World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Versatility should be a tertiary stat, to be honest.
I would agree for most classes its benefits are so minor that its at best tertiary in desire. I think they tried to make it such a white bread safe stat that they wound up having it so undervalued everybody is pretty much disappointed getting gear with it.


Toe Sucker
pfft, make versatility increase all primary stats by x% that it already does for damage/damage reduction
theres versatility for you motherfucker blizzard~.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Market is flooded because everyone with an inscription building can make them.
I dumped my my inscription hut for a leather working hut to support my primary skill after I bought everything I needed for my paladin's trinket for like 8k.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well in the latest series of blue posts I see this.

Can you guys explain the logic behind versatility, given this? It seems to be simple a +betterer stat, and feels neither interesting or fun.
Yeah I'm not sure that we actually accomplished that goal TBH. We're trying to strike a balance between the goal above and also the goal that we have enough variety in items, but I think we wound up with more secondary stats than we really need. This will be something we continue to refine in the future.

So I think they have somewhat acknowledged they missed the mark with it. I think its either going to wind up getting axed or buffed as this expansion progresses. Not going to worry about it to much at the moment stuff like this is going to be tweaked tons of times before we get to the next expansion and it starts all over again.


I dumped my my inscription hut for a leather working hut to support my primary skill after I bought everything I needed for my paladin's trinket for like 8k.
Yeah I got my tank trink on the cheap also, I'm saving up the paint for the upgrade tarots now since they go for 125k for a weeks worth of cooldowns.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone having luck with follower missions yet? I got a 645 trinket and am about 3 hours from completing a 645 1h weapon on another mission. Was able to get 6 followers at or above ilvl 630 last week. Was a drag too because the WarMill got me, I think, 2 decent upgrades and the rest was armor scraps.


Toe Sucker
I've gotten a 645 chest, but lost a 645 neck this morning
I only had a 73% chance of success lol


French Madman
Currently running a mission for 645 boots with 99% chance of success.

Which is my first 630 mission after upgrading 4 dudes tonight.

Market is flooded because everyone with an inscription building can make them.
In this case, it's more of "a dumbass flooded the market all by himself and made the prices drop".

Out of ten tank trinkets currently on the AH, he is selling 6. And as soon as someone post one for lower than him, he relists all of them lower.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In this case, it's more of "a dumbass flooded the market all by himself and made the prices drop".

Out of ten tank trinkets currently on the AH, he is selling 6. And as soon as someone post one for lower than him, he relists all of them lower.
Yeah, it doesn't sound like it's a market-savvy person. But, someone else could buy his up and re-list slowly, maybe making 10% back on each. On our server, there is almost nothing on the AH for any slot. Real shame.


French Madman
Yeah, it doesn't sound like it's a market-savvy person. But, someone else could buy his up and re-list slowly, maybe making 10% back on each. On our server, there is almost nothing on the AH for any slot. Real shame.
Would have gladly done so, had I the cash hehe.

That's why I usualy hate playing the AH game. Sometime you just need a random dumbass to do something not thought out at all to ruin your market plans.


A Mod Real Quick
So I levelled up fishing to 700.. maybe because I'm green behind the ears a bit but it seems to be the most profitable of the "gathering" type.

Thinking of ditching herbalism altogether. Herbs at less than 1G each is not even worth your goddamn time since you have to walk everywhere.


So I levelled up fishing to 700.. maybe because I'm green behind the ears a bit but it seems to be the most profitable of the "gathering" type.

Thinking of ditching herbalism altogether. Herbs at less than 1G each is not even worth your goddamn time since you have to walk everywhere.
Herbs are my most purchased item. Herbalism is aids though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wish more people would post upgrade widgets on the AH instead of the base gear.


I played WoW last year right after SOO released and I don't remember there being much of substance other than kill celestials / clear SOO weekly. I don't know what you're expecting here -- what could Blizzard add to keep you entertained 4+ hours a day that isn't a ridiculous grind for their majority playerbase? Either the reward is trivial and you'd feel dumb "wasting your time" on it, or the reward would be serious, and the 90 percent of their players who don't play 4+ hours a day would be cranky.

I get your point: you want to play a fuckton and be rewarded for time spent. Do you really think that's Blizzard's design goal right now, though? Do you think it should be?
It's not about what they could add, it's about what they've taken away. Professions and reputations, two of the main things you could keep working at for a long time, are now essentially gone; one has been turned into a daily button and the other rewards nothing. They've also taken away any possible reason to continue running dungeons once you no longer need the gear, whereas you used to have plenty of reasons to do this for justice/valor. These are things they've taken away from the game without replacing them with anything comparable.
You guys are lucky as shit, I have 10 followers at 650ish ilvl and have yet to even see a mission rewarding higher than 630 gear.