World of Warcraft: Current Year


Toe Sucker
I guess I should not up a shaman and monk to max all classes. Just don't know that I have the energy for even that.
I boosted the one class i don't have to 90 (druid) and immediately regretted it. Don't do the same thing bro.
God druids are maximum gayness though.


Molten Core Raider
haven't played in forever and just resubbed. What's the easiest class to faceroll pvp with? Warrior?


Warlocks and Rogues are top of the meters these days. Combat rogue rotation feels pretty simple but everything is super gear dependant.


Blackwing Lair Raider
For shits and giggles I resubbed today for the first time since early Cata. I never bought the MoP expansion but somehow it is active on my account. I bought D3 Reaper of Souls when it came out. Did Blizzard offer some bundle I was unaware of or are they just giving away MoP now for free?
Looks that way I just got an email to that effect a couple days ago which is nice I have vague itches to play some wow but did not want to drop like 120 to buy both pandaria and the new one.


Toe Sucker
Warlocks and Rogues are top of the meters these days. Combat rogue rotation feels pretty simple but everything is super gear dependant.
Combat would be nice with a heroic warforged 4/4 Assurance of Consequence.. thats what.. almost 60% CDR on adrenaline rush and shadow blades? + that passive that reduces cooldowns for every combo point spent.
100% uptime on those bitches~

even with 4/4 on the shitty LFR version Adrenaline Rush is maybe 45 seconds before you can use it again?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Warlocks melt face in PVP and top meters in PVE during MOP expansion. Not WoD, but thats surely going to change.


Vyemm Raider
Rogues have a simple and downright slow rotation until you have mountains of haste - the trickery comes from using abilities to maximize time on target, or target swapping without tanking your dps, or special roles like stunning/snaring crap or saving cooldowns for amber busting because the retards won't be.

Also, so far it seems the "melee have it so hard" thing is kind of bullshit these days. On trash, yes it still fucking sucks to be melee. Mostly because you can't fucking see anything and the tanks will have the cleaving bullshit pointing in different directions and the exploding bullshit will all die at the same time and so on. But on bosses, not so much. Encounters that have tons of "fuck your entire dps, move NOW" for casters can be a turret-mode training dummy session for melee. But on bosses it's not like you are constantly stopping dps to move out of fire.

That said, Hunters are obviously on their own tier of easy because moving doesn't interrupt them (yet)

EDIT: Late edit because sense


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Rogues have a simple and downright slow rotation until you have mountains of haste - the trickery comes from using abilities to maximize time on target, or target swapping without tanking your dps, or special roles like stunning/snaring crap or saving cooldowns for amber busting because the retards won't be.

Also, so far it seems the "melee have it so hard" thing is kind of bullshit these days. On trash, yes it still fucking sucks to be melee. On bosses, not so much. Encounters that have tons of "fuck your entire dps, move NOW" for casters can be a turret-mode training dummy session for melee. Mostly because you can't fucking see anything and the tanks will have the cleaving bullshit pointing in different directions and the exploding bullshit will all die at the same time and so on. But on bosses it's not like you are constantly stopping dps to move out of fire.

That said, Hunters are obviously on their own tier of easy because moving doesn't interrupt them (yet)
Theyve done a pretty solid job of limiting Hunter DPS so it doesnt topple the ivory tower of a similarly geared mage. A perfect rotation mage VS a perfect rotation hunter is a mountain of difference if theyre standing still, yet that hunter can move and still get the same numbers. IE. I hope they dont change Hunter because it makes them different than just a mage with a bow.

Melee DPS Danger hasnt really changed btw, its just that most people that have been playing a Melee DPS have just gotten used to dealing with the same fucking shit in every fucking MMO lol.


Toe Sucker
I simply just hate that feral requires that shitty cat model (which you can glyph in WoD but still, you're still a god damn cat)
I also don't like how resto feels as a whole, compared to every other healing class. I really like how disc priest, holy paladin and resto shaman feels, they feel more "complete" to me.

I just really have no interest in either of their specs as a personal preference.. so yeah. Entirely subjective lol.
Resto druids are technically very good, boomkins are pretty good in pvp, and feral is just as derpy as it was before.. but yeah.


Deciding on a class based on their rotation in MoP probably isn't the wisest thing to do anyway, mind you.
I levelled a warlock for their supposed OP dps skills but realized, like mage, i dont care much for playing a caster. I've always been partial to plate melee, or melee in general for some reason. No idea why.


Toe Sucker
Because knights and shit are badass bro. Thats why i love pallys, but they gayed poor ret up with the changes after Ulduar

Seriously though, the one change i wish they never took was the passive healing judgetment of light did


Vyemm Raider
I started WoW as mage because I had always played melee before but I wound up hating it. The stat/gearing system was awful, the resist system was awful (+fire items on bosses immune to fire, HA HA WE MAKE FUNNY JOKE FUCK YOUUUU!), and it was just standing still spamming a button. I came back as rogue (LK) and dug it but we had a pile of rogues and wayyy too many melee overall and it made raiding miserable, so I went back to mage (Cata/MOP) and hated it again. Finally, I made hunter and played casualmode and it was like the skies parted and the sun shone for the first time. Sure, I'd have hated the old version of hunter - the ammo consuming, mana-having, deadzone idiocy OG hunter. Some classes have changed greatly and are better for it (hunter/pal/sham?), while most have just gotten more crap piled on just for the sake of having more crap (thinking of rogues here)

So I killed LFR Garrosh on my Rogue on day 3 of lv90, game beaten. Oh, and my offhand broke in phase 1 and I still outdamaged six dps with my one-handed output of fucking 50k. This embarassment was top 15 damage on Garrosh WITH ONE HANDKreu @ Black Dragonflight - Community - World of Warcraft

Two drops from all of SoO, neither ideal for my spec but the dagger is good enough to be my main hand even in combat until I get better. Welcome back to WoW, Fuck You.
Theyve done a pretty solid job of limiting Hunter DPS so it doesnt topple the ivory tower of a similarly geared mage. A perfect rotation mage VS a perfect rotation hunter is a mountain of difference if theyre standing still, yet that hunter can move and still get the same numbers. IE. I hope they dont change Hunter because it makes them different than just a mage with a bow.

Melee DPS Danger hasnt really changed btw, its just that most people that have been playing a Melee DPS have just gotten used to dealing with the same fucking shit in every fucking MMO lol.
Spot on for hunters. However melee dps has become much easier in general especially late in this expansion. There aren't all that many voidzones or gtfo now mechanics that melee have to worry about any more then ranged and a lot of the fights are fairly stationary. For the few where some movement from melee is required a lot of the melee classes have gap closers or movement abilities that really minimize the down time. Heroic leap, shadowstep, ghost wolf for enhancement who can dps sort of from range as they move anyway. In fact I feel like I have more to deal with when I play elemental from a movement and avoidance standpoint then when I'm specced enhance. Trash still blows when I'm rolling as enhancement though.


Trakanon Raider
Hunter is about the only class I can stand to play in WoW anymore. I used to main a mage but they added too many stupid mechanics and I just don't enjoy playing one anymore. With a hunter I can just hang back and see everything that's going on and not be in the cluster fuck group of melee and still do good dps. Plus they are fun as hell to do old content with. Invis, feign death and tons of cool pets and abilities that mesh well together. They just make sense and haven't been cursed with too much ability bloat. Only other class I can stand to play is a blood spec DK but rarely. Great for soloing old content but so is a hunter. I haven't used my free 90 yet because no other class is as fun as my 90 hunter imo.