World of Warcraft: Current Year


So, for anyone that is curious, I just got Stables tier 3 and it appears the 20% mount speed buff does not stack with paladins mount speed buff. I sorta feel jewed, but at least I got the mounts + the not being dazed passive is nice.


So, for anyone that is curious, I just got Stables tier 3 and it appears the 20% mount speed buff does not stack with paladins mount speed buff. I sorta feel jewed, but at least I got the mounts + the not being dazed passive is nice.
No Daze passive is buggy. With a level 3 Stables, there were still quite a few times I was dazed off of my mount on my Mage. I ended up dropping the Stables and replacing it with a Barracks for the Bodyguard (while I am grinding moronic reputations) and the +5 Active Followers.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So, for anyone that is curious, I just got Stables tier 3 and it appears the 20% mount speed buff does not stack with paladins mount speed buff. I sorta feel jewed, but at least I got the mounts + the not being dazed passive is nice.
I figured that would be the case, just glad I never built a stables on my DK. Not only wouldn't I get the +20% speed, I never leave blood spec so I already cannot be dazed by anything. I guess I go all-in on the bunker now that I know there's no reason to ever switch. At least at rank 3 I can get my free seal each week even if the work orders are basically just pissing away 120 GR a day for iron scraps. Plus, there's rumors going around that the drop rate on follower upgrades is better from the rank 3 building even though it doesn't explicitly say it.


I might switch off of it once I finish all the achievements for it, I've already got all the mounts but one which I'm working on right now. I mean it's huge and amusing to see all my mounts in one spot? lol but I'll probably switch it out for the War Mill. Probably.

Barracks level 3 is pretty baller though for sure, the +5 followers and bodyguard is so nice. Vivianne hits pretty hard and makes cutting through mobs super easy.


Molten Core Raider
Raids are like 3 hours a couple times a week for most people. There's nothing wrong with commenting on everything else that's already in the game that is supposed to occupy the vast majority of our time, especially when that's the stuff you have to do to prepare for the raids.
How many hours a day do you play WoW, and do you truly expect to be fully entertained playing WoW as a second job? You're part of a demographic that just isn't profitable to cater to. That you're working on your 3rd 100 in the first two weeks of an expansion means you're playing how much? Of course you're fucking bored and burnt out. I feel like you've constructed some "ideal" version of a game in your head in which you're thoroughly entertained for 8 hours a day which is A) completely unrealistic for a $50 +$15/month product and B) would really fuck over the people like me who don't play insane hours. If I play 2 hours a day I feel like I'm neckbearding it up -- that's enough time for garrison shit, my daily, and a dungeon or two. Throw in some raid content and I'm maxing out.

I don't want to come across as a prick, but truthfully, how many hours a day do you play WoW and do you think its reasonable for a developer to cater to that number?


what Suineg set it to
So left a couple rare missions figuring I'd go back. NOPE, lol. Admittedly I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention, but I could swear I have had some useless missions (10 hr level 100 exp only) sit in the log for days and days, yet the rares were gone much quicker it seemed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't want to come across as a prick, but truthfully, how many hours a day do you play WoW and do you think its reasonable for a developer to cater to that number?
Show me where I said anything about the quantity of content available, aside from a brief mention that I just hit 100 on my third character and actually praised the fact that they managed to finally make an expansion that wasn't a slog to level in after the first time through. My complaints are about content being buggy/broken, designed by someone clearly retarded, or a horrific grind of the sort we haven't seen since Timbermaw in vanilla. Bugs can be fixed (although shit like Goldmane still being broken pisses me off... I actually visited over a dozen servers yesterday trying to find one that had a non-bugged spawn, but NOPE.), my concern is with the stuff that was carefully designed to suck.

P.S. WoD has been out 2.5 weeks now and 90-100 takes at most 8-10 hours even without wasting your GR on dumb potions if you start out rested and know when to leave each zone for the next one for maximum efficiency. Even faster if you install Dugi or Zygor addons--which I didn't use on my DK main but I feel it's fair game on alts. The time consuming part is not the leveling, it's the going back and getting all the rares, treasures, and followers so that your garrison isn't completely worthless. That part, unfortunately, is quite the tedious slog, as is the gearing up to 630 process if you're not obscenely lucky and/or rich enough to just buy BoEs off the AH.

So left a couple rare missions figuring I'd go back. NOPE, lol. Admittedly I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention, but I could swear I have had some useless missions (10 hr level 100 exp only) sit in the log for days and days, yet the rares were gone much quicker it seemed.
Master Plan gives you a rough idea of how long a mission is likely to stay in your list, so that you know that you'd better just say fuck it and try at <100% rather than risk losing it entirely. It's the thing that says "Pending X/Y" when you open a mission. X is how long you've had it in your list, Y is how long it typically lasts.


<Bronze Donator>
WoD has been out 2.5 weeks now and 90-100 takes at most 8-10 hours even without wasting your GR on dumb potions if you start out rested and know when to leave each zone for the next one for maximum efficiency.
Do you just leave for the next zone as soon as possible? Are you not missing out on a lot of the garrison stuff?

Tried tanking with an alt and somehow it looks like I enjoy an MMO the most when I am playing with other players. I guess my goal this time around is to minimize questing and try to level mostly with dungeons.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yes, you focus on the bonus objectives which give massively more xp/time than questing and leave ASAP to keep gaining decent XP as you go. On the other topic, I can see the complaints about buggy shit but really I'm still enjoying my time at 100 and I'm only on one character there right now. I'm running CMs every day and making sure I'm raid ready on the 2nd while working on heroic achievements and other shit that I find fun and want to complete. The bugs are really disappointing but overall I'm having a blast and have nowhere near exhausted the content in front of me before raids open and I'm playing 6-8hrs a day right now.


Trakanon Raider
Used my boost on a rogue (got him to 60 first) and heard SUB is the best spec right now, is that true? (leveling as Ass because its so easy mode)


Silver Squire
Am I the only person that thinks work orders and crafting in general for this expansion is probably the worst ever? I love sitting around waiting for my garrison to give me bars I should be able to make for a week in order to make one item.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Am I the only person that thinks work orders and crafting in general for this expansion is probably the worst ever? I love sitting around waiting for my garrison to give me bars I should be able to make for a week in order to make one item.
The changes to tradeskills this expansion is probably the worst part about it. They have completely neutered any kind of tradeskill dependency and progression. I really like the expansion, but that part is my biggest complaint. Why even have tradeskills at this point?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sub is great on paper but very, very hard to pull off in practice. Most of the raiding rogues I know are playing combat, which pulls ahead of assassination on any fight that isn't purely single target(which is most of them).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do you just leave for the next zone as soon as possible? Are you not missing out on a lot of the garrison stuff?
SMV: 90-92. Leave as soon as you finish the quest that gives you Fiona as a follower, doing all the bonus objectives except the ones in the NW. FFR should be roughly the same, but I haven't leveled my BE paladin yet.

Gorgrond: 92-94. Leave when you get the book for the medium building blueprint and you've done all the bonus objectives. Be sure to pick up Blook and Tormmok in the southern area near the border to Talador. I do every one of the Monster Hunter achievement quest/kills too. Also, my hunter was actually 96 at the end of this step because of rested xp. Go to Assran when prompted to after getting your book, do the fedex quest there, and go pick up your follower/first bodyguard in the town.

SMV: 94-95. Short quest series in the NW. Also do the remaining bonus objectives in that area.

Talador: 94-96. Do at least the outpost series to the point where you get your BP book. Definitely do the Zangarra quests as well, since they are required to be done before you can do the legendary ring quest at 98. If you're somehow underleveled, you can also continue on to Auchindoun area and do the quest series that ends with you getting another follower (Alliance-Soulbinder Tuulani). Even if you leave early, you should pick up Pleasure Bot 4000, Ahm, and Defender Illona/Aeda Brightdawn first. Do the bonus objectives that are convenient.

Spires of Arak: 96-98. Bare minimum is doing the sequence that ends in Pinchwhistle after a flight back from the south in a sea plane. You get your BP book and your Salvage Yard BP, along with Kimzee Pinchwhistle as a follower. After you get her, head NW out of town and climb the cliffs above the cave nearby and pick up Leorajh the resto shaman follower/bodyguard. Always choose the Smuggler's Den here, and don't forget to check the vendor every 10 minutes for Ziri'ak, but whatever you do, DO NOT activate him as a follower before you have at least one other L99 follower from leveling them up normally. Do the bonus objectives that are convenient. Now you can either leave for Nagrand or (my preference) stick with Spires all the way through the end of the Arakkoa storyline. You get rep and the shadowpriest follower/bodyguard that way, and I've rolled into Nagrand already L100 on every character so far and feel it's best that way. Another thing--actually the most important thing--is if you don't have a dwarven bunker/war mill yet, do not even think about setting foot in Nagrand until you build one after hitting 100 and getting the rank 3 garrison.

Nagrand: 98-100. Or preferably, 100 to ilvl 610. If you take the tank, you've made a terrible mistake.

All three of my characters hit 100 in Spires easily. My hunter skipped Talador entirely because I was so overleveled due to rested xp, which is annoying because I still have to do it now.


Getting pure dps gear while trying to gear up a tank is super not fun at all. I miss dodge/parry and older itemization in general.


<Silver Donator>
Getting pure dps gear while trying to gear up a tank is super not fun at all. I miss dodge/parry and older itemization in general.

Wat? it's much easier for tanks right now because most stats are viable. There's still your 'best' stat but none of the other stats are so bad that you can't use the new 630 piece over some 600 shit (Unless you're a DK after trinkets)

I started tanking in crit/versatily/haste gear cause that's all I could get and it was just fine (even in challenge modes) until I was able to get bonus armor/multistrike shit after hours of farming.


Wat? it's much easier for tanks right now because most stats are viable. There's still your 'best' stat but none of the other stats are so bad that you can't use the new 630 piece over some 600 shit (Unless you're a DK after trinkets)

I started tanking in crit/versatily/haste gear cause that's all I could get and it was just fine (even in challenge modes) until I was able to get bonus armor/multistrike shit after hours of farming.
Upon closer inspection, i did not realize crit gave you some parry.