World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I haven't had a problem with small raids(I prefer between 10-12) because its easier to ensure that every member pulls their weight and actually does fight mechanics, and every pug I've joined so far inviting people willy-nilly has gone bottoms up in record time because of DPS sitting at 12-13k on a heroic boss or that one healer who can't decide which spell to use next. I suppose if you had a raid full of people pulling adequate numbers fights like Tectus and Brackenspore(as mentioned above) would be easier, but a Mar'gok pull with just a couple of clueless people is a wipe very quickly.


Molten Core Raider
I haven't had a problem with small raids(I prefer between 10-12) because its easier to ensure that every member pulls their weight and actually does fight mechanics, and every pug I've joined so far inviting people willy-nilly has gone bottoms up in record time because of DPS sitting at 12-13k on a heroic boss or that one healer who can't decide which spell to use next. I suppose if you had a raid full of people pulling adequate numbers fights like Tectus and Brackenspore(as mentioned above) would be easier, but a Mar'gok pull with just a couple of clueless people is a wipe very quickly.
Yea I joined a pug Kor'agh and the RL's solution to wiping was "moar DPS!!!"... because clearly if the raid is getting blown up by people not spreading for Fire then adding 10 more people who likely do not know the fight will help so much!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
In my guild, we brought everyone who was heroic dungeon geared to heroic Highmaul the first week. We barely managed to get Bracken and Butcher down with 21 people.

This week we put the borderline underperformers on notice and didn't invite anyone who consistently underperformed. We brought our 14 best (and one trial) and went all the way to 14% on our last pull on heroic imperator. If we had just a handful more weapon drops, we'd be 7/7.

Oh and we only raid 6 hours a week.

At the end of the day, raiders fall into one of two categories: they make the fight easier or they make the fight harder. If you can manage to only invite the people who make it easier, you'll soar through heroic, even if (as a group) your gear is a little low. Our avg ilevel on our koragh kill (according to warcraftlogs) was 651.


Blackwing Lair Raider
In my guild, we brought everyone who was heroic dungeon geared to heroic Highmaul the first week. We barely managed to get Bracken and Butcher down with 21 people.

This week we put the borderline underperformers on notice and didn't invite anyone who consistently underperformed. We brought our 14 best (and one trial) and went all the way to 14% on our last pull on heroic imperator. If we had just a handful more weapon drops, we'd be 7/7.

Oh and we only raid 6 hours a week.

At the end of the day, raiders fall into one of two categories: they make the fight easier or they make the fight harder. If you can manage to only invite the people who make it easier, you'll soar through heroic, even if (as a group) your gear is a little low. Our avg ilevel on our koragh kill (according to warcraftlogs) was 651.
Same exact thing happened in the rerolled guild and you just cannot do Imperator with people who make mistakes. Once we trimmed down to 15 we went 7/7 and 6/7 heroic pretty easy, the DPS checks and mechanics are just unforgiving at our gear levels.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Low number raiding 10-12 is the new Mystic!! Okay maybe not that hard but honestly the scaling system just flat out don't work for low numbers. it is far easier to pug N/H with big numbers then it is to do run Highmaul with 10 people. Not even a DPS/HPS issue as I can promise you the dps in the 10 man group will out DPS/Heal everyone in the PUG but where the mechanics effect the same number of people no matter the raid size, the fights just become so much harder.
The problem pugging with low numbers is there is no room for error. Everybody has to be doing their job and doing it at least reasonably well. Get one or two schlubs and you either won't have the heals or won't have the DPS to succeed.


Tranny Chaser
Game is very "hardcore casual" friendly right now. I'm sitting at ilevel 645 having only killed one Normal raid mob (which dropped no loot) and otherwise geared via world boss, garrison followers, and tradeskills. Hell even the tradeskill stuff are things I made myself using only materials I gathered on one character and no AH purchases. If someone is willing to login periodically and do relatively small things you can do quite well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll be raiding as Fury this week. Now that I've seen all the fights I'll be interested to see if I can chart on DPS. I still don't think I'm that fantastically itemized for Fury but we'll see.


The thing about flex is that at some dps point, you do more dps by sitting in your garrison. If the boss goes up 3m when we invite you, if you can't put out 3m dps, the highest dps button you can press is 'leave group'.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If I go to the ring quest dude he can give me the DPS ring as well, right? So I can have both in my bags at once?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
If I go to the ring quest dude he can give me the DPS ring as well, right? So I can have both in my bags at once?
He'll sell you the DPS ring, not give you. You can have both, but (despite having different names) only equip one.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I assumed they were unique equipped. Guess I'll have to cough up to dough to that fucker.


<Silver Donator>
Just how much DPS are you required to pull (per person) for normal Imperator?
Imperator is not exactly a DPS check, more of a retard check due to the amount of mechanics you have to account for.
It's not a race by any means, outside of trying to get the adds down quick in the transition phase and the soft enrage of 'oh fuck too much shit everywhere' in P4.
By that point anyway your average DPS should be pulling between 18 and 20k depending on class.
Good DPS will be around 23-25k.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That seems pretty reasonable damage wise I pull like 14-16k or more if I can aoe with my druid and I am sorely in need of a good weapon upgrade and some upgrades to versatility heavy gear.


Haven't gone for Imperator yet; my guild is 'hardcore casual' and we raid twice a week. Last thursday was pretty much doing/learning Twin Ogron. They were a pain in the ass.

Having said that, I'm still healing as a Disc Priest and, it's challenging in this raid due to all the raid damage. The only time I pulled numbers first was Kargath because of the impale mechanic.

Disc priests with single target shielding/healing not a good option for high raid wide damage imho. Druids were beating me left and right with aoes.


But very very situational. Most fights these days everybody is running around to positions like crazy, with changes to Cascade and Prayer of Mending (adding a casting time) it's also sometimes difficult to raid heal when you have to move