World War Z


Even though..

Mr. Pitt's character said "This isnt the end".

I seriously hope it does well and there are more made.
I just meant by...

How other zombie movies generally everyone just dies and there is like zero hope of civilization surviving etc. I like how this one they were actually trying to figure stuff out...and although they didn't find a 'cure' they found a way to hopefully eventually overcome the zombies by making themselves 'invisible' to the zombies to fight back easier.

I hope it does well too though, as I think a sequel could be interesting.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually thought I would chime back in with something I just remembered. There was one point in the movie that was so ridiculous, even for a zombie movie, that it completely destroyed my immersion and it took me like 10-15 minutes to get back into the movie.

When the fucking zombies start climbing the wall in Israel. I mean you seriously don't have a single fucking person watching the external walls? What the fuck. Or you do sort of have someone watching, which is how you were able to have troops heading there to respond to the attack, but you don't have anyone on top of the walls, you don't make that crowd stop singing as soon as you realize the zombies are piling up? Just completely fucking terrible.


Silver Squire
Fun movie. Brooks' source material gets trampled on, but I was entertained as hell for 2 hours.


Gunnar Durden
I thought there was alot of good, some silly parts, and IMHO the best parts of the movie were in the first 3/4s.


Not the WWZ movie we all want, but a damn good zombie movie.

LOVED how cold the Ships captain was. Wish we could have seen more of the moscow battles and other fighting back in the montage at the end.


Our family really enjoyed it over all. The whole theater was engaged and there was applause at the end. The zombies themselves were pretty awesome. The best one was the black chick they had prisoner lol hope she is in the sequel! On the down side, I didn't really feel like there was any chemistry between Brad and the wife and kids. Their interaction with each other seemed kinda phoney and forced so I never really cared if they lived or not. At any rate, I might read the book now.


Haven't read the book but thought it was a great thriller. Just what a thriller should be. It'd be great to have a squeal as a lot of story is set up to be explored more.

The only eye roll moment for me was the plane crash.I lol'd when the dude slipped and owned himself with a bullet to the brain


Blackwing Lair Raider
As someone who read the books quite some time ago, will I be very angry when I go and see this or will I be able to enjoy it?


Mr. Poopybutthole
As someone who read the books quite some time ago, will I be very angry when I go and see this or will I be able to enjoy it?
The only thing it has in common with the book is the fact that there are zombies. So just tell yourself it's actually called 'Brad Pitt vs the Zombies' and not WWZ and you'll be fine.


<Prior Amod>
I feel like a hipster when I read this thread. I said "Go into this pretending it's not called World War Z" and you'll enjoy it and I was torn apart for it, MONTHS ago.

Now? Everyones who's seen it is saying the same damn thing.


Gunnar Durden
I feel like a hipster when I read this thread. I said "Go into this pretending it's not called World War Z" and you'll enjoy it and I was torn apart for it, MONTHS ago.

Now? Everyones who's seen it is saying the same damn thing.
I was right there with you.

There are many similarities. North Korea. Israeli wall and the 9/10 man rule. Spread by organ trade. At the end there were guyus swinging lobos.

I really wish it had a different name because book fans are going to miss out on a good flick because of them being upset.


Just watched it today due to the massive power outages in Minnesota. It was okay. I kept waiting for it either to be interesting, entertaining, or show me something I have not seen a million times. It really didn't happened. It's a father providing for his family during a time of crisis with tired, melodramatic elements. But, I did enjoy it more than anything The Walking Dead TV has produced, so it's not devoid of value.

The most surprising or unique element of the movie was the neurologist accidentally killing himself. It was all pretty much down hill from there.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Great popcorn flick.

Not surprised to see the usual Debbie Downers in here hating on it.


A Mod Real Quick
Just saw this. Actually I didn't. Apparently I saw a different movie than everyone in this fucking thread. The movie was slow, boring, highly predictable, and some of the main characters lucky moments reminded me of 2012. In case you need further clarification: this movie sucked black dick.

Pg13 rating also made a laughable movie even more shitty. You can tell the moments they had to cut for the rating and it really took away from the movie. How are we supposed to take a Zombie movie seriously when we barely see a drop of blood?

Save your money, this movie is a piece of shit. Has nothing to do with me liking the book, as I went in knowing it wasn't the book. They had a lot of room to make a good movie and they failed in every regard.


Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was the Roland Emmerich (Independence day, Day After Tomorrow, 2012) of zombie movies, and had zero gore. If you're expecting anything even close to the book, prepare to be disappointed.


Gunnar Durden
Just saw this. Actually I didn't. Apparently I saw a different movie than everyone in this fucking thread. The movie was slow, boring, highly predictable, and some of the main characters lucky moments reminded me of 2012. In case you need further clarification: this movie sucked black dick.

Pg13 rating also made a laughable movie even more shitty. You can tell the moments they had to cut for the rating and it really took away from the movie. How are we supposed to take a Zombie movie seriously when we barely see a drop of blood?

Save your money, this movie is a piece of shit. Has nothing to do with me liking the book, as I went in knowing it wasn't the book. They had a lot of room to make a good movie and they failed in every regard.
Yes, Blood is what made Night of the Living Dead the standard. Gotta have blood. Blood is clearly key to a good movie.

How can you say this was SLOW? If anything they rushed everything.


Trakanon Raider
As a non book reader I loved it. Sure, making it rated r would have made it alot better but this is the first zombie movie were I felt somewhat engaged in the plot. There were some laughable moments but overall it ranks up there on my zombie movie list.