World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
What do you mean? Pretty much everyone on my friends list that was playing or returned are still playing -- got a pretty varied group of friends, ranging from working through mythic to doing god knows what off in old content. I'm still entertained by pugging heroics and doing normal with my uber-casual guild.

I'm curious as to when 6.1 deploys -- I can probably handle another month of Highmaul but that's going to be pushing it.
The blackrock foundry is going to drop before 6.1 from what the devs were saying and it sounded like we would see that sometime january or early feb so not to long of a wait for another big content drop of stuff even before 6.1.


Molten Core Raider
When I read a post like axeman's, I am left with the impression that some people want 4+ hours of shit to do a day in their MMO or they won't be satisfied. And no MMO satisfies them. Correlation?

I don't think people understand that the more relevent shit one can do in a day to progress, the larger the gap is between people who play hours a day and people who don't. I'm not making some moralistic argument that playing WoW 4+ hours a day is bad... I'm just saying, that really isn't Blizzards demographic and it sure as fuck isn't mine. I am happy to do some garrison chores and raid at my own pace and feel like I'm "keeping up". I also do understand that people who want to play more aggresively do not feel like their time is rewarded.

It's a tough spot between Heroic/Mythic, I guess?


Blackwing Lair Raider
My solution to wanting more to do was to roll more characters.
Def fun to have alts in this with how easy it is to raid. Its an annoying spot between heroics and mythics if you dont want the full raid schedule, luckily a lot of guilds it seems like are fine doing 2 days a week and some are 6/7 Mythic. Hists friends who run the guild were probably going to are casual as well but have scheduled mythic for a couple of days which is nice if you want to see that content.


Vyemm Raider
Heroic is just the old normal so clearing it the second time through isn't exactly a monumental task - especially the intro raid to the expansion with only 7 bosses. Farm it and work towards some of the easier mythic bosses, only two of them are true anal bleeders.

But he's right about heroic dungeons swiftly being useless - that's a big change. And not really one I mind all that much because holy shit did they get stale in MOP. Still, they are a bit too useless right now. They need more than the 50 resources. Bring back dungeon factions?

But if you are dying to poopsock, pull up a bucket and work some factions. Holy shit at that grind.

I'm already leveling an alt for the extra trade cooldown / pokemon management.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I need a faction at exalted for my tradepost upgrade. I just have like 0 motivation for it though. I'm about 3000 into revered on frost wolf. Would it be faster to grind that to exalted or faster to grind steamwheedle from friendly?


Vyemm Raider
I put off that shit for something to do when I have way better gear. But you can try grinding it in a raid when it's a daily area.


Ashran voljin spear rep goes pretty quick if you turn in artifact frags from farming mobs. Comes with the added bonus of tons of honor points and the occasional conquest point hit from major objectives around the map.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I need a faction at exalted for my tradepost upgrade. I just have like 0 motivation for it though. I'm about 3000 into revered on frost wolf. Would it be faster to grind that to exalted or faster to grind steamwheedle from friendly?
I did steamwheedle, killed rares and watched for chests while I was farming mobs for feasts in Nagrand (and when I camped for the rare mounts and dailies for stables when I had it). Was not a grind really at all, if you don't care about it taking some time just do a loop or 2 around the rare spawn points every day or grab a group for 30 minutes or something. That rep goes pretty quick.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was suprised to not see a timeless isle setting ready at release. I was under the impression blizz said during MoP they knew how successfull it is and wanted the samething for WoD. I just tought itd be in already.

That said, am perfectly fine with the tuning of this expension and garrison mobile play. People on this board keep saying how normal is a snooze fest since its tuned has the old flex difficulty. Yet, lemme tell you that shit is the absolute opposite of free loot if you're a pugger. I cant keep up with the raid schedual of any serious guilds so am left pugging. The amount of players who abused sniffing glue in their teens is astonishing and it truly shows in fights like Bracken, who for the second week in a row my raid couldnt down.


Vyemm Raider
I managed 6/7 H solo pugging but that required superhuman levels of patience.

You learn pretty quick to spot raids that have absolutely no chance (clueless leadership) vs those that just need to kick a few people to get things rolling.

Guild run vs full pug seems to make little difference. A guild run can just mean they are loaded with fucking horribles that they won't kick.

Also, I'm a hunter so I can take care of special mechanics where needed. It's like being a third tank.


Molten Core Raider
Guild run vs full pug seems to make little difference. A guild run can just mean they are loaded with fucking horribles that they won't kick.

Also, I'm a hunter so I can take care of special mechanics on most fights. It's like being a third tank.
ROFL, too true.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was suprised to not see a timeless isle setting ready at release. I was under the impression blizz said during MoP they knew how successfull it is and wanted the samething for WoD. I just tought itd be in already.

That said, am perfectly fine with the tuning of this expension and garrison mobile play. People on this board keep saying how normal is a snooze fest since its tuned has the old flex difficulty. Yet, lemme tell you that shit is the absolute opposite of free loot if you're a pugger. I cant keep up with the raid schedual of any serious guilds so am left pugging. The amount of players who abused sniffing glue in their teens is astonishing and it truly shows in fights like Bracken, who for the second week in a row my raid couldnt down.
Well if you find the loot boxes and items scattered in all the zones especially in areas like nagrand they can upgrade to purples with a high enough ilevel to enter raids. That pretty much fills the roll the timeless isle did and if you have a dwarven bunker active before doing negrand you can pretty much skip dungeon running if you want.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've left my clueless guild with some core friends and made a tiny 5 person guild to just hit raids with pugs. Within a week we've been able to clear to 6/7 H with basically no drama and unlimited class versatility. It's really too bad that we can't use this functionality for mythic.


Apparently wanting it to be possible to play for more than an hour a day and still have something to do to progress is now poopsocking.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If you have nothing left to do in WoW right now, you're poopsocking. Just embrace it.


Molten Core Raider
Apparently wanting it to be possible to play for more than an hour a day and still have something to do to progress is now poopsocking.
Don't be all salty like that -- its okay to wanna be hardcore as fuck but seriously if you want to go ham on WoW you either compete for top 1 percent PVP or mythic raid. You're doing some semi-hardcore semi-casual route and bitching that you can't play "more than an hour a day"... its weird to me. Why aren't you progressing on mythic if you want to go so hard?


Vyemm Raider
I'm playing exactly as much as I want to play, and I'm liking it.

Granted, I did add an alt rogue into the mix because cloak & dagger is so fun and it's easily my second favorite class with the combo point change.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Faction changing a max level character breaks a bunch of shit in garrison, the quests don't reset properly (I still can't make a new outpost in Spires or Talador), and rerolls all your followers which will ruin all the ones you have gotten from the inn and probably won't do your other ones any favors either. All in all, it's a really shitty experience considering how much they charge for how little effort they have put into making it a smooth transition.
This druid I'd be switching is a lvl 70 druid from BC era.