World of Warcraft: Current Year


I really wish openbot was still around for this game. That thing was seriously the best bot I've ever seen in a video game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I really wish openbot was still around for this game. That thing was seriously the best bot I've ever seen in a video game.
There's others that have taken it's place. There will never not be something like it. People be lazy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
info from mmo champ from a guy who says he played for a few hours at a pr event

Leveling and Other Numbers

  • I played a gnome warrior in the Shadowmoon Valley, the Alliance starting zone. After about 5 hours of /played and 80 quests I reached the end of the zone and Level 92.
  • At level 91, I had 63k health as a Tank.
  • Monsters had around 100k health.
  • I was dealing around 1k to 5k damage on normal hits. Up to 10k critical damage for some abilities (Shield Slam).
  • It takes 597k XP to go from level 90 to level 91 and 640k xp to go from level 91 to 92.
  • Quests rewards were between 10k and 15k xp. Up to 20k for the difficult ones.
  • A new quest type is available: the "Bonus Objectives". When you walk around a zone, new objectives might appear randomly in your quest list. Completing the objectives will reward you with extra experience, leaving the area will drop the quest.

Shadowmoon Valley

  • Shadowmoon Valley is composed of lush green plains lit by the moonlight. It has a very peaceful feeling. The glades and forests are amazing and very colorful. You will find Naarus, Draeneis cities, and Iron Horde strongholds in the zone.
  • The Alliance starting zone seems pretty much finished. Lots of details, impressive vegetation, and a lot of different monsters.
  • I found a lot of monsters from The Burning Crusade that have been updated: Talbuks, Nether rays, Turtles, Larvas, Boars, Sporebats, Wolves, Bees. The new Talbuks and Sporebats models are EPIC.
  • Ner'zhul is the principal antagonist of the zone.
  • The zone ends with a scenario that I couldn't test because it wasn't available. It was called "Grommar's Purge" (Note: roughly translated)
  • I found the zone really well made. The vast plains and colorful glades immerse you entirely in the game. The scenery is new and doesn't give you a feeling of deja vu (except for some monsters, but it's not really shocking).


I do love a good looking zone and wow has those for sure. Look forward to seeing the new areas while I level.


Vyemm Raider
Those health values are baffling - i must have missed something bc i have about 670k myself atm.


Vyemm Raider
yeah you missed that they are deflating stats back to TBC levels
Hmm, something i guess i will have to see how it plays out first hand. I didnt like BC personally - its when i first quit the game so guess i will have to hope to get into the beta.


Trakanon Raider
Hmm, something i guess i will have to see how it plays out first hand. I didnt like BC personally - its when i first quit the game so guess i will have to hope to get into the beta.
Wtf does it matter? Stats are relative so it doesn't matter whether they are giving you weapons with 70 dps on them or with 7000 dps. It was getting to the point where we would have had 20000 dps weapons and items with tens of thousands of stats in WoD so they just moved the decimal places for everything back one spot.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
What is the stat squish going to do for old content? It seems like deflating stats back to TBC levels would make previous content extremely difficult to do.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They said you'll still be able to solo old raids and whatnot. As long as that remains true I'll be very happy to see the numbers deflated a bit. It's been getting ridiculous.


Trakanon Raider
I think they have some sort of behind the scenes math for older stuff that they can't completely squish or some sort of one-shot mechanic. I mean if you think about it a hit for 12k against a 10k mob kills it just as good as a 1.2m hit.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
At 100, you'll be able to solo old content just as easily as you can do <80 stuff now at 90. However, below that, old content is intended to be as difficult as it was, when done at the same level. But since you won't get nearly the stat boost from 60 to 80 as you did before, you probably won't be able to solo MC at 80.


SUPPOSEDLY the squish is only when you zone in to WoD. When you're out and about you should still have a gazillion HP. That's what I remember from Blizzcon.


At 100, you'll be able to solo old content just as easily as you can do <80 stuff now at 90. However, below that, old content is intended to be as difficult as it was, when done at the same level. But since you won't get nearly the stat boost from 60 to 80 as you did before, you probably won't be able to solo MC at 80.
No, everything in the game is just getting a percentage drop. Everything is SUPPOSED to stay exactly where it is now but lower numbers.

You SHOULD still be able to solo MC at 80 according to everything they have been saying. It really isn't that hard so I don't see them failing on it.