin, did all the reading on reforging, gemming, rotations and all, but just cant seem to get far above 80k or something at my 505 ilevel. granted a lot seems to depend on my weapon. last time i upgraded from 463 to my current 502 my dps more than doubled really. but now i seem to be stuck again, and i am just wondering if that sort of dps is normal for my gear or not. that "realistic" dps calculator put me at 120k or something like that, but i really dont see how..
It's your weapon. Burn all of your warforged seals on getting a 528 weapon upgrade until you have one.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah ret is really weapon dependant. The cloak, tier bonus and trinkets really up dps as well. So 80k for a 502 weapon isn't that bad. I dunno what spec you took but for lower gear levels id say you can do better dps with holy avenger over sanctified wrath.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tier sets are almost as huge for rets as their weapon. Are you using clcret with the proper rotation for your tier set configured? That can help a lot until you get used to the weird ass ret priority rotation. I got the heroic 2h sword from sha last night and I'm curious how my OS is going to do...even though the only time I ever use it is when I randomly (once a month maybe) feel like killing mobs on timeless isle.


Vyemm Raider
See, griping always works. 3 different flex groups that one shot everything in flex 1-3 except for one Thok wipe. Now I've hit the magic 540 breakpoint so I might even get to do Garrosh.

PS: 1 loot 1 runestone. QQ.

Also, I learned the (obvious) secret to oqueue. If it says "540 required" and the ilvl field is 0, it means the faggot running the raid is in timeless and dungeon blues.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>

chF (chFtheCat) on Twitter

It's intruiging to me how these people just blatantly admit to doing this stuff these days. It's as if they have no fear they're going to get buttfucked by cops some day breaking in their door, no matter what country they're in.

The same guy has made the news today for shutting down Steam last night, too.

Steam gaming portal left for dead after purported DDoS attack | PCWorld

Steam hit by DDoS as Origin stutters from separate attack | Technology |


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hard to regulate when these attacks come from out of jurisdiction. What we need is real education reform in personal PC security. If these fucks weren't able to compromise thousands of computers to formulate their botnets then they wouldn't have the power they need to brute force these outward facing servers.