World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
fire mages are so good, like 10 minutes on beta made me spec mine to fire righht before the patch

now even in shitty gear i out dps most classes 35+ ilevel higher than me lol
What are you using? I understand that their is like no variety, but just curious.


<Silver Donator>
I thought this patch was gonna shit on tanks, but blood DKs are pretty much indestructible in this current form. Feels good to be OP before an expansion I guess.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That's thr first raid schedule I have seen that could work for me. What do you need the most? I prefer tanking but I'm assuming you guys have that buttoned up already.
Tanking is indeed locked up. Right now we're in need of talented healers, but there's also a few DPS positions open still.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That's not a bad schedule. With a family now and work/hobbies I definitely can't pull the same bullshit from the EQ days. I cleared Throne not long after it debuted, but I haven't played for what seems like a year. Getting back into it now and I'd like to play my War (tank or dps) but I also have Feral/Tank Druid and Ele/Resto Shm.

You guys do content other than Fri/Sat? I'll check the website out and probably make a toon to talk to you in game.

*holy shit you have a lot of goblins in your guild*
The guild leader had that addon to autoinvite unguilded players when they contributed to the gold in the guild bank, so the roster is fairly bloated. DPS and healing is chiefly what we're looking for, right now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
just finished my first "heroic" Garrosh kill and got my welfare heirloom. They changed something on the fights, as it got a fuckload easier. As well it wasn't a fail group.


Golden Baron of the Realm
just finished my first "heroic" Garrosh kill and got my welfare heirloom. They changed something on the fights, as it got a fuckload easier. As well it wasn't a fail group.
Heroic is what normal was and mythic is what heroic was.


'Supposedly' the numbers we were doing before the Hotfix were the Level 100 variables. So they 'adjusted' it for the time being.
This sounds legitimate actually. I tested out pretty much all the old raid content on PTR before the hotfix, and damage against Cata raid bosses was ridiculously high; as high as it was against WotLK and earlier content. Cata bosses are technically level 88, so according to the formula they released you should only be doing 112.5% of normal damage to them at 90. At 100 that would jump up to a whopping 1650%. WotLK raids have also been nerfed a bit as a result of the fix, from 1650% down to 500%.

It was fun having the lvl 100 version while it lasted, but it was plainly unintended. Just think of it as a small taste of how soloing the old raids at 100 will feel, except we will also have better gear then.

Edit: Now Blizzard's saying the damage nerf was intended as one part of 'squishing' legacy content, and reducing mob hp was the second. And for some reason they nerfed the mob hp a day later than the player dmg, so it should be better now but still not as good as the morning of the patch. Basically it sounds like this was more complicated than they thought it would be, and it's probably going to take a bit more tuning until it feels right.


It's kind of stupid and pointless, but man I do wish they made rep be account-wide already. MoP added the tokens and additional rep gains from joining dungeons which is really awesome but dang. I have old exalted reps from vanilla/bc on my druid I haven't even touched on my paladin. One can always hope. Not that it would really effect much other than me being annoying and enjoying rep grinds. But I only enjoy them once, lmfao


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ghostcrawler addressed that when they added the items that doubled accountwide rep progress for MoP reputations. He said that they felt like they had to draw the line SOMEWHERE between the account progression and character progression.

For what it's worth, I'm inclined to agree with him. I feel way more attachment to my paladin than I do to any other character on my account, but I'm not sure that I would feel that way if everything I did on my paladin applied to my alts too. I mean, what would distinguish them from each other except visual and playstyle differences?


How about them tying reputation to meaningful progression, whether that be through quests, scenarios, dungeons, raids, or whatever? For instance the whole Klaxxi questline in Dread Wastes is pretty neat. As you gain rep levels, it unlocks more chains and you discover more Paragons to awaken and help out. The shitty part is the story is broken up by periods of several days where you have to grind dailies to get to the next level. They could have just scaled the rep so that you can reach the next level of rep from doing the story quests on their own, without needing to grind out dailies. Then later in the expansion, they could have allowed an alternate path to exalted by completing Heart of Fear.


EQOA Refugee
I know its the end of an expansion so to speak, but making these changes to classes and making them dependent on stats that don't exist except 1 item is nothing short of retarded. Looking at you frost mages.

Equally retarded is raid leaders complaining no about the middle of the pack dps knowing the situation. That and virtually removing all CC from casters while leaving meters with more dps and tons of mobility/gap closers is just asinine.


Golden Squire
Eh, to argue the other side of it:

-Content is, what, a year old? Most people are long done with SoO. Just gearing alts, late comers, etc
-Gives them a month to work out bugs/issues so that WoD will have less issues at launch
-Gives players a month to get used to the changes so they can "hit the ground running" at WoD launch
-Gives mod authors the ability to get everything working again

They had major changes to the game. The people who are "serious" about WoW have long been bored. Progression has been over a long time for the vast majority. This is the best solution.


Tranny Chaser
Having finished up the quest series and progression to level 100 on the Beta server I can honestly say, without spoiling anything, that not a god damn thing happens plot-wise.

While I did not care for much of Cataclysm I have to admit that the places you go and the process of levelling up during the quest content was at least quite interesting especially with all the Elemental Plane business. I found Pandaria to be a nice return to "explore a new land" with some strong story elements about the Sha and all the philosophy of the Last Emperor and all that. I know some people did not care for it, but I thought it well done and certainly made me hungry for chinese food everytime I went to the Valley of the Four Winds to do the cooking dailies.

By the end of WoD release content I don't feel like much happened. There are some "events" that occur during the process but I did not feel terribly invested in the characters or what was going on as precious little is really made clear during the content of the game. I kept feeling like there was a whole subtext of information about what was going on that I just was not seeing.

I think I spent more time adventuring with and questing for the Dark Iron Dwarf engineer than I did Yrel or Maraad and for many of the zones my reaction was "wait...what?" in terms of what was going on. Most of the quest content was "hey we're setting up an outpost in the next zone, go there and oversee construction" and then breadcrumbs that extended from that but which ultimately didn't really do anything. Looking at the map I really have to struggle to remember what happened in Gorgrond and Talador as they were especially unmemorable. The "end" is in Nagrand but otherwise the place felt like collecting lots of bear-asses. Spires of Arak was the most interesting zone, in my opinion, but also the most self-contained plotline which had nothing to do with the Iron Horde.

Shifting the capital to Ashram was ultimately a bad idea simply because I am far more invested in my Garrison than I am the "capital" way the fuck over in PVP land and feel somewhat annoyed that I have to port or fly over there. If my capital was in the same zone as my Garrison and was in-fact the city of the local population it would feel a bit more organic to go there for services that I lack in my own town. As it is I've been charged with setting up the Alliance main outpost in Draenor and overseeing sub-outposts all over the continent and yet there's this whole other BIGGER "Garrison" that exists over in Ashran. Kinda tosses the whole narrative out the window.

I like the Garrison and I think by the end of the release content they have a stable launch-pad for additional content that moves the story along. But you spend a lot of time for what feels like a very drawn out prologue.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My god Mythics are a joke now compared to before. The health squish just makes everything die so much faster than before. We were a 10 man guild before patch, so we had to carry 4-5 very under geared dps, and we still obliterated our best times for the first 5 bosses.

If anyone is looking for a laid back Mythic guild on Alliance, we currently need dps, especially ranged. Server is Grizzly Hills/ Lothar and we raid T, W, Th from 9:30-midnight EST. Tantrik#1441 on bnet if you want to discuss interest.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Having finished up the quest series and progression to level 100 on the Beta server I can honestly say, without spoiling anything, that not a god damn thing happens plot-wise.

While I did not care for much of Cataclysm I have to admit that the places you go and the process of levelling up during the quest content was at least quite interesting especially with all the Elemental Plane business. I found Pandaria to be a nice return to "explore a new land" with some strong story elements about the Sha and all the philosophy of the Last Emperor and all that. I know some people did not care for it, but I thought it well done and certainly made me hungry for chinese food everytime I went to the Valley of the Four Winds to do the cooking dailies.

By the end of WoD release content I don't feel like much happened. There are some "events" that occur during the process but I did not feel terribly invested in the characters or what was going on as precious little is really made clear during the content of the game. I kept feeling like there was a whole subtext of information about what was going on that I just was not seeing.

I think I spent more time adventuring with and questing for the Dark Iron Dwarf engineer than I did Yrel or Maraad and for many of the zones my reaction was "wait...what?" in terms of what was going on. Most of the quest content was "hey we're setting up an outpost in the next zone, go there and oversee construction" and then breadcrumbs that extended from that but which ultimately didn't really do anything. Looking at the map I really have to struggle to remember what happened in Gorgrond and Talador as they were especially unmemorable. The "end" is in Nagrand but otherwise the place felt like collecting lots of bear-asses. Spires of Arak was the most interesting zone, in my opinion, but also the most self-contained plotline which had nothing to do with the Iron Horde.

Shifting the capital to Ashram was ultimately a bad idea simply because I am far more invested in my Garrison than I am the "capital" way the fuck over in PVP land and feel somewhat annoyed that I have to port or fly over there. If my capital was in the same zone as my Garrison and was in-fact the city of the local population it would feel a bit more organic to go there for services that I lack in my own town. As it is I've been charged with setting up the Alliance main outpost in Draenor and overseeing sub-outposts all over the continent and yet there's this whole other BIGGER "Garrison" that exists over in Ashran. Kinda tosses the whole narrative out the window.

I like the Garrison and I think by the end of the release content they have a stable launch-pad for additional content that moves the story along. But you spend a lot of time for what feels like a very drawn out prologue.
This is pretty damn close to how I feel about it, although I am more negative on garrisons. Just seems to be a huge gimmick that makes the game feel less MMO since you do seem to spend so much time there.

Agree with Spires too, definitely to coolest story/zone.


Vyemm Raider
Heroic raids where every fight and every mechanic has to be explained in detail (IT'S OVER A GODDAMN YEAR OLD) with numerous deaths to said mechanics while boss HP is so under-tuned that you can probably win anyway and the retards never get kicked out is good times, good times.

It was the most awful thing I've ever seen.

Bring back oqueue.

Got everything but Garrosh. This group.. holy fuck. P3 was over in 15 seconds every time. That's how long it took for the whole raid to be charmed. But they reached P3 every time, with people dead from annihilates, standing in iron stars, etc.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Heroic is what normal was and mythic is what heroic was.
That was the point of the air quotes, but I mean distinctly different from Tuesday evening (which I didn't say, so my bad). I was in some fail groups for Thok, Spoils, Nazgrim, and Blackfuse on Tuesday, where it took forever to kill things. Thursday night I went from Nazgrim to Garrosh without even breaking a sweet. Yes the group was better and different, but it felt like a bunch of shit in Heroic on Thursday night was tuned differently even compared to Normal on Sunday & Monday night.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Our guild has just started calling them SOO1, SOO2, and SOO3 instead of Normal/Heroic/Mythic.