World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
Everyone gets the mine, fishing hut and herb garden anyway, no building spots needed.

There's GW2-style jumping puzzles and stuff with items or rare mobs at the end scattered around the zones, so I'm guessing that's one of the reasons.
So ... if I wanted to play GW2, I'd just... play GW2.

I want flying back -.-


Toe Sucker
I healed for ages and all I always gave a damn about was that people had to stay up and my mana had to last long enough. Squeezing in some dps, good use of raid cooldowns, etc.
Is about all i can really see for gauging healing, it's really just healing throughput versus not going OOM while doing so imo.
Know when you need to blow cds for burst healing, know when your tanks are going to spike etc.


Flying will absolutely be added at some point, theres no denying that. We'll just need to be patient lol
Once people start getting to their alt leveling, and complaining they'll throw it in the next patch.. hell maybe they're already just going to toss it in 6.1 as a pre-emptive assumption


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would concur flight is going to get added to the outlands it is just a matter of timing I would guess by the first major content patch like the 6.1 patch. By that time people will have one or more level 100s and pretty heavily traveled all over the place to see sights. I have been replaying pandaria with my characters having just reupped my account and I won't mind to much flying not being in on WoD for a while. One thing I would guess though is the lack of flying for a while makes the value of the ugly water strider mount go up a lot for any zone with lakes/rivers/marshes.


Toe Sucker
Definitely, you'll be able to get it again in WoD though if you don't manage to get it by the time MoP is done though.

I believe it's obtained in WoD via getting fishing to 700, unlocking Nat Pagle as a follower and doing daily/quests/fishing through him in your garrison.


I'm closing in on Anglers exalted, and I've only been doing it for a week or so.

Full round of dailies each day, + heroic & scenario with bonus rep to Anglers is something like ~2k rep/day, plus whatever rare fish you catch for Nat while doing the dailies. There's also a quest hub in Dread Wastes you can knock out once for a sizable chunk of rep.

You're looking at 7-10 days to reach revered, at which point you buy the commendation and get exalted in 3-5 days.


Tranny Chaser
The mind-boggling part of the "no flying" bit is that there are no ground-routes to get to the various zones. Everytime you are prompted to move to a new area of the themepark that is Draenor you are given a lift to a new hub or entry-point via the breadcrumb quest. This isn't just because they are being nice... in many cases you simply can't get from point A to point B without doing some extreme overland cliff-hopping or at least some severe off-trail wandering.

This was most evident when you get the Fishing daily to go get some fish in Frostfire Ridge if you are Alliance. Getting there is not at all easy and once there you have to go inland a bit to find a neutral flight point near a dungeon so that you don't have to repeat the overland trek the next time you want some fish. Expansions from BC on which had flying have better ground zone connectivity and efficient layout of the geography than the brand new one which has zero flying!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm closing in on Anglers exalted, and I've only been doing it for a week or so.

Full round of dailies each day, + heroic & scenario with bonus rep to Anglers is something like ~2k rep/day, plus whatever rare fish you catch for Nat while doing the dailies. There's also a quest hub in Dread Wastes you can knock out once for a sizable chunk of rep.

You're looking at 7-10 days to reach revered, at which point you buy the commendation and get exalted in 3-5 days.
Yup I am working toward that now so should be able to get my ugly bug prior to WoD's release. One question is the mount specific to characters with the rep like the oriental dragon?


Tranny Chaser
You get some from the various work orders done at buildings as well.

Is there any other way to get your followers better ilevel gear besides the salvage hut? So far the only upgrades for them I've seen come from that place.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Starting to accept that the freedom of playing on my own schedule (pugging) may not be worth the 10-20x increase in time spent.
I use Oqueue and have 'pugged' normal mode Garrosh on a few different characters now. It's not as bad as you would think, especially not this late in the expansion.


Toe Sucker
I'm almost tempted to pay 20k for a normal garrosh kill this week just to not have to worry about it at all lol

Also these servers are down for a long ass time today, next week is going to be brutal


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You still have to have Cloud Serpent Riding to ride the "oriental dragons." I cant stand it, because I love my Black one and now Im playing my Mage more and I dont want to farm that faction again. Much less do I have time to again. I think that MoP Factions over all were some of the easiest Ive ever done and it shouldnt take anyone more than a couple weeks at max.

They can make jumping puzzles require you to touch down on each particular platform and if you cast a mount spell while anyone on the puzzle, you automatically fail. If jumping puzzles are there reason for not having flying mounts at release, they are full of shit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
First two days of MoP launch were fantastic for the cloud serpent faction. Tons of people in Jade Forest, so the "spawn more interactibles" code was spamming eggs, but 99.9% of people weren't level cap, so no flying=no competition for upper egg spawns, so you were flying around grabbing eggs as fast as they spawned. Exalted in like an hour and a half.


Toe Sucker
I doubt that's the reason, I think it's the same as MoP.. they just want people to experience as much of the world as they can without just fly over everything.

I believe they're removing the cloud serpent riding requirement in 6.0 as well, so theres that... but it literally takes an hour or 2 to get the faction for it anyway (assuming you have the commendation already)


Blackwing Lair Raider
You still have to have Cloud Serpent Riding to ride the "oriental dragons." I cant stand it, because I love my Black one and now Im playing my Mage more and I dont want to farm that faction again. Much less do I have time to again. I think that MoP Factions over all were some of the easiest Ive ever done and it shouldnt take anyone more than a couple weeks at max.

They can make jumping puzzles require you to touch down on each particular platform and if you cast a mount spell while anyone on the puzzle, you automatically fail. If jumping puzzles are there reason for not having flying mounts at release, they are full of shit.
That is pretty much why I was asking I already have one mount I had to grind rep to get and found it was only for that one character unless I chose to rep up my other alts I did not want to really start grinding waterstrider this close to expansion if it was going to be the same way.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I doubt that's the reason, I think it's the same as MoP.. they just want people to experience as much of the world as they can without just fly over everything.

I believe they're removing the cloud serpent riding requirement in 6.0 as well, so theres that... but it literally takes an hour or 2 to get the faction for it anyway (assuming you have the commendation already)
Very true with the commendation thing its not like it would take that long to do it with another character but not this close to the expansion I would probably just backfill it later on especially if flying mounts won't be a thing for a while in WoD no point repping up for a flying mount. I do find it kinda funny the collectors edition thing comes with a flying mount.