
Mr. Poopybutthole
Quick math update, it's been known for a while but I never got around to posting it here. Do not build power relays on conduits unless you've already built both the shadow chamber and the psi lab. You only get 7 extra power. You get the exact same amount of power by building a comm relay on a conduit, you get 9 free power for building a shadow chamber and 10 if you build a psi lab on a conduit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Capnbubs accessory pack - strictly cosmetic, pretty cool stuff

Evac All - adds a button that evacs everyone in an evac zone at once

Numeric health display - dont have to count how much health a sectopod has anymore

Stop wasting my time - possibly redundant with the new zip mode or whatever it's called

Quiet bradford - shuts bradford up in retaliation missions

always show shot breakdown - makes shot percentage window open by default

Annette, Zhang, and Deadpool voice packs

True concealment - timer doesn't start until you break concealment but you have fewer turns once you do break it (still makes concealment much more powerful since you can take as much time as you want setting up your first engagement)

Skulljack and Emp tweaks - makes skulljack give more hacking and changes emp grenades

Hack Plus - removes +20 random hacking reward and instead gives you +hacking for every successful hack (might be overkill on top of the skulljack mod)

Grimy's Loot mod - adds diablo style randomly generated weapons with unique upgrades. Also removes the third weapon upgrade slot from continent bonuses and turns it into a proving ground project. Pretty fun, not entirely balanced.

Rename secondary weapon - Necessary for Grimy's loot mod


Mr. Poopybutthole
Love some of the voice packs people have rolled out. Bender saying 'technology shall taste the lash of the hickory switch' when he goes on overwatch cracks me up.



Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I got the Zapp Brannigan voice pack. Good to hear there's a good bender/fry one too. Voices for my custom Futurama soldiers, yay!

Also, it seems as if Beagle, with the help of some other guys, is well on his way to making a solid shot at a Long War package. Watched some of his stream last night, looks like good stuff! Although he spends entirely too much time fucking with his soldiers' visual customizations.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I started a new game and I did that mission with Deadpool the Ranger, Hermes 'Eleven Inch' Conrad the Sharpshooter, Turanga Leela the Specialist, Bender 'Bending' Rodriguez the Infantryman, and Phillip 'Fry' Fry the Shock Trooper. The last two are modded classes obviously. Also playing with a rebalanced Ranger mod which rearranges the perk tree and buffs the everliving fuck out of swords, which they need to compete with shotguns. Need a nickname for Leela, maybe 'Wingnut' from the steroid episode, but it seems kinda lame.

Amusingly enough, part of the shock trooper's abilities revolve around a reusable (but much much smaller aoe) flamethrower. Fry fries em all!


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I think my Zoidberg is John "Gumbercules" Zoidberg. Just because I fucking love that line.

"Gumbercules? I love that guy!"

And Cloberella is great too. I think I'm gonna stick to One-Eye just because there are eyepatch (and other similar) customizations. My Rickety Cricket has an eyepatch and facial burn scars, its great.


Molten Core Raider

Speaking of. I need a Star Trek team, complete with 1 Rookie Redshirt for each mission that says "Fuck you, Jait" when I cursor over him and it only gets worse from there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah either Big Z or The Zapper. God I'm ashamed at how much Futurama I've forgotten, time to binge!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Increased detection range + reduced stealth mission time is one hell of a fucking double whammy


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wish I'd taken the screenshot with my phone because every time I try to use print screen it just gives solid black. Anyway, just had a new first. Completed an alien facility raid and in the after mission summary, my hit percentage was -- because I never fired a shot. lol