World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I thought green fire normalized your ilvl. Does it not?
I dont think so? Either way, youtube videos galore of people from 463 to 480 doing it.

This is one of my friends, lol. He makes up so many excuses for why he can't finish it.

My guild isn't really up for heroics (partially due to members like my buddy
). How bad is trying to openraid/Oqueue heroic stuff? I'm sitting at 565 with maybe 4-5 slots I can upgrade, then I guess I'm kind of done with progression unless I want to guild-hop or start messing with alts.
You'll find guilds thatll pick you up for Heroic and your best bet with the average heroic guild is probably getting to spoils and calling it. Thok is fucking nightmare of a heroic fight and each guild seems to have their own way to do his ass. If you get past him as a PUG ~ well f'k, grats.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Solo-Tanking Heroic Thok is a super-hero feeling though. So much the damages. Dunno how other tank classes survive it though, Expel Harm+Purify is pretty busted. Tight healing requirements and tight dps requirements. The first time we got him down was about 30 seconds after everyone else was dead and I was just spamming Expel Harm/Purify while my minutes of saved up Shuffle from earlier got closer and closer to fading and the instantaneous death that would follow

As much as I hate Siege, it definitely had fights on Heroic that make you go YESSSSS [and your healers say "NEVER AGAIN.... until next week" and grab another bottle of whiskey]. I am coming to Hate siege even more now that we're handholding 15 new members through the first half of Heroic 25. How on earth Hunters of all things die to standing in shit I will never understand.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Solo-Tanking Heroic Thok is an a super-hero feeling though. So much the damages. Dunno how other tanks survive it though, Expel Harm+Purify is pretty busted.
I never realized how OP healing sphere was till I started tanking with my monk in beta. Healing surge or whatever is a very, very poor substitution in its current form. Though, I enjoyed reading the Blue Post about it "Healing sphere was clumsy to use for most people, but the people that used it perfectly made it over powered." ie. I was over powered haha! ;D


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Healing Sphere made me wish Heroic Immerseus was a real fight, because that sumbitch cleaned up green oozes but good. Pointlessly, though, since Pushover Boss was Pushover. I'm amused every time in raid a Healing Sphere spam saves somebody and they thank the healers. Really going to miss that skill, and Clash. So many fight mechanics where Clash is great [Fuck you Galakras adds]. At least we'll still have barrel toss kiting to break some random fights and trash packs next expansion.


Tranny Chaser
I broke down and pre-ordered WoD, now to decide if I want a 90 druid or paladin. I'm leaning towards druid since I've often been fascinated by the idea of lazer owls


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
With regards to hunter DPS, when you do LFR you almost always see hunters lining the top DPS positions, then occasionally some dude playing another class who knows what he's doing. But then again, it's not hard to be good at LFR. When I play seriously I'm usually #1 or 2, but sometimes I get bored, or am watching something on the other monitor and only play using my mouse and I'm still in #4 or 5 place. How the fuck do 10 other DPS manage to do such shit dps they can't even top a dude who could be wanking it while DPSing?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Some of them are legitimate noobs. Wow still has them believe it or not. I struggled with dps numbers as a dps monk when I first bought mop and went into soo. I think my gear was like Ilvl 485?? Think that's where you can start. Stayed around 12th place forever. Now I think I could just auto attack for the same amount. Lol


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Nope. One lock I know did it at 570 and apparently he nuked it into nothingness before the first felguard phase even came around.
Ya, it doesn't normalize ilvl. While DPS will assist in winning the fight, it is 90% execution. If you don't manage your abilities/cooldowns, you'll be sucking down damage that is more than 4x your HP. I wonder if this fight will actually become HARDER in WoD due to the stat/item shrink.


Toe Sucker
I don't know how some people crit their Chaos Bolt for like 2million+
I'm jelly.. the highest i've ever gotten was like 950k on a raid boss and thats with pretty much 2 trinket procs, my cloak embroidery, dark soul and skull banner up at the same time lol
My locks gear is gutter trash though so i guess that makes sense. I just started playing him again 2 days ago lol


Given that they consider Timeless Isle a roaring success (which is justified) and will have "one" at launch...
Timeless Isle, the legendary quest lines, and the reorganization of raids in to even more difficulty levels and adding an Oqueue feature is honestly what have me most excited about WOD. The iteration they will do on those concepts is worth the box price by itself. Mop isn't my favorite expansion but now with all the content released there is at least a really good base to move forward from.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Timeless Isle, the legendary quest lines, and the reorganization of raids in to even more difficulty levels and adding an Oqueue feature is honestly what have me most excited about WOD. The iteration they will do on those concepts is worth the box price by itself. Mop isn't my favorite expansion but now with all the content released there is at least a really good base to move forward from.
You have to admit that MoP is a pretty good expansion. The only expansion that really was lack luster, imo at least, was Cataclysm.

If I only did the Legendary Cloak Quest once - I would probably appreciate it a whole lot more. I really hope that if they continue to follow this legendary quest trend, that they add more benefits than just the buff to your account that allows you to jump the bridge in Timeless Isle for example. That is, if you have to do the entire quest again for each character. oQueue was a brilliant addon for WoW and I am honestly curious why Blizzard itself didnt come up with the idea of using the front end code to do that.

I played around for a while on the level 100 server for beta and I gotta admit, this expansion is going to be pretty f'n awesome. Just an FYI for those of you that havent taken the opportunity to play in it, or havent gotten into the beta. The changes to blasted lands, and the newest version of those heavily changed quests are much better. Invasion of Neth Keep etc. Which is really awesome because that means theyre going to revise the quests at the beginning of Draenor, Im hoping.
I broke down and pre-ordered WoD, now to decide if I want a 90 druid or paladin. I'm leaning towards druid since I've often been fascinated by the idea of lazer owls
I really enjoy my Druid, but it may be the class that has the most changes/pruning/tinkering so the class I believe is going to look very different come the xpac. The new feral weretiger talent has me pretty stoked from a cosmetic point of view though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
God, I wish that talent was in the Guardian tree too. Hate the bear model for positioning while tanking.
Of course the fact that it looks so neat will end up going to waste when it ends up not being the best option for raiding. Should get some good use out of it when doing challenge modes though, because of the casting utility it brings to feral. Spot healing, cc, and all that nice stuff. Speaking of, I hope that Blizzard maintains the difficulty of their challenge modes. I probably had the most fun I've had since Ulduar heroics from a challenge and satisfaction stand point. Of course now with the better gear itemization and the higher number of sockets in your gear they have become a lot easier, but they were genuinely hard when I did them in MSV/HoF gear early on in MoP. Brewery especially gave my healer and tank fits, and I really enjoyed actually having to utilize everything my ele shaman brought to a group instead of just running the priority list for max dps.


Solo-Tanking Heroic Thok is a super-hero feeling though. So much the damages. Dunno how other tank classes survive it though, Expel Harm+Purify is pretty busted. Tight healing requirements and tight dps requirements. The first time we got him down was about 30 seconds after everyone else was dead and I was just spamming Expel Harm/Purify while my minutes of saved up Shuffle from earlier got closer and closer to fading and the instantaneous death that would follow

As much as I hate Siege, it definitely had fights on Heroic that make you go YESSSSS [and your healers say "NEVER AGAIN.... until next week" and grab another bottle of whiskey]. I am coming to Hate siege even more now that we're handholding 15 new members through the first half of Heroic 25. How on earth Hunters of all things die to standing in shit I will never understand.
Our Blood DK can solo tank it as well. No idea how she does it though. Then again, it's pretty much a burn down fight for us at this point. The dps is insanely high so that's a major factor as well.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just ignore the first few stacks of each, and throw down some CD's once you get up to 5/6 stacks. Your healers probably arent pants on head retarded and know when to preemptively heal the tank. I personally hate solo tanking Thok, but my Monk is able to handle the damage better than my DK Tank partner. :/
looks like the new Blood Elf models won't make it for WoD launch - more and more content gets cut so the content draught between SoO release last year and WoD won't drag on too long I guess


Lord Nagafen Raider
looks like the new Blood Elf models won't make it for WoD launch - more and more content gets cut so the content draught between SoO release last year and WoD won't drag on too long I guess
Bah, that's horseshit. I want the new barbie model!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
looks like the new Blood Elf models won't make it for WoD launch - more and more content gets cut so the content draught between SoO release last year and WoD won't drag on too long I guess
Actually, this isn't a cut at all since they originally planned on releasing only a handful of races per patch (including 6.0). They even announced that before they announced WoD at the 2013 BlizzCon. At some point they decided to commit themselves to delivering all the races (except gob, worgen, and pandas) at the launch of WoD. All the vanilla races are still going in for launch, but only Draenei made the cut for the BC models (they did them first since they are obviously the other prevalent race on Draenor).