World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
I think you misunderstood my post. Blizzard said part of the reason for reducing the number of abilities across the board was so they could design MORE complex boss mechanics. I'm just curious to know if this is actually the case in WoD dungeons and raids (assuming raids are even in the beta).
I honestly don't think they ever said that. The goal for removing abilities has always been to A. reduce the amount of compulsory keybinds for highly situational abilities and B. to get rid of redundant and synergistic abilities that were never used separate from each other (i.e. rotational cooldowns that wound up being macro'd together anyway) and C. balance the PvP CC shitfest fiasco.

I think the goal is to keep encounters interesting and making sure that people have a chance to take them in instead of waiting for visual add on queues to mash a button you normally don't mash.


Either way I'm just glad that I'm not gonna have to keep 10 situational abilities on my fucking bars. The button bloat got really out of hand and I wish they would have done something sooner. Can't wait.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The lead encounter designer mentioned that he wanted to move away from fighting the floor and move towards more interesting mechanics. I haven't watched many of the fights from beta to see how that philosophy is holding up though.
The new vision for stationary DPS isn't fighting the floor, it's hugging it.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Get Warlords of DraenorT Now, Upgrade to the Collector's Edition Later - World of Warcraft

So I was excited to hear they were going to do something for the folks waiting on a physical CE regarding the character boosts and stuff. Except their solution is just to buy two copies of the game and toss your spare key to a friend. Not sure about anyone else, but I don't think I have a single friend that doesn't currently play, has played and already quit, or just doesn't want to play at all. Why can't they just make up the difference between the editions in game time credit? The fuck?


Anyone know if the boss encounters in WoD are harder/more complex to offset the squish to abilities which has simplified (some say "dumbed down") the gameplay?
I don't know about other classes, but judging from the announced changes, priests will still have at least as many abilities to use in WoD as they did in Cata, and more than in TBC/WotLK. They're removing a few passives, two infinite buffs, and limiting a couple spells to certain specs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Get Warlords of DraenorT Now, Upgrade to the Collector's Edition Later - World of Warcraft

So I was excited to hear they were going to do something for the folks waiting on a physical CE regarding the character boosts and stuff. Except their solution is just to buy two copies of the game and toss your spare key to a friend. Not sure about anyone else, but I don't think I have a single friend that doesn't currently play, has played and already quit, or just doesn't want to play at all. Why can't they just make up the difference between the editions in game time credit? The fuck?
They did this for D3, no idea why they wouldn't do it for draenor except greed.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
^along the same vein:

I got a few guys I raided with at the beginning of Pandaria (16/16 t14H) who want to dip their toes into WoD Mythics but on an "adult with responsibilities" schedule - ie Friday/Saturday nights from 8-11PM PST. Total of 6 hours per week. We're Horde and on US-Ner'zhul server. If that's something you'd be interested in, PM me. Between a few folks from our old guild coming back and a couple recruits, we've already got about 10 guys, but we're looking at fielding a roster of 25ish.


Molten Core Raider
If you're going to buy a carry at all, spend the gold on a Heroic Carry instead. Relatively easy to find a 25 man that will carry you. You have options as to what you want to achieve out of getting carried, so it could be really cheap versus really expensive.
WAY out of my price range. I was struggling to scrounge up the 25k someone was asking just a few months ago. Sitting on ~130k now and Garrosh HC costs 100k, not spending that. I just want the damn achievement and the mount that comes with it. The mount to up my mount count and the achievement so I can finally get into groups to kill Garry for his heirlooms.


That is one thing I miss about my druid is making thousands a day just cause herb/mining with flightform for like 2 hours was the easiest thing to do. I'm gonna try to farm my dick off to buy a h garrosh before 6.0 just cause I'm a bitch. I'd rather do it legit but no guild doing heroic runs is going to invite my brand new character/someone that hasn't raided since wotlk lol.

WHO KNOWS. I don't care. WoD almost out. GIMME


Toe Sucker
Part 4 is up:

God damn these are so sick, i'm stoked for Gul'Dan but they'll probably save him for last lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They went ahead and released the actual quest cinematics, since they were about to get datamined in the next build anyway. They are so fucking hype god damn.


Molten Core Raider
So many feels in these cutscenes. Should have called the xpac: "World of Warcraft - Game of Thrones."

The caliber of the new models in the cutscenes is crazy, cinematic good.


Gonna watch some of these later, but I watched the Dark Portal one and oh shit.. I forgot about Medivh for a minute?!? That's clearly him with his staff and birdy shoulders

oh man oh man oh man I'm getting 2stoked


Oh, well that makes me slightly sad but that makes way more sense. I figured Medivh was a possibility since ya know.. alternate universe and whatnot. Plus that clearly is Medivhs staff, lol.

Regardless, FUCK YER


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I didn't want to watch the cinematics (wanted them to be fresh whilst leveling), but I guess if everyone is gonna be talking about them, I might as well :/