X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


Trump's Staff
If they make his eyes solid yellow It wont be that bad. Right now though, without the demonic eyes, he looks about as fierce as a live action my pet monster.


Potato del Grande
Is this other blue one also going to bang Jennifer Lawence IRL and take pictures of her?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm getting a strong Andrew Garfield vibe from that picture. I know it's not him, but it looks like him. Which means it looks like jean ralphio by proxy.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It doesn't have to be the same actor. Nightcrawler wasn't cool because Cummings was a great actor. His talking scenes were more obligatory than anything.

And yeah, nightcrawler's ability to teleport is great vs other mutants. I'd put him squarely in the middle of the other Xmen in terms of capability. His teleportation is the kind of asymmetrical ability that you can use to make him immensely powerful or simply defeat with quick reflexes. Can Logan's (or any other xmen really) reaction time and sensory abilities detect and react to Nightcrawler's teleportation? Depends on the writer I suppose.

He was great in XMen 2 because his look and skillset was executed perfectly. .
Or the fact that Jean showed they could easily kill or controll him, he also wasnt a scared mutant that had time to layer his hair


Bronze Squire
I think marvel is trying to start there new thing with the whole Inhuman shit. It sucks tho, I wish they weren't dumb enough to sell off all there franchises in the first place.
I don't think we get the MCU we have today if Marvel doesn't get the influx of cash-flow that selling some of their franchises got them.


Sparkletot Monger
At the same time, they can't be expected to provide free promotion for other movie studios films.

They can't even say "mutants" in their movies. It's no wonder they are rebooting the whole thing. Can't keep pretending half the world doesn't exist.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Keep in mind that this next X-Men movie is set during the 80's, so Nightcrawler being an emo Flock of Seagulls is in line.

That being said, they should have just left him out entirely, leave us our X Men 2 memories.


Avatar of War Slayer
Keep in mind that this next X-Men movie is set during the 80's, so Nightcrawler being an emo Flock of Seagulls is in line.

That being said, they should have just left him out entirely, leave us our X Men 2 memories.
except, he should be in a monastery. quicksilver being decked out in the fashion the times, makes sense. Kurt should be a monk, up until he joins the X-men.

and yeah, Teleporting is pretty OP really. you saw kurt in x2, you saw Azazel in First class, and even Blink in Days of Future past.

I would have left him out. while a key X-man... yeah. he WAS already done well. No need to bring him back to mess it up.
If they even try to touch on Mystique being his mom, its going to come out HORRIBLE.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They are definitely going 80's as hell on this.

Now if they can just get Christian Slater to show up.



Lord Nagafen Raider
That's what I get for only having read older X-Men consistently, I remember Nightcrawler being somewhat low-powered in the scheme of things. Teleporting is my super power of choice on the rare occasion that topic comes up so I'm all for more of it if they can make it look decent.


Cummings refused to do the character again because of the time spent in make up. He thought it was a colossal pain in the ass and moved on to other things.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Jubilee = Dazzler
New generation. PC thing I saw it as, new way to get racial coverage. Ok with that idea, but her character is just annoying!

Difference between Mutants vs all other "Powered" non-mutant characters, the comic universe's general public on how they see those 'Powered' characters. While non-mutant comics have Villains, the general populate looks to those to save them. Mutant world the population is one of the villains to the Heros/antiheroes. Its the population that doesnt fit in the marvel universe and not the superhumans. This is soo odd to see when reading between the different comic books. I stopped reading many of them and stayed with one side.



Avatar of War Slayer
That's what I get for only having read older X-Men consistently, I remember Nightcrawler being somewhat low-powered in the scheme of things. Teleporting is my super power of choice on the rare occasion that topic comes up so I'm all for more of it if they can make it look decent.
he's op.
He also suffers from ability so OP, he can never actually use it, or it would solve 99% of all problems in 30seconds.
And there is admittedly the issue of him being such a devout Catholic. so, teleporting his hand into your chest and ripping your heart out is something he rarely does.
Teleporters tend to get reduced to "magic schoolbus" in practical use. Both, because that is actually one of the reasons a teleporter is totally OP, and because in combat using teleportation would be op. ever play any mmo with blinks, teleports, etc?

kindof like Kitty Pryde's who's powers in the comics are also kindof powerwanked out of control.

Jubilee = Dazzler
New generation. PC thing I saw it as, new way to get racial coverage. Ok with that idea, but her character is just annoying!
And did we find the one person that doesn't love Jubilee?

Jubilee=Second best Robin


Yes shes a vampire now.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah vampire jubilee is the dumbest thing that ever happened to an already questionable character.

I like Dazzler, I played the shit out of her in the old X-Men arcade game because Nightcrawler was always already taken.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, it would have been one thing if it was making avengers money, but it didn't. I can't really blame him for stepping it when he did


<Prior Amod>
Yeah vampire jubilee is the dumbest thing that ever happened to an already questionable character.

I like Dazzler, I played the shit out of her in the old X-Men arcade game because Nightcrawler was always already taken.
Don't forget, somehow out of the bluest of blue thin air, Jubilee all of a sudden has a baby with her. Not just any baby, nope, this random baby also happens to be asian. She has adopted this baby, who turns out to be
future iron man, and gets to spend time w/ mommy cuz she dead in the future