World of Warcraft: Current Year


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Any Alliance guilds on Sen'jin looking for more? I'm not into hardcore raiding, but I wouldn't mind having a decent group of people to work through WoD with and at the very least do a bit of casual normal raiding so I don't get stuck in LFR hell again. Arms warrior.


Tranny Chaser
Was looking at the ilevel 680 gear on the Beta vendor and was reminded that LFR gear no longer is part of any tier set and thus has no set bonuses anymore. The stated reason is that they dont want raiders to feel compelled to do LFR in order to complete set bonuses faster and to encourage people to do more than just LFR... but I really think this is a terrible idea. There are a lot of folk who just do not have the time for regular raiding who felt they got their money's worth by doing LFR for loot. I think cutting off those people from having any nice bonuses and only +gooder stats is going to make them run away from the game rather than buckle down and go to Normal raiding.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Was looking at the ilevel 680 gear on the Beta vendor and was reminded that LFR gear no longer is part of any tier set and thus has no set bonuses anymore. The stated reason is that they dont want raiders to feel compelled to do LFR in order to complete set bonuses faster and to encourage people to do more than just LFR... but I really think this is a terrible idea. There are a lot of folk who just do not have the time for regular raiding who felt they got their money's worth by doing LFR for loot. I think cutting off those people from having any nice bonuses and only +gooder stats is going to make them run away from the game rather than buckle down and go to Normal raiding.
Normal (5.4 "Flex") is seriously just as easy as LFR though, you just don't get determination stacks on failed pulls. I think Normal will become way more prominent with the inclusion of the new grouping UI elements.


Tranny Chaser
Im looking at the new grouping UI elements and I'm not terribly impressed. oQueue and such, even though they are outside the game UI, are much better suited it seems to finding people to do premade raiding...but that is the problem.

People who are using oQueue are not the target audience who are the people doing LFR. I have many friends who we here would consider to be ROFLcasuals and they absolutely will not go to the point of using Open Raid or oQueue or anything of the sort. I know this because I suggested they try these avenues when doing the legendary cloak quest and they immediately shut down the conversation when I tried to bring it up. Quite a few only started "raiding" with LFR and their primary goal when raiding isn't the acquisition of +gooder but rather doing the cloak quest and getting set pieces for cool effects.

When they are locked out of that content they aren't going to move on to a more complex group making tool, they are just going to go "meh this sucks" and unsub. Hell they could make the LFR gear have an even further depressed ilevel and yet have effects like double the arcane missiles fired or overhealing shields the target and these guys would be pleased as punch. The numbers flying overhead don't mean as much to them as the perception of power does and that is something I think Blizzard doesn't comprehend.


Trakanon Raider
Any Alliance guilds on Sen'jin looking for more? I'm not into hardcore raiding, but I wouldn't mind having a decent group of people to work through WoD with and at the very least do a bit of casual normal raiding so I don't get stuck in LFR hell again. Arms warrior.
I'm on sen'jin horde side - which I suppose isn't exactly helpful haha. We raid pretty casually on Weds and Sundays (8:30 - 11:30 CST) right now. Will be farming looms until WoD and then doing the heroic tier. Alavaz#1973


<Bronze Donator>
Normal (5.4 "Flex") is seriously just as easy as LFR though, you just don't get determination stacks on failed pulls. I think Normal will become way more prominent with the inclusion of the new grouping UI elements.
I would expect LFR to turn into a nearly, stay busy stepping stone. The "flex"-ability they have added to the lower tiers have made the game much more accessible/fun at the end game, because of that I have no issue with LFR being non-priority. Not to mention, how fucking horrible doing LFR at times is. Still have nightmares of getting my runestones in ToT when boosted characters first showed up.


Molten Core Raider
I really love LFR the way it is now, because I can just queue and get "ok" stuff (with set boni).

What are those new UI elements you guys speak of? Can I still queue for "normal" (flex) in 6.0 or will I sit in shrine_WoD all evening spamming my lfg message?

Considering dropping 100k on 9/9 CM for the four mounts. 25k a pop and a free transmog to boot... doesn't sound too bad actually. Close to 170 mounts and I really want 200 some day.


Tranny Chaser
Since I had a metric fuckton of ore from the Garrison Mine I decided to copy over my Jewelcrafting Shaman (whom I haven't played heavily since BC, only keeping him levelled up by wandering around and mining / making jewels and the occasional LFR for giggles) to prospect the ore...

NOPE! Turns out that Jewelcrafting no longer does that whole "prospecting" thing, now they too just trade in material to their Garrison shop to create work orders or use a daily-cooldown to make their base crafting material. Gems are apparently a thing of the past as armor only has a small (10%?) chance of having a single universal gem slot that you can then place a gem into. Gems are now only secondary stats and take a ton of the base crafting material to make. Jewelcrafters also make rings and necklaces similar to the sort of armor that my tailor makes... only with the 3 crafted item limit in place for WoD I don't see anyone wasting their time with crafted rings and necklaces.

I kept my Jewelcrafter around because it was nice to be self-sufficient with gem slots, I guess I wont bother with it this time around. Having an Alchemist in your back pocket seems to still be useful or you can even create flasks (but not greater flasks) with the Alchemy Shop in your Garrison.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If there is some EU alliance guild that is willing to carry a recently 90ed monk in a normal SoO (for loot, not for pleasure), let me know by PM. I'm quite poor, but could sink a few k gold of course (10k tops or I won't buy even a gryphon ride in WoD) and a promise of eternal friendship. Usually I play Mistweaver (and Brewmaster, but of course I can't tank shit in crap gear). Miele#2807

I was trying CMs, but all I managed was 2 silver medals, one should have been gold, but we had a 49/50 mobs killed in Scarlet Halls and nobody noticed until we killed the last boss. The price for starting MoP way too late I guess.


Molten Core Raider
So with reforging and gems both gone, and items dropping with randomized statsm, itemization is all diablo style all the way? Weird ass design choice.


Tranny Chaser
Well you get some randomized secondary stats from crafted items which start at 640 and can be boosted up to 655, but yeah nearly all the customization seems to be gone. That seems a bit problematic for some classes since they really do benefit more from one secondary stat vs another. Then again the loot dropped by heroic dungeons seems to have many different drops from the same boss that correspond to different secondary stats. As a Mage I see 5 different possible hats from Warlord Zaela in heroic UBRS which vary in terms of which two secondary stats they have and the magnitude thereof so that should be SUPER fun trying to get gear that is of the right ilevel yet not completely anathema to my spec.

I tried a level 100 Mistweaver and the 2pc set armor bonus for multistrike increasing the longer you channel Soothing Mist was pretty damn nice, especially for firing off insta-cast Surging and Enveloping Mists near the end of a Soothing channel. Of course this would require something of a playstyle change for any Mistweaver who had that bonus, but it certainly seems worth it if you can manage.

I've noticed healers seem to be struggling in WoD dungeons. They normalized the stats for testing so gear doesn't matter as much, but even with the un-normalizable advantage of set bonuses I found things a bit hairy a few times. For all the talk about it being okay for people to be injured and that they didn't want most healing to be overhealing everyone's hit points seemed to drop pretty damn fast if I wasn't continually throwing heals in their direction.


<Silver Donator>
Stick to DK tank or switch to warrior tank with dps offspec? Decisions decisions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Warriors have more mobility, more fun imo. DKs get to be like the Lich King, but I'd still prefer mobility.


Toe Sucker
They should really just make the LFR version of tier pieces not count towards the set bonus of normal/mythic sets.
Obviously not allowing both to stack either, making it have its own tier of shitty loot is dumb


Lord Nagafen Raider
Switching to my warrior in WoD, so I've been doing transmog runs.

Both warglaives in the past 3 weeks...9 total illidan kills on him.

It's a sign...


<Silver Donator>
Switching to my warrior in WoD, so I've been doing transmog runs.

Both warglaives in the past 3 weeks...9 total illidan kills on him.

It's a sign...
I'm leaning towards warrior too. It's my vanilla first love. DK is ilevel 586 and warrior is like 540 tho, but I don't think this shit is going to matter once i'm 95-96 or so.


Toe Sucker
Switching to my warrior in WoD, so I've been doing transmog runs.

Both warglaives in the past 3 weeks...9 total illidan kills on him.

It's a sign...
I hate the RNG that Illidan has, i still haven't gotten a bulwark after years of farming him off and on my paladin