World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Knight of the Realm
I hope you all realise that blizzard could quite easily balance the game, but they would have to actually split it between pvp and pve. I still think the reason they don't have different tunings in pve and pvp is because if pvp becomes balanced, it'll be stagnated and the players will probably be bored faster. Truly, if everyone had the same gear there they could tune it in such a way that it'll eventually be pretty balanced. But that would remove any incentive to pay a monthly subscription to hunt for new items, so they won't go that route.

Looking at how many sweeping changes they've made so far this expansion, I'd say to those asking what to roll: go with what you like. I doubt we'll know what class will be at the top once the next raid is released, since it all seems to be so fluid at the moment.

On another note, besides killing kargath on heroic (and winning bladefist + tanking cloak, fuck yeah!) I created my first raid of this expansion yesterday, a fresh normal highmaul with real life friends and such. Managed to kill 5 bosses and then wiped on ko'ragh a bit. That fight seems a mess because melee faggots cannot stay out of the middle when he starts 'praying'. I'm sure we can get it down tonight after I force them to watch the fatboss video but hey.

So far, I really like the pve content. Kinda wish I hadn't stepped down from my mythic guild now ._.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wait what? If I am reading this right you are happy with 12k aoe dps? AoE is easily 20k+ although I must say I enjoy the huge spikes in dps more than I do the constants. I had a war doing 8k the other day....8k....the tank was out dpsing him. I am not even sure how the fuck that happens. That being said, as others have mentioned, knowing the fights and interrupting as well as generally not being retarded is much better most of the time. I routinely kick hunters for pulling extra stuff with barrage It doesn't matter how good their dps is, because fuck them, I can make up their dps difference if we end up with a lower dps as long as they aren't like the warrior I mentioned.

Also, 17k is not high, should easy be 12k+ if not in the 15k range constantly, for most viable classes anyway. I haven't heard good things about spriests.
I guess i failed at quoting, but the context was "how high does my dps have to be to step into heroics", and yeah, 17k is pretty darn high for that.

12k is more than enough to finish up a heroic.


At no point in history has Blizzard understood how their classes perform and created any sort of balance.

Yes, Gladiator is popular; it's because the other two specs are utter shit. How about you try to fix the broken and worthless crap instead of nerfing the only viable spec?
Bloodthirst's damage has increased by 20%, and has an additional 40% chance to be a critical strike (up from 30%).
Execute's (Fury) damage has increased by 10%.
Raging Blow's damage has increased by 33%.
Wild Strike's damage has increased by 32%.

Arms still needs a boost, but this hotfix was pure fury buffs, no gladiator nerf.

Also, rogues lol.


Honestly the first time I ran a heroic I thought I was queued for a normal and didn't realize until I got the bonus at the end.

Really enjoying resto shaman after thinking sham was shit and playing lock to 100. Though it doesn't seem the ability squish hit rsham - I feel like I have a ridiculous amount of CDs and one-off abilities. 3 shocks that never really get used by the spec + the interrupt, spirit link, ascendance, and healing tide as big healing cds + mana stream on a 45 sec + nature's (fine 'ancestral') swiftness, spiritwalkers grace and windwalker totem, tremor totem, capacitor totem, searing totem on a 1 min, fire elemental totem on a few minutes, we still have chain lightning + bolt + burst for damage ... oh yeah and I have whatever totem reset ability on a 3 minute as well. And then we have the actual core abilities that you need to heal with (7 spells). Oh yeah, and the magic dispel, and hex. Ghost wolf too, but that's fun. I'm probably missing at least something, and I specifically spec for passives to compensate for my lack of skill in old age.

Now compare this to destro lock. There's havoc, fire and brimstone, and dark soul. And your damage suppression cooldown, fear, pet ability, death coil/shadowfury, portal. And really that's it, burning speed if you spec it, everything else (6 spells) is your core damage rotation. It was pretty shocking how many more abilities shaman has, like I can't easily hotkey them all in reachable places and this is after a 'squish'. They really have no idea what to do with the class IMO

edit: I was missing grounding totem and purge


Golden Knight of the Realm
For whatever reason, I played a Resto Druid for all of MoP and decided that shouldn't be my main for WoD. DK to 100, Pally to 100, puttered around on a mage, all to end up going back to my Druid. It is night and day the ability to heal vs. my paladin. I am not going to say paladins are bad, but I was definitely a mediocre paladin. The healing style didn't click for me.

I feel much more in control on the Druid right now and, for soloing, feral is ridiculous. I don't know what I was doing before, but outside of not having much AoE (screw you silver trial) I can lay out some serious single target damage and solo about anything once the healing touches get flowing through finishers.

Now I am just weeks behind again, but it shouldn't take long to gear up. Heroics are almost boring now due to everyone being more skilled and having much better gear, but that's ok.


<Silver Donator>
As a blood DK, this made me LOL:

They feel Blood Death Knights are using their magic too much and aren't using their weapon enough. They need to make them use their strikes again, but it likely won't be in the immediate future.

No shit really? Retards.


A Mod Real Quick
When they remove all of our strikes and leave us with what.. 1 strike? What are we supposed to do?

We used to have heart strike, runic strike, etc. Now we have Blood strike and I dump my runic power into death coil. They neutered us, essentially.


<Silver Donator>
Death strike you mean, and you're supposed to hold off on that till you get a good heal out of it!

So ya, lol at not using our weapon, no shit.

Still no effort to make other hunter specs viable. It's not that fucking hard people come on.


Blackwing Lair Raider
TY Brag never done so was wondering as a noob. Going to be interesting to see LFR on the last 2 and butcher even.

@Tenks you abandoned and left me alone, I am sofaken hurt and sad


Lord Nagafen Raider
QQ at the Hunter nerf, felt it last night for sure. On the plus side:

Follower Weapon and Armor enhancements can now stack up to 20.

Got My Mind On My Draenor Money now only requires looting 2,500 gold in Draenor (down from 10,000).

Those are great, think I'm like 200 gold or so off that achievement now, bring on the in garrison tmog shit.


A Mod Real Quick
Death strike you mean, and you're supposed to hold off on that till you get a good heal out of it!

So ya, lol at not using our weapon, no shit.

Still no effort to make other hunter specs viable. It's not that fucking hard people come on.
Yeah that's what I meant. I usually hit it when I'm in the 75-100% range, but sometimes I'll save it for emergencies. I don't even know what we are anymore!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TY Brag never done so was wondering as a noob. Going to be interesting to see LFR on the last 2 and butcher even.

@Tenks you abandoned and left me alone, I am sofaken hurt and sad
I apologized bro! I'll be on tonight. When the wife is throwing vag at you its hard to turn down to hang out with my internet friends

Also season 04 of The Wire is amazing and I can't stop watching it. Probably my favorite season so far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I apologized bro! I'll be on tonight. When the wife is throwing vag at you its hard to turn down to hang out with my internet friends

Also season 04 of The Wire is amazing and I can't stop watching it. Probably my favorite season so far.
Don't worry I was sent to fetch tomatoes and to buy headphones at best buy, you at least got the V and to watch The Wire.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
When I told her my best internet friend is a Cuban from Miami she told me to ask you for a roast pork recipe


Blackwing Lair Raider
When I told her my best internet friend is a Cuban from Miami she told me to ask you for a roast pork recipe
Sour oranges freshly squeezed, a shit load of garlic, cumin, oregano + 8 hours in the oven = Cuban pork shoulder


Toe Sucker
Have any mages tried fire since the couple buffs they got yesterday? It seems like the buffs to crit they got would help quite a bit at the lower gear levels.